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8th Engineering and 2nd International Conference for College of Engineering

University of Baghdad 24–25 November / 2021

Sentiment Analysis in Arabic Language using

Machine Learning: Iraqi Dialect Case Study

Dr. Wameedh N. Flayyih

Hussein A. Nasrullah
Mohammed A. Nasrullah

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8th Engineering and 2nd International Conference for College of Engineering
University of Baghdad 24–25 November / 2021

11/7/2021 2
8th Engineering and 2nd International Conference for College of Engineering
University of Baghdad 24–25 November / 2021


 Sentiment analysis is an application of natural language processing.

 The rapid growth of using social network increases the importance of natural
language processing

 This work:
o applies machine learning approaches for sentiment analysis of the Iraqi
o extracts sentiments associated with positive or negative polarities
o considering the movies review comments as a case study.

11/7/2021 2
8th Engineering and 2nd International Conference for College of Engineering
University of Baghdad 24–25 November / 2021

11/7/2021 3
8th Engineering and 2nd International Conference for College of Engineering
University of Baghdad 24–25 November / 2021

11/7/2021 3
8th Engineering and 2nd International Conference for College of Engineering
University of Baghdad 24–25 November / 2021

Simple example of data classification

11/7/2021 3
8th Engineering and 2nd International Conference for College of Engineering
University of Baghdad 24–25 November / 2021


 1189 movies reviews on Cinemana application

 The dataset was manually extracted and cleaned.
 Almost reviews in Arabic language - Iraqi dialects.
 Each review was labeled as either positive or negative
 Dataset was split into 70% for training and 30% for testing with 10-
fold cross validation.

11/7/2021 2
8th Engineering and 2nd International Conference for College of Engineering
University of Baghdad 24–25 November / 2021

11/7/2021 2
8th Engineering and 2nd International Conference for College of Engineering
University of Baghdad 24–25 November / 2021


11/7/2021 2
8th Engineering and 2nd International Conference for College of Engineering
University of Baghdad 24–25 November / 2021

Text Vectorization

 TF-IDF is a typical method to convert text to numerical vector

 TF-IDF stands for “Term Frequency — Inverse Document
 It depends on the number of times the word appears in the sentence and
in the document,
 Term Frequency depends on the number of times the word appears in the
sentence (review).
 Document Frequency depends on the number of times the word appears in the
sentence (all dataset)

11/7/2021 2
8th Engineering and 2nd International Conference for College of Engineering
University of Baghdad 24–25 November / 2021


 Multinomial Naïve Bayes (MNB)

 Support Vector Machine (SVM)

 k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)

 Logistic Regression (LR)

 Proposed hybrid classifiers

11/7/2021 2
8th Engineering and 2nd International Conference for College of Engineering
University of Baghdad 24–25 November / 2021


11/7/2021 2
8th Engineering and 2nd International Conference for College of Engineering
University of Baghdad 24–25 November / 2021


11/7/2021 2
8th Engineering and 2nd International Conference for College of Engineering
University of Baghdad 24–25 November / 2021

Thank for listening

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