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Mobile Computing – Mobile Network Layer

MNL provides protocol enhancement that allows

transparent routing of IP datagrams to mobile nodes
in the internet.
Moves data into and through other networks.
Routes packets from the source host to the destination
Translates logical network address into physical address
Provides network layer flow control, network layer error
control & packet sequence control.
Breaks larger packets into smaller packets.

Motivation for Mobile IP
Based on IP destination address, network prefix (e.g.
129.13.42) determines physical subnet
Change of physical subnet implies change of IP address
to have a topological correct address (standard IP) or
needs special entries in the routing tables
Specific routes to end-systems
Change of all routing table entries to forward packets to
the right destination
Changing the IP-address
Adjust the host IP address depending on the current
Requirements to Mobile IP
Mobility should remain invisible for many higher layer protocols and applications.
Higher layers should continue to work even if the mobile computer has changed its
attachment to the network.
Mobile IP has to be integrated into existing O.S.
Mobile IP has to remain compatible with all lower layers
End-systems should be able to communicate with fixed systems.
Mobile IP has to ensure that users can still access all other servers.
Authentication of all registration messages
IP layer should guarantee that the IP address of the receiver is correct.
Efficiency and scalability
Enhancing IP for mobility must not generate too many new messages flooding the
Mutiple devices, vehicles etc have IP implementation and they require mobile IP.

Entities & Terminology
Mobile Node (MN) - System (node) that can change the point of
connection to the network without changing its IP address
 E.g laptop, mobile phone, router
Correspondent Node (CN) – communication partner – fixed or
mobile node
Home Network (HN) – MN belongs to Home Network with
respect to IP address.
Foreign Network (FN) – visitor network for the MN
Foreign Agent (FA)- acts as a default router for the MN when
MN visits foreign network.
Care-of Address (COA)- defines the current location of the MN.
 IP packets sent to the MN are delivered to the COA
 COA marks the tunnel endpoint

Entities & Terminology
Care-of Address (COA)
Two possibilities:
 Foreign agent COA:
 COA is located at the FA , i.e COA is an IP address of the FA

 The FA is the tunnel endpoint and forwards packets to the MN

 Co-located COA:
 COA is co-located if the MN temporarily acquired an

additional IP address which acts as COA.

Home Agent (HA)- provides services for the MN and
it is located in the home network
Tunnel for packets toward the MN starts at the HA

Mobile IP Example Network

Data Transfer to the mobile system

Data Transfer from the mobile system

Packet Delivery to and from the mobile

Network Integration
Agent Advertisement
HA and FA periodically send advertisement messages into their physical
MN listens to these messages and detects, if it is in the home or a foreign
network (standard case for home network)
MN reads a COA from the FA advertisement messages
MN signals COA to the HA via the FA, HA acknowledges via FA to MN
these actions have to be secured by authentication
HA advertises the IP address of the MN (as for fixed systems), i.e. standard
routing information
routers adjust their entries, these are stable for a longer time (HA responsible
for a MN over a longer period of time)
packets to the MN are sent to the HA,
independent of changes in COA/FA

Agent Discovery
Mobile Node (MN) needs to discover where it has moved
i.e it has to find its foreign agent
Two methods used
Agent advertisement
 In this foreign agents and home agents advertise their presence
periodically using special agent advertisement messages.
 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) messages are used
 Routers advertise their routing service periodically to the attached
Agent solicitation
 In this MN tries to search for FA by sending solicitation
(pinging/polling) messages

Agent Advertisement
Agent advertisement packet – according to RFC 1256
(Request for Comments)
Upper part represent the ICMP packet
Type – set to 9, code – set to 0, if agent routes traffic
from non mobile nodes. Code- set to 16 if agent does not
route anything else other than mobile traffic.
#addresses – denoted number of addresses advertised
with the packet
Lifetime – denoted the length of time the advertisement
is valid
 Preference – helps a node to choose the router
 lower part is the extension needed for mobility.
Agent Advertisement
Lower part of the packet – takes care of mobility
Type – set to 16
Length – depends on the number of COAs provided with
the message
Sequence number – shows total number of advertisements
sent since initialization.
Registration lifetime – agent specifies the maximum
lifetime in seconds a node can request during registration.
R – shows if registration with agent is needed or not, B –
shows if the agent is busy , H & F – indicates if its home or
foreign agent, M & G – specify method of encapsulation M-
minimal encapsulation, G – generic routing encapsulation.
r-to specify header compression (0), T – reverse tunnel

Agent advertisement

Agent Solicitation
If no agent advertisements are available, the MN sends
agent solicitations.
MN sends three solicitations, one per second, as soon
as it enters a new network
Dynamic nature of wireless networks and mobility of
MNs one second delay could also lead to delay.
Multiple solicitation messages may flood the network

Having received COA, MN has to register with the HA
Registration is required to inform the HA of the current
location for correct forwarding of packets.
Two ways of registration
COA at FA
 FA forwards the request to HA
COA at HA
 MN directly contacts HA
Mobility Binding – Registration
Lifetime of the registration negotiated during the
registration process
MN should register before expiration


Mobile IP Registration Request

Registration Reply

Registration Reply Codes - Example

Tunneling & Encapsulation
Tunnel: It establishes a virtual pipe for data packets
between a tunnel entry and a tunnel endpoint.
It is achieved by using encapsulation.
Encapsulation: It is the mechanism of taking a
packet consisting of packet header and data and
putting it into the data part of a new packet.
Decapsulation: taking a packet out of the data part
of another packet
Encapsulation & decapsulation is performed when a
packet is transferred from a higher protocol layer to a
lower layer.

IP Encapsulation

Encapsulation I (IP –in – IP encapsulation)

IP –in – IP encapsulation
Ver – version 4, IPV4
IHL – internet header length (length of outer header) – 32 bits
DS(TOS) – differentiated services – type of service – copied from
the inner header
length – length of encapsulated packet
TTL – time to leave (must be high for the packet to reach tunnel
IP-in-IP – type of protocol used in IP protocol
checksum – for error correction
IP address of HA – tunnel entry as source address
COA – tunnel exit as destination address
Inner Header – same fields as outer header
IP address of CN- original sender
IP address of MN – receiver MN of the packet

Encapsulation II (Minimal Encapsulation)

Minimal Encapsulation
Drawback of IP-in-IP encapsulation
Several fields are redundant
Minimal Encapsulation
Address of the MN is needed
Only applicable for un fragmented packets
S – if it is set, the original sender address of the CN is
No field for fragmentation offset is left in the inner

Generic Routing Encapsulation
Drawback of IP-in-IP & Minimal Encapsulation
Both work only for IP
GRE supports other network protocols also
It allows encapsulation of packets of one protocol suite
into the payload portion of a packet of another suite.

Generic Routing Encapsulation

Generic Routing Encapsulation
Outer header
standard IP header with HA as source address & COA as destination address.
GRE header
C- indicates checksum, if C is set – checksum field contains a valid IP
R – indicates if routing fields are present, if R is set – contains fields for
source routing.
Key – used for authentication
S- sequence number field – used for decapsulator to restore packet order. s –
indicates strict source routing is used.
rec- recursion control – distinguishes GRE from IP-in-IP & minimal
rsv- fields are 0 and ignored
ver-version field contains 0 for GRE version.
Inner header

Optimization of Packet Forwarding
Drawback of normal routing (Triangular
Sender (CN) sends all packets via HA to MN
 E.g 2 nodes belonging to different country trying to send data
 higher latency & network load
Inform CN of the current location of the MN
 CN stores information in its binding cache – in its routing
HA informs CN of the location of MN

Optimization messages
Binding request:
CN sends binding request to HA
HA reveals the binding update back to CN
Binding update:
Message from HA to CN contains the fixed IP address of the
Binding update requests for acknowledgement
Binding acknowledgement:
CN sends a acknowledgement after receiving a binding update
Binding warning:
HA sends warning message to inform CN if the binding has
become stale (i.e when communicating agent is not present)
Change of Foreign Agent

Reverse Tunneling

Mobile IP with Reverse Tunneling
Reverse Tunneling takes care of the following issues:
Firewall: Allows packets with topologically correct
addresses to pass
 Provides protection against misconfigured systems of
unknown addresses.
Multi-cast: allows MN to participate in a multicast
 Well defined group of addresses (belonging to HA)
TTL: since TTL is short, packet received by HA will be
delivered faster than packet getting sent directly from
MN to CN

Mobile IP & IPv6
Mobile IP was developed for IPv4, but IPv6 simplifies the protocols
Security is integrated and not an add-on, authentication of registration is
COA can be assigned via auto-configuration, every node has address
No need for a separate FA, all routers perform router advertisement which
can be used instead of the special agent advertisement
 Addresses are always co-located
MN can signal directly to COA/CN, sending via HA not needed in this
case (automatic path optimization)
Soft hand-over, i.e. without packet loss, between two subnets is supported
 MN sends the new COA to its old router
 The old router encapsulates all incoming packets for the MN and forwards them to

the new COA

 Authentication is always granted

Problems with mobile IP
Authentication with FA problematic, for the FA typically
belongs to another organization
No protocol for key management and key distribution
has been standardized in the Internet
Typically mobile IP cannot be used together with
firewalls, special set-ups are needed (such as reverse
Tunneling makes it hard to give a flow of packets a
special treatment needed for the QoS
IP Micro-mobility support
Micro-mobility support:
Efficient local handover inside a foreign domain
without involving a home agent
Reduces control traffic on backbone
Especially needed in case of route optimization
Example approaches:
Cellular IP
HAWAII (Handoff-Aware Wireless Access Internet
Hierarchical Mobile IP (HMIP)
Important criteria:
Security Efficiency, Scalability, Transparency, Manageability

IP Micro-mobility support –Cellular IP
 Cellular IP Gateway (CIPGW): provides local handovers without
renewed registration for each domain.
Inside the domain, all nodes collect routing information
for accessing MNs based on the origin of packets sent by
the MNs towards the CIPGW
Handovers are achieved by allowing simultaneous
forwarding of packets destined for a mobile node along
multiple paths.
Mobile node moving between adjacent cells is able to
receive packets via both old and new base stations(BS)
CIPGW – handles mobile IP tunnel endpoint
CIPGW – handles initial registration processing

Architecture of Cellular IP
 Internet

 Mobile IP

 CIP Gateway
 data/control
 packets
 from MN 1

 BS  BS  BS
 packets from
 MN2 to MN 1

 MN1  MN2

Cellular IP
 Cellular IP is self-configuring
 Integration of the CIPGW into firewall facilitate
administration of mobility-related functionality.
Efficiency: additional network load is induced by
forwarding packets on multiple paths.
Transparency: changes to MNs are required
Security: routing tables are changed based on messages
sent by MNs.

IP Micro-mobility support –Hawaii
 Hawaii (Handoff-Aware Wireless Access Internet Infrastructure)
MN obtains co-located COA
and registers with HA
Handover: MN keeps COA,
new BS answers Registration
request and updates routers
Reconfiguration of all routers
on the path from old and new
BS – crossover router

Security: Challenge-response extensions are mandatory
Transparency: HAWAII is mostly transparent to mobile
Security: There are no provisions regarding the setup of
IPSec tunnels.

IP Micro-mobility support –Hierarchical
Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6)
Network consists of Mobility
Anchor Point (MAP)
 Mapping of regional COA(RCOA)
to link COA (LCOA)
Upon handover, MN informs
MAP only
 Gets new LCOA, keeps RCOA
HA is only contacted if MAP changes.

Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6)
Security: Local COAs can be hidden, which provides
some location privacy
Transparency: Additional infrastructure component
Security: Routing tables are changed based on messages
sent by MNs.
 Demands for strong authentication and protection

DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Simplification of installation and maintenance of
networked computers
Supplies systems with all necessary information, such as
IP address, DNS server address, domain name, subnet
mask, default router etc.
Enables automatic integration of systems into an
Intranet or the Internet, can be used to acquire a COA
for Mobile IP.
The client sends via a MAC broadcast a request to the
DHCP server (DHCP relay)

DHCP Configuration
DHCP client send a request to a server
(DHCPDISCOVER) to which the server responds
Client sends requests using MAC broadcasts to reach all
devices in the LAN.
DHCP relay is used to forward requests across inter-
working units to a DHCP server.

DHCP Server

DHCP Process

Client Initialization via DHCP

Mobile ad-hoc Networks
Dynamic network which provides connectivity/access
when infrastructure is not available or its too expensive.
Mobile IP requires HA, tunnels, default routers
DHCP requires servers and broadcast capabilities of the
Ad-hoc networks are needed under following situations
Instant infrastructure: unplanned meetings,
spontaneous interpersonal communication
Disaster relief: emergency teams setting up network ,
military activities
Remote areas: setting up of infrastructure difficult
Effectiveness: ad-hoc set up faster and less expensive

MANETS & Mobile IP

Ad-hoc Network – Routing mechanism
In wireless networks with infrastructure support , BS
always reaches all mobile nodes, but in ad-hoc
network may drop go out of range

Difference between wired & ad-hoc
Asymmetric links: bidirectional links
Wired Network
 mostly consists of symmetric links
 Ad-hoc Network
 asymmetric links
Redundant links: to survive link failures
Wired network
 Consists of few RL, handled by infrastructure
 Ad-hoc Network
 No infrastructure to control redundancy, overhead
Wired network
 Links exist only where wire exists, connections are planned/handled by network admin, less interference
Ad-hoc network
 Unplanned links creates interference
Dynamic topology:
Wired network
 Can be managed since network can handle
Ad-hoc network
 Becomes complex to handle

Ad-hoc Networks – Routing Concerns
Traditional Routing Algorithms: ad-hoc
networks have highly dynamic topology ,
asymmetric links, interference
Information from lower layers: helps ad-hoc
networks routing algorithms to find a good path.
Limited battery power: ad-hoc network nodes has
battery limitation
Wireless changing environment: not possible to
maintain a connection for a longer time.
Flooding of network: forwarding of packet across
unknown topology creates inefficiency.
Interference-based Routing
Interference is taken into account in finding the best
routing path.
Example network if S1 wants to send packet to R1 & if S2
wants to send packet to R2
Least Interference Routing (LIR):- calculate the cost of
path based on successful transmissions & interference

Least Interference Routing (LIR)- Example
For S1 to R1
C1 = cost(S1,N3,N4,R1)=16
C3=cost(S1,N1,N2,R1)=12----path is chosen since less
interference (all three paths have same number of
For S2 to R2
C4= cost (S2,N5,N6,R2)=16
C5=cost(S2,N7,N8,N9,R2)=15---- path is chosen since
less interference (though this path has one extra hop)

Overview of Ad-hoc Routing Protocols
Ad-hoc routing protocols – new routing algorithms
Flat ad-hoc routing
 All nodes in this approach play and equal role in routing
 Two categories

 Proactive protocols

 Reactive protocols

Hierarchical ad-hoc routing

 Used for larger networks – tree structure to manage the
Geographic position-assisted ad-hoc routing
 Routing is done based on geographical position of the node

Flat Ad-hoc Routing
Proactive protocols: they set up tables for routing
E.g link-state algorithm: - it floods their information about
neighbors periodically
 Drawback: it may take time and extra load
 Solution
 Fuzzy sighted link-state: routing entries corresponding to faraway

destination are propagated with lower frequency

 Advantage: as long as the topology does not change often, routing
tables reflect the current topology with certain precision.
Reactive protocols: avoids the problems of proactive by
setting up a path between sender and receiver only if a
communication is waiting.
Disadvantage: initial search latency may degrade the
performance .
Hierarchical Ad-hoc Routing
Cluster based routing
Nodes within the cluster needs to be managed
Cluster head acts as gateway for the cluster
 Advantages: helps to reduce routing tables
 Disadvantages: multiple levels of clusters within clusters
 Solution: Zone Routing protocol
 Proactive routing applied within the zone,

 Reactive routing applied outside the zone

Hierarchical Ad-hoc Routing - Example

Geographic-position-assisted ad-hoc
Global positioning system (GPS)
Message may be sent to nodes using addresses based on
geographical routers
Greedy perimeter stateless routing:
Uses the location information of neighbors that are
exchanged via periodic beacon messages
 Technique used
 Packets are forwarded to the neighbor that is geographically

closest to the destination


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