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Task Two Presentation pack

Organizational performance and culture in

AC2.1: Models and theories of Human Behavior

Supportive Model of Human Behavior

• The model focuses on employee improvement and motivation.
• Employees are given opportunity to improve themselves, allowed to
take personal initiative to improve their work.
• It give an employee the confidence and morale to perform better at
• The employee is fully responsible for his/her development and form
their own path on the best way this can be achieved.
• Managers support the employees to ensure they achieve their goals
and initiatives.
• The leadership just provide the necessity for the employee to achieve
their development plan e.g. money and other resources.
• The model eliminate authoritative power on employee growth, and
instead the manager only support the employee where needed.
AC2.2 Drivers for change and change models

The main change drivers in an organization are;

Employees capabilities.
Resources Available for change implementation.
Dissatisfaction with current model.
Customer preference changes.
Change in government policies.
How people experience change

• When implementing a functional or management change, it is accepted differently. This is mainly based on
how the change will impact the employee delivery and work environment.
• Kubler-Ross change model identifies denial, anger, Bargain, depression and acceptance as the main reaction
of employee toward change.
• The reaction is mainly based on how the change will impact the employee, and the level of involvement
during planning phase for the change.
• Involving employee during the planning phase would normally increase chance of acceptance, and all
bargains can be raised early for consideration.
• For swift transition, management should support employees in understanding, accepting and implementing
the new changes.
• Kubler-Ross change model helps understand the best way to improve change acceptance in an organization.
AC2.3 Steps in establishing a diverse and inclusive culture

According to Pless & Maak, the four main steps for an

organization to create a diverse and an inclusive
culture are:
1. Create understanding, raise awareness and
encourage reflection
2. Establish inclusion vision
3. Rethinking of management principles and
4. Adapt to systems and processes
Implications for a positive and inclusive culture at PepsiCo

• Some organizations, example PepsiCo, has a ggod inclusive

• PepsiCo encourages a diverse and inclusive culture.
• This is reflected on the company values, mission and vision.
• Through hiring, supplier diversity, equal payment, support for
LGBT community, encouraging different abilities, PepsiCo has
successfully implemented a diverse and inclusive organization
• It also offer inclusive and diverse mentorship, training, jobs and
• The company has successfully created an interactive, conducive
working environment through its inclusivity
• Negative impacts of this inclusivity and diversity include
miscommunication, dysfunctional conflicts and create barriers
(Martin, 2014, pp.89).
AC 2.4 Positive and negative impact of people practices

Positive impacts Negative impacts

• Increase employee interaction and • May result to poor communication.
collaboration • May lead to poor cooperation may
• Improve employee retention and which lead to loss of organizational
satisfaction. values
• Improve positive work relationship. • Poor adjustment and change plans.
AC 2.5 important of well-being in the workplace

• Boost productivity
• Improve collaboration.
• Improves growth mindset.
• Improve employee morale.
• Increase creativity and employee health behaviors.
AC 3.1 Employee lifecycle and work

• From the moment an employee is recruited to separation, activities that happen in-between
affect chances of retention.
• Understanding the phases would help improve retention chance, and a good employer-
employee relationship.
• This would also help build a good working environment. Managers should understand the
journey to help an employee get through the phases.
The main stages of employee lifecycle are;
• Attraction – creating a good brand so that potential employee would dream of working in the
• Recruitment – Based on open position, organization seek to recruit best talent for the job.
• Onboarding – Getting the employee familiar with job expectation and resources.
• Development – Working to improve employee skills through training.
• Retention – Strategies to ensure the employee is retained by the company. E.g. rewarding them.
• Separation – Employee leave the job. Either due to retirement or resignation.
AC 3.2 Strategies people practice and other organizational functions

• HR management are key in implementing organizational strategy by designing

business strategies and action plans.
• The department is responsible for hiring, thus impact the organization with the
kind of talent available.
• This skills and talent level of employee in turn impact organization
implementation and executions.
• The department also design organization culture, a good culture impact delivery.
• Diversity and inclusivity of employees boost organization operation, vision and
• How well HR department performs determine employee retention and
development, and attracting potential talents.
AC 3.4 Engaging with internal customers to establish their needs

• Identify project stakeholders, their interest and how they impact the
• Understanding stakeholders and investors help develop project plan and
asses the risk involved and get their help in unblocking the problems
(Brugha and Varvasovszky, 2000, pp239).
• Project stakeholders include investors, staffs, customers, partners and
Power interest matrix
• High power, high interest stakeholders
• High power, low interest
• Low power, high interest
• Low power, low interest
AC 3.5 key components of project planning strategies

Project planning ins key to ascertain its deliveries.

The main steps are:
• Identifying project requirements – This guide on the project implementation.
• Define Project goals and deliverables – defining project expectation ensure the
project is always on track.
• Establish project budget and scope – A team need restraining on what is to be
achieved and expenses. This avoid straying out of scope.
• Schedule of the project – Having timeline help to maintain focus on deliverables.
• Risk assessment – Helps identify main blockers and how they can be mitigated or

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