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Policing- literally means “controlling, monitoring, and altering, if
required, public conduct. Its core concept is identified by its
relation with the potential use of force in ensuring obedience to
the law, within the rule of law.

DEFINITIO Comparative Police System- this refers to the science and art of
investigating and comparing the police system of nations, which
NS covers the study of their police organizations, trainings and
methods of policing.

Comparative Criminal Justice- this pertains to the sub-field of

criminal justice which deals with comparing the similarities and
differences of criminal justice in terms of structure, goals,
punishment and emphasis on rights as well as history, and political
structure of different systems.
THE CONCEPT • Globalization- refers to the process by which regional
economies, societies, and cultural, as well as information, ideas
OF and even authority become integrated by a global network of
political ideas through communication. Transportation, and

EVENTS THAT Establishment of international agencies and institutions
Standardize system of global time
Global networks of communication
OF International competitions and prizes

GLOBALIZATI International law

ON Internationally shared notions of citizenship and human rights
International division of labor

CAUSES OF International of finance i.e. the emergence of global banking and

globally integrated financial markets
The new technology system based on a combination of innovations,
ON including solar energy, robotics, microelectronics, biotechnology,
and digital communications and information system

The growth of the consumer markets among the more affluent

populations of the world; similar trends in consumer tastes have
been created by similar processes
Vast increase in the number of economic and social transaction across national borders inevitably make
organized criminal activity move from the national to international level

The evolution of the “Global Village” which opened up unprecedent opportunities for transnational crime
because it has fundamentally changed the context in which both legitimate and illegitimate business operate

Growth of transnational economic transaction that complicates the ability of governments to regulate and
control monetary movements across boundaries

Rise of cosmopolitan world cities as the repositories of capital and wealth and as major facilitators of cross
border transaction which provides operation based for criminal organizations

Accessibility of consumers to information about goods and services around the world giving rise to global
marketing opportunities both licit and illicit

Increase in migration and growth of ethnic groups have facilitated in the creation of network structures for the
supply of illicit good in the global market
• In the past, the police were preoccupied solving craft local
THE CHANGING crimes. With globalization, they are now faced with highly
organized and sophisticated crimes, like terrorism, bank robbery,
ROLE OF THE drug trafficking, money laundering, and kidnap for ransom,
among others. Moreover, crimes have crossed borders. Like big
POLICE corporations, organized crimes have evolved into transnational
crimes, with operations in different parts of the world.
1. The emergence of transnational criminal activities
2. Need for transnational policing; hence cooperation among
police organizations in the world is vital
EFFECTS OF 3. Training instruction for law enforcement officers must include
the use of updated technological tools
GLOBALIZATIO 4. Development of new strategies to deal with transnational
N TO POLICING organized crime groups
5. There is a need to update laws related to law enforcement
based on the contemporary theories of crime causation
Transnational crime is an activity that is considered a
criminal offense by at least two centuries. It is an offense
whose inception , prevention and/ or indirect effects
involves more than one country.

The word transnational describes crimes that are not only

TRANSNATION international, but crimes that by their nature involve border
crossing as an essential part of the criminal activity. It also
AL CRIMES includes crimes that take place in one country , but its
consequence s significantly affect another country.

NOTE: Transnational Crimes are especially concerned with

acts criminalized by laws of more than one country, while
International Crimes are crimes prohibited by international
laws, norms, treaties and customs.
1. Terrorism- a tactic or technique by means of which a violent act or threat thereof is used for the prime
objective of creating overwhelming fear for coercive purposes.
2. Trafficking in Persons- the exploitation of vulnerable people for purposes of sex, labor, and organ harvest by
organized criminal groups.
3. Money Laundering-is a process by which, assets primarily cash assets, which are derived from illegal activities
are manipulated in such a manner to make them look as it were derived from legitimate sources.
4. Drug Trafficking- illegal movement across one or more national frontiers of psychoactive substances.
5. Cybercrimes- crimes that involve an information and communication technology (ICT) network. In the
Philippines Republic Act 10175or the Cybercrime Prevention Act these typologies into
a. Crimes that target a computer network or device directly.
b. Crimes facilitated by computer network or devices.
Here are a few attempts on defining terrorism:
• The use or threatened use of force designed to bring about a political change
• Constitutes the illegitimate use of force to achieve a political objective by targeting
innocent people
• Unlawful use of force or violence designed to intimidate or coerce a government or
civilian population in the furtherance of political or social objectives.
• Socially and politically unacceptable violence aimed at an innocent target to achieve
psychological effect
• Method of combat in which the victims serve as symbolic targets.
• A premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combat targets

A. TERRORISM by subnational groups or clandestine agents.

Any act intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants
with the purpose of:
1. Intimidating a population of serious bodily harm; and
2. Compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain doing any
• Terrorists- one who does all acts of terrorism
• Terrorist Group- any organization that engages in or had engaged in , terrorist activity.
This includes not only violent groups but legitimate groups that fund terrorists
• Terrorist Act- any act that is unlawful, involves the use or threatened use of violence or
force against individuals or property is designed to coerce a government or society and
supports political, ideology, or religious objectives
1. Apolitical terrorism- employment of force in a terroristic manner
but for non-political ends.
a. Psychotic Terrorism- develops from abnormal behavior, those
who attempt bizarre, ostensibly political actions with
uncertain or irrational motives.
b. Criminal terrorism- systematic use of terror for material gain.
The primary manifestation of force in this form of terrorism
include kidnapping, extortion, gangland assassination and
KINDS OF c. Mystical terrorism- involves the use of lethal force against

TERRORISM symbolic victims to influence or invoke supernatural powers.

Mysticism plays a part in both instigation of terrorism and the
enhancement of its effect.
2. Revolutionary Terrorism- its primary purpose is the destabilize and
topple the incumbent regime, replacing it with a political apparatus
more acceptable to the revolutionaries
3. State Terrorism- involves the employment of lethal force by state
governments upon civilian populations for the express purpose of
weakening or destroying their will to resist.

AL Arson

Command- the smallest group, is the top, and responsible for the
command. As in military circles, leadership makes policy and plans
while providing general direction.

Active Cadre (military term)- they are the people who we call
ORGANIZATIO “terrorist”. They ae responsible for carrying out the mission of the
terrorist organization. They have one or more specialties.
STRUCTURES Active Supporters- They are the people who keep the terrorist in
the field. They maintain communication channels, provide safe
OF TERRORIST houses, gather intelligence, and ensure all other logistical needs are
met. This is the largest internal group in the organization.
Passive supporters- they complement active supporters. People
who do not readily join terrorist groups but simply represent a
favorable element of the political climate. Many times they were
used without their knowledge.
• Arabic for “The Base”; founded by Osama bin Laden,
THE AL QAEDA Muhammed Atef, and Ayman al-Zawahiri to continue the Jihad
1. The Emir (Chief)
2. The Chief Counsel
3. Shura, or Consultation Council- this is a group of seasoned terrorist and
confidants as majilis al shura who approve major decisions such as terrorist
attacks and the issuance of fatwas (edicts). The council a members play

leadership roles in the organization’s major committees, made up lower-
ranking Al Qaeda members.
4. The Committees.
ORGANIZATION a. The Military Committee- oversees recruitment, war, training, and
purchase of the arms.
AL STRUCTURE b. The Islamic Study Committee- makes ruling on religious law and trains
all recruits in the teaching s of the Koran and Jihad.
c. The Finance Committee- oversees corporate holdings, including the
travel office and several other companies.
5. The Cells- the network of terrorist recruitment and training has sites
throughout the world. Each cell engages in missions independent of the
others, and the members and activities of the other cells are kept secret.

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