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Security Level:

SOP for Basic: OSS KPI Analysis







OSS KPI: TBF establishment success rate

OSS KPI: TBF completion rate

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OSS KPI: TDR – Classification of Traffic Call Drops
 Typically, most call drops in a network occur over radio interface (CM33C). These call
drops are classified into call drops that occur in the stable state (CM330) and call drops that
occur during handover (CM331) and should be given special attention.
 Other types of call drops seldom occur in the network, among which, pay attention to
CM333 Abis link Failure and CM334 Equipment Failure. The loopback function is seldom
used in the network, therefore, loopback call drops (CM397 & CM385) seldom occur.

Major drop cause

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OSS KPI: TDR – Classification of Call Drops that occur on Radio Interface

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OSS KPI: TDR – Check Procedure for Troubleshooting Call Drop Problems

High proportion of Drop

(Drop over Radio

High proportion of Drop

CM333 & CM334
(Drop due to

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OSS KPI: TDR – Coverage Check (1/3)

Analyze the traffic statistics and find whether problems such as high proportion of great TAs,
Imbalance between uplink and downlink, and high portion of low level exist
1. Identify Overshooting by checking TA distribution vs. Site-to-Site distance

- The site to site distance (D) has a major impact for defining rules of overshooting
- For example: in dense urban areas the site to site distance is between 500m to 700m a bigger amount of TA
measurements TA=1 (550m to 1100m) would indicate an potential overshooting already. But in Rural or
Suburban areas the site to site distance could be up to 2000m, for such areas TA measurements could have TA
sample with TA2 (1100m to 1650m) without indication of overshooting

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OSS KPI: TDR – Coverage Check (2/3)

2. Identify Overshooting by Drive Test results

For example: From DT results, it was found that this area has
Overshooting from cell 12292

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OSS KPI: TDR – Coverage Check (3/3)

3. Imbalance between Downlink and Uplink

Normal distribution, slightly shifts to Imbalance DL too weak :Reasons could Imbalance UL too weak :Reasons could
lower or higher values are acceptable be related to the downlink path of the cell, be related to the uplink path of the cell
Actions: Actions:
- Check if Output power of the cell is too low, Escalate to BSS team to check Combiner,
possible related to reduced power settings Jumper cable, Feeder cable, Connector,
or broken hardware Antenna
- Escalate to BSS team to check Combiner,
Jumper cable, Feeder cable, Connector,

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OSS KPI: TDR – Interference Check (1/2)

Check Uplink Interference Band
Band Level
Interference Band 1 -110 dBm to -106 dBm
Interference Band 2 -105 dBm to -99 dBm
Interference Band 3 -98 dBm to -93 dBm
Interference Band 4 -92 dBm to -88 dBm
Interference Band 5 -87 dBm to -47 dBm

Uplink Interference could have “internal” or “external” sources

 GSM 900 external interference sources: CDMA sites close by the site, repeater
CDMA Interferences:
- This kind of uplink interferences can be identified by using the channel scan function in the cell.
- A scan over the GSM channels will give the information about interference level over the GSM channel 1 to 124.
- CDMA interfered cells have a higher interference level in the lower GSM channels. The higher channels have less or
non interferences
 DCS 1800 external interference sources: repeater

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OSS KPI: TDR – Interference Check (2/2)

 Internal interference can only come from the own network from MS using the same frequencies of
the cell but assigned to a different cell.
-The interferences impact from internal sources are higher during busy hour times than during
off peak hours, see example below.

External interference:
Internal Interference: Check if Interference
Check if Interference is independent of
profile follows traffic profile
increases in traffic

-2 Type of interferences: Co-Channel interference and Adjacent-Channel interference. If found,

revise frequency plan. Interference C/I C/I in actual project
(3dB margin needed)
Co-Channel >= 9dB >= 12dB
Adjacent-Channel >= -9dB >= -6dB

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OSS KPI: TDR – Neighboring Cell Check

 Check No Missing Mandatory Adjacent Cells – perform
checking based on geographical view.
 Optimizing Redundant Adjacent Cells – based on finding
isolated cells resulting from overshooting, and based on
following KPIs
- H370c:Outgoing Inter-Cell Handover Requests
- H380:Incoming Inter-Cell Handover Requests
 Correct all non symmetrical adjacencies i.e. cell B is
neighbor of Cell A but cell A is not neighbor of Cell B
Mandatory Adj Cell
Redundant Adj Cell
Other Cell

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OSS KPI: TDR – Parameter Check

- Check below parameters that affect TCH call drop rate if they follow NPT values or not
Parameters Remarks
Radio link If this timer is set to a lower value, a call drop is likely to occur when the receive level of the MS attenuates greatly because of the terrain. If this parameter
timeout is set to a higher value, the network releases the related resources only after the timer expires though the speech quality is unsatisfactory. Therefore, the
utilization of resources is decreased. It is recommended that you set the parameter to a higher value in the rural areas with low traffic volume and to a
lower value in the areas with high traffic volume.

SACCH multi- frames Similar to Radio Link Timeout, this parameter is used for the uplink.

RXLEV_ACCESS_MIN, RACH These parameters relate to the network coverage, and the balance between the uplink and the downlink. If these parameters are set to small values, MSs in
Min. Access Level the areas of poor coverage can access the network and call drops are likely to occur. If the settings of these parameters cause the imbalance between the
uplink and the downlink, call drops are likely to occur

T200FACCHF, T200FACCHH, If timer T200 is set to a smaller value, the transmit end may mistakenly regard that the link is faulty and the data transmission fails before the transmit end
T200 SACCH TCH SAPI0, T200 receives a response from the peer end. If timer N200 is set to a smaller value, the number of data retransmissions is reduced and the success rate of
SACCH TCH SAPI3, and N200 transmission is reduced. If timers T200 and N200 are set to greater values, the channels are seized all along when the link is faulty. Thus, resources are
of TCH wasted.
If high proportion of drops in state (M3100A, M3200A), review T200/N200 for TCH.

threshold of different HO, P/N, If high proportion of drops in HO state (CM331), check also HOSR and adjust HO threshold/margin parameters according to HO failure causes.

T3103A, T8 If high proportion of drops in HO state (CM331), review T3103A (for intra-BSC handover), T8 (for inter-BSC handover)

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OSS KPI: TDR – Dependency Parameter Check
T200FACCHF/H are dependency with T3103A
regarding from HO Flow
setting should be T3103A & T8 > T200FACCH (F/H)
Parameter Huawei default
N200FFULL 34
N200FHALF 29
T200FACCHF Time duration 8750
T200FACCHH Time duration 7500
T3103A 10000
T8 10000
* The formula to calculate T200 Time
duration = T200*5*(N200+1)

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OSS KPI: TDR – Alarm Check

For call drops over none Um interface, pay attention to CM333 and CM334.
 For CM333, determine whether they are caused by links problem on the Abis interface according to the
proportion and number of call drops.
• Disconnection of RSL links may also cause CM333 call drops.
 For CM334, determine whether they are caused by equipment failure according to the proportion and
number of call drops.
• The following factors may cause increase of call drops due to equipment failure:
- Mutual aid of TRXs, dynamic modification of cell attributes, dynamic modification of frequencies on
TRXs, dynamic modification of frequency hopping data of TRXs, dynamic deletion of cells, dynamic
deletion of TRXs, blocking of cells, blocking of TRXs, blocking of channels

If CM333/CM334 increase, check the related

alarm information, locate the problem according
to the alarm information. If necessary,
troubleshoot transmission equipment and
hardware on site

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The improvement of SDCCH Success Rate (SDSR) can be acquired by optimizing
the 2 following indicators.
 SDCCH Congestion Rate: It reflects the SDCCH collisions due to insufficient resources.
If SDCCH Congestion Rate is higher, SDSR will be worse.

 SDCCH Drop Rate: It indicates the probability of call drops that occur when MSs
occupy SDCCHs. If SDCCH Drop Rate is higher, SDSR will be also worse.

Minimizing SDCCH Congestion & SDCCH Drop will result to Improve SDSR

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OSS KPI: SDSR – SDCCH Congestion Rate (1/2)
If SDSR degraded because of high SDCCH Congestion Rate, then check two possible causes
1. Low SDCCH Availability Rate
When the SDCCH availability is low, available SDCCHs may be insufficient for the services and
consequently high congestion ratio on SDCCH occurs.
Actions: Check why SDCCH availability is low. Usually the problem is due to Hardware (e.g. TRX)
faulty and/or Abis transmission link down. So, confirm with alarm checking and escalate the
problems to BSS/Tx team.

Example of Low SDCCH Availability

due to E1 transmission problem and
causing higher SDCCH congestion rate

Found relevant E1 alarm

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OSS KPI: SDSR – SDCCH Congestion Rate (2/2)
SDCCH Congestion Rate: two possible causes (con’t)
2. Lack of SDCCH Resources
Meaning the configured SDCCH Timeslots are not sufficient to the actual SDCCH (signaling) Traffic.
• Perform SDCCH dimensioning to find the optimal number of SDCCH based on the occurred traffic.
And configure it accordingly.
• Commonly used configuration is 1SDCCH per 2TRX, a value by experience.
• Ensure to always activate the Dynamic SDCCH, which largely expand the flexibility of SDCCH
Parameters Values Remarks
SDDYN YES SDCCH Dynamic Allocation Allowed

PDCH2SDEN YES Dynamic PDCH Conversion to SDCCH Allowed

• If SDCCH congestion occurs because there is high SDCCH traffic due to Location Update, so check if any
improper LAC design (e.g. Mushroom LAC) then revise it. Or may try to adjust CRH parameters to
prevent too frequent Cell re-selections between the different-LAC cells.
Parameters Values Remarks
CRH 6dB (default) Cell Reselect Hysteresis Parameters. For example: in case cell A having high SD traffic due to LU, we may try to
set CRH to higher value for different LAC neighbor cells of cell A

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OSS KPI: SDSR – SDCCH Drop Rate (1/4)
If SDSR degraded because of high SDCCH Drop Rate, then firstly check the drop causes
SDCCH Drop causes: Below message flow shows possible SDCCH drop causes with related counter names.

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OSS KPI: SDSR – SDCCH Drop Rate (2/4)
Identify what is the major cause for SDCCH drops
Example of OSS statistics for SDCCH drop cause

Normally major SD drop causes are due to CONN Fail & ERR IND (T200 Expired)

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OSS KPI: SDSR – SDCCH Drop Rate (3/4)
Two major SDCCH drop causes
1. SDCCH Drop due to CONN Fail (Radio Link Failure)
This SD drop cause is indicating that a drop occurs on the Radio interface because of the abnormal connection on
the radio link layer. This type of SDCCH drops may be caused by:
• Coverage Problems: refer to TDR – coverage check
• Interferences: refer to TDR – Interference check . In general, BCCH freq has less tight freq reuse (so less
interference) than TCH freq, so if possible it’s preferred to configure SDCCH on BCCH to improve SDCCH drop and
• Improper parameter settings
- Check below parameters that affect SDCCH call drop rate if they follow NPT values or not
 RACH Min. Access Level
 MS MAX Retrans
 Random Access Error Threshold
These parameters relate to the network coverage and the balance between the uplink and the downlink. If
these parameters are set to improper values, MSs in the areas of poor coverage can access the network and call
drops are likely to occur. If the settings of these parameters lead to the imbalance between the uplink and the
downlink, call drops are likely to occur.

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OSS KPI: SDSR – SDCCH Drop Rate (4/4)
Two major SDCCH drop causes - con’t
2. SDCCH Drop due to ERR IND Received (T200 Expired)
- Check below related parameters that affect SDCCH call drop rate due to T200 expiry

Parameters Values Remarks

T200SDCCH, (NPT) or If timer T200 is set to a smaller value, the transmit end may mistakenly regard that the link
T200 SACCH optimized is faulty and the data transmission fails before the transmit end receives a response from the
SDCCH, peer end. If timer N200 is set to a smaller value, the number of data retransmissions is
T200 SDCCH reduced and the success rate of transmission is reduced. If timers T200 and N200 are set to
SAPI3, greater values, the channels are seized all along when the link is faulty. Thus, resources are
and N200 of wasted.

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HOSR : Types and Method of Locating Handover Problems
 Types - Possible Impact
 No handover - Impact to call drop
 Handover failure - Affect the conversation quality, and call drop
 Frequent handover - Affect the conversation quality and increase load of the system
 Method of Locating Handover Problem
 Check Neighbors define
 Statistics analysis
o Handover : Failure/Attempt/Success for worst cell
o HO cause and HO Failure Cause per relation of worst cell
o Check Frequency : Co BCCH and Co BSIC with neighbor and surrounding cells
 View alarm
o Board fault, transmission, clock, etc.
 Drive test
 Signaling analysis
o Abis interface, A interface, E interface

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HOSR : Causes of Handover Problem

 Coverage
 Neighboring define
 Interference
 Antenna and feeder system
 BTS hardware
 Transmission
 BSC hardware
 Data Configuration and Parameter setting
 A interface
 Target cell congestion
 Cooperation with equipment of other manufacturers

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HOSR : Cause of Handover Problem => Coverage

Coverage : Impact to Call drop and HO failures

Poor coverage
o Cause :- forest, complicated topography, building direction and indoor coverage, tilting to aggressive by plan.
o Solution :- Physical tuning if still have room or Propose new site to improve coverage seamless on the area.

Over shooting
o Cause :- Terrain Location, Antenna height not suitable for the area, and Tilting limit.
o Solution :- Physical tuning if still have room and define second tier neighbor or third tier if needed.

Isolated and Edge of coverage cell : no adjacent cell.

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HOSR : Cause of Handover Problem => Neighboring define

Neighboring Define : Impacted call drop and HO Failures.

One shall keep in mind that only the 6 best measured cell are reported at a time, to avoid a reporting delay when many
neighbouring cells are available. This "top 6" is updated at each new measurement, but this is a strong limitation in terms of
neighbouring definition.
o Check necessary and unnecessary neighbouring.
oShould have second tier neighbour on main direction and on the road too.

Example :- Cell 1 of BTS C is far away from cell 3 of BTS D and the two
cells are not defined as neighbor cells. Thus an isolated island is
generated, handover cannot be performed, and call drop arises. The
special thing about this isolated island effect is that it occurs at high

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HOSR : Cause of Handover Problem => Interference

Interference : Impact call drop and HO failures.

o MS can not access network or receive any signal.
o MS fails to correctly decode the physical message due to the downlink inter-frequency interference, or the MS fails to
receive the UA frame from the target cell, resulting in handover failure.
Solution :-
oCheck Frequency Co-BCCH and BSIC on the surrounding area :- Frequency retune
oExternal Interference :- Searching for source and investigate .

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HOSR : Causes of Handover Problem => Antenna and feeder system and
BTS Hardware and Transmission and BSC Hardware
Antenna and feeder system : Impact call drop and HO failures.
 High Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)
 Antenna is not properly installed
 Antenna is not parallel
 Poor antenna isolation value
 RF cables, connectors are loose or incorrect
BTS Hardware : Impact call drop and HO failures.
 DDPU,DCOM, splitter/combiner failure
 TRX failure
 DTMU failure
 Clock failure
 Internal communication cable failure
Transmission : Impact call drop and HO failures.
 Transmission is not stable
 Serious BER in transmission
Fault of BSC Hardware : Impact call drop and HO failures.
 Clock board: the faulty clock board causes clock inconsistency between base stations.

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HOSR : Causes of Handover Problem => Data Configuration and
Parameter setting and A Interface and Target cell congestion
Data Configuration and Parameter setting : Impact NO HO, HO Failures and Frequents HO and call drop.
 Unsuitable setting of handover hysteresis and handover priority.
 Unsuitable setting of P, N value of statistic time
 Unsuitable frequency and adjacent relationship configured in BA1/BA2 table
 CGI, BCCH and BSIC in "External Cell Description Table" are different from those in corresponding BSC.
 The DPC of BSC in MSC "LAI and GCI Table" is incorrect.

A Interface and Target Cell : Impact NO HO, HO Failures and call drop.
 A interface problem
o Basically, the insufficient link resource results in the abnormal handover, as well as abnormal communication.
o Circuit pool numbers are different, causing the handover failure.
 Target cell congestion
o The target cell is congested, which causes the handover failure. Then the target cell should be expanded or reduce
its traffic .

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HOSR : Causes of Handover Problem => Cooperation between
Handover between equipment of different manufacturers : Impact call drop and HO failures.
 The signalings at A interface, E interface of the opposite equipment don’t match with our equipment and cannot be
recognized or supported, which causes the handover failure, such as voice version, handover number, addressing mode
(CGI or LAI).

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Basic HO Parameter : cell Parameter

No HO Cell Parameter Description

1 Edge HO UL RX_LEV Threshold This counter provides the mean uplink receive level during edge handover in a measurement period. Together with
Mean Uplink Receiving Level during Handover Initiation and Mean Downlink Receiving Level during Edge Handover
Initiation, this counter is helpful in edge handover troubleshooting and setting of Edge HO UL RX_LEV Threshold and
2 Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold. The measurement object is the originating cell

Handover threshold during the handovers between cells on different layers or of different priorities. This value is used
to suppress inter-layer ping-pong handovers. Inter-layer handover threshold of the serving cell = "Inter-layer HO
3 Inter-layer HO Threshold
threshold" - "Inter-layer HO Hysteresis"; Inter-layer handover threshold of a neighboring cell = "Inter-layer HO
Threshold" + "Adjacent Cell Inter-layer HO Hysteresis" - 64

Hysteresis value during the handovers between cells on different layers or of different priorities. This value is used to
suppress inter-layer ping-pong handovers. Inter-layer handover threshold of the serving cell = "Inter-layer HO
4 Inter-layer HO Hysteresis
threshold" - "Inter-layer HO Hysteresis"; Inter-layer handover threshold of a neighboring cell = "Inter-layer HO
threshold" + "Adjacent Cell Inter-layer HO Hysteresis" - 64

If the downlink received signal level of a neighbor cell is greater than "Min UL Level on Candidate Cell" plus "Min
5 Min UP Power on HO Candidate Cell
Access Level Offset", the neighbor cell can be listed in the candidate cell queue for handover

If the downlink received signal level of a neighbor cell is greater than "Min DL Level on Candidate Cell" plus "Min
6 Min DL Power on HO Candidate Cell
Access Level Offset", the neighbor cell can be listed in the candidate cell queue for handover

Used for requesting the MS to report the measurement information of neighboring cells in multiple frequency bands.
This parameter is carried in the system information 2ter and 5ter

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Basic HO Parameter : Relation Parameter

No HO per Relation Parameter Description

Hysteresis value during the handovers between cells, This value is used to suppress ping-pong handovers between
1 InterCell HO Hysterisis
cells. The actual value of this parameter is equal to the GUI value minus 64.

Threshold for triggering PBGT handovers. PBGT handovers to a neighboring cell can be triggered when the following
condition is met: Path loss in the serving cell - Path loss in the neighboring cell > Value of this parameter If this
2 PBGTMargin
parameter is set to a value less than 64, calls can be handed over back to a neighboring cell whose path loss is
greater than that in the serving cell. The actual value of this parameter is equal to the GUI value minus 64

Hysteresis value during the handovers between cells on different layers or of different priorities. This value is used to
3 Adj Int-layer HO Hysterisis
suppress inter-layer ping-pong handovers. The actual value of this parameter is equal to the GUI value minus 64

Minimum receive level offset. MSs can be handed over to a neighboring cell when both of the following conditions are
met: Downlink receive level of the neighboring cell is greater than or equal to the sum of "HOCDCMINDWPWR" and
4 Minimum Access Level Offset
the value of this parameter. Uplink receive level of the neighboring cell is greater than or equal to the sum of
"HOCDCMINUPPWR" and the value of this parameter

Difference between the downlink receive level of the serving cell and that of a neighboring cell during bad quality
handovers. This parameter is used to calculate the bad quality handover hysteresis based on the following formula:
Bad quality handover hysteresis = Value of "INTERCELLHYST" -Value of this parameter Bad quality handovers to a
5 BQMargin neighboring cell can be triggered when the following condition is met: (Downlink receive level of the neighboring cell
after filtering - Downlink receive level of the serving cell after power control compensation) > (Value of
"INTERCELLHYST " - 64) - (Value of this parameter - 64). The actual value of this parameter is equal to the GUI
value minus 64.

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Basic Analysis HOSR : Check HO Failure cause per Relation
HO Cause and failure Cause Parameter relate Layer Remark
- DCS-DCS BQ Margin Meaning :- If ("downlink level of the neighbor cell after filtering" -
- DCS-GSM "downlink level of the serving cell (after power control compensation)") >
Outgoing Inter-Cell Handovers (Uplink Quality) (none) 1. BQMARGIN
- GSM-GSM (("Inter-cell HO Hysteresis" - 64) - "BQ HO Margin" + 64), the BQ handover to
- GSM-DCS the neighbor cell is triggered
- DCS-DCS BQ Margin Meaning :- If ("downlink level of the neighbor cell after filtering" -
- DCS-GSM "downlink level of the serving cell (after power control compensation)") >
Outgoing Inter-Cell Handovers (Downlink Quality) (none) 1. BQMARGIN
- GSM-GSM (("Inter-cell HO Hysteresis" - 64) - "BQ HO Margin" + 64), the BQ handover to
- GSM-DCS the neighbor cell is triggered
Please Aware BQ Margin delta (might need to adjust BQMARGIN)
- DCS-DCS BQ Margin Meaning :- If ("downlink level of the neighbor cell after filtering" -
Outgoing Inter-Cell Handovers (Uplink Strength) (none) 1. INTERCELLHYST - DCS-GSM "downlink level of the serving cell (after power control compensation)") >
- GSM-GSM (("Inter-cell HO Hysteresis" - 64) - "BQ HO Margin" + 64), the BQ handover to
- GSM-DCS the neighbor cell is triggered
Please Aware BQ Margin delta (might need to adjust BQMARGIN)
- DCS-DCS BQ Margin Meaning :- If ("downlink level of the neighbor cell after filtering" -
Outgoing Inter-Cell Handovers (Downlink Strength) (none) 1. INTERCELLHYST - DCS-GSM "downlink level of the serving cell (after power control compensation)") >
- GSM-GSM (("Inter-cell HO Hysteresis" - 64) - "BQ HO Margin" + 64), the BQ handover to
- GSM-DCS the neighbor cell is triggered
Outgoing Inter-Cell Handovers (Timing Advance) (none)
1. - DCS-DCS
Outgoing Inter-Cell Handovers (Better Cell) (none) 1.- GSM-GSM
Outgoing Inter-Cell Handovers (Load) (none)
Outgoing Inter-Cell Handovers (Rapid Level Drop) (none)
Outgoing Inter-Cell Handovers (MSC Intervention) (none)
Outgoing Inter-Cell Handovers (OM Intervention) (none)
Please Aware For Layer GSM-DCS , this might impacted shifted traffic
Outgoing Inter-Cell Handovers (Other Causes) (none) INTELEVHOHYST Interference HO = Rx_Level(n)>=[Inter-layer HO Threshold](n) +[Inter-layer
HO Hysteresis](s->n)?

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OSS KPI: TBF establishment success rate

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TBF DL Establishment SR
 Formula :

number of TBF downlink failure both capacity

TBF DL establishment SR(%) & non capacity issuedivided with number of (1-(A9103+A9303+A9304+A9104+A9315+A9115)/(A9101+A9301)) *100%
TBF downlink attempt

Counter Description
A9103 Number of Failed Downlink GPRS TBF Establishments due to No Channel
A9303 Number of Failed Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishments due to No Channel
A9304 Number of Failed Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishments due to MS No Response
A9104 Number of Failed Downlink GPRS TBF Establishments due to MS No Response
A9315 Number of Failed Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishments due to Other Cause
A9115 Number of Failed Downlink GPRS TBF Establishments due to Other Cause
A9101 Number of Downlink GPRS TBF Establishment Attempts
A9301 Number of Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishment Attempts

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TBF UL Establishment SR
 Formula :

number of TBF uplink failure both capacity &

TBF UL establishment SR(%) non capacity issuedivided with number of (1-(A9003+A9203+A9204+A9004+A9216+A9016)/(A9001+A9201)) *100%
TBF uplink attempt

Counter Description
A9003 Number of Failed Uplink GPRS TBF Establishments due to No Channel
A9203 Number of Failed Uplink EGPRS TBF Establishments due to No Channel
A9204 Number of Failed Uplink EGPRS TBF Establishments due to MS No Response
A9004 Number of Failed Uplink GPRS TBF Establishments due to MS No Response
A9216 Number of Failed Uplink EGPRS TBF Establishments due to Other Cause
A9016 Number of Failed Uplink GPRS TBF Establishments due to Other Cause
A9001 Number of Uplink GPRS TBF Establishment Attempts
A9201 Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF Establishment Attempts

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TBF : TBF Establish SR
The GPRS/EDGE network optimization focuses on the downloading rate and the TBF setup success ratio. Pay
attention to the relevant parameters and configurations And Traffic statistics and signaling analysis help to solve
the problems discovered in GPRS/EDGE network optimization more quickly.

Common Analysis Process

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Low TBF Setup Success Ratio – Abis Interface Transmission
 Check whether the Abis link is faulty.
 The downlink TBF setup might fail due to transmission problems such as out-of-synchronization frames
and intermittent interruption of the Abis link.
 Locate the transmission problems of the Abis interface by checking the G-Abis frame error rate (FER) in the
traffic statistics.

 The assignment message might fail to be delivered due to the following cause:
 CCCH overload

o Refer to the following counters:

• L3188A: number of reported DELETE IND messages of the Abis interface
• L3188D: number of reported PACKET CCCH LOAD IND messages of the Abis interface
• L3188E: number of reported OVERLOAD (CCCH overload) messages of the Abis interface

o To remove CCCH overload, add CCCH channels, split the location area, or modify the CCCH load
threshold and the T3168 timer.

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Low TBF Setup Success Ratio – Abis Interface Transmission
 The assignment message might fail to be delivered due to the following cause:

 No channel is available (including insufficient channel resources and hardware faults).

o Check whether the hardware is faulty by referring to the following counters:

• RR307: TCH availability
• RK3255: TRX carrier availability

o Check whether channel resources are insufficient by referring to the following counters
(take the uplink GPRS TBF setup as an example):
• A9003: uplink GPRS TBF setup failures due to lack of channel resources
• A9010: uplink GPRS TBF abnormal releases due to lack of channel resources
• AA9013: average number of concurrent uplink GPRS TBF
• R9343: callbacks of dynamic PDCH
• R9344: callbacks of loaded dynamic PDCH
• R9346(Failed due to DSP Limitation)

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Low TBF Setup Success Ratio – Air Interface Abnormal
 The MS might fail to receive the downlink assignment message or polling message due to poor quality of the
air interface.

 Check the BEP distribution based on the following traffic statistics:

o Number of different 8PSK_MEAN_BEP values
o Number of different GMSK_MEAN_BEP values

 Locate the problem through a CQT.

 Locate the air interface problem through the traffic statistics of the CS domain.

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Low TBF Setup Success Ratio – No Response from the MS
 Check the following counters to determine whether the MS responds to the assignment or polling message:

• A9004: uplink GPRS TBF setup failures due to no response from MS

• A9104: downlink GPRS TBF setup failures due to no response from MS
• A9204: uplink EGPRS TBF setup failures due to no response from MS
• A9304: downlink EGPRS TBF setup failures due to no response from MS

 The MS might fail to respond to an assignment or polling message due to any of the following causes:
• High rate uplink coding scheme
• Inappropriate settings of uplink power control parameters
• Inappropriate settings of other parameters
• Incorrect cells in the assignment message
• Unbalanced uplink and downlink
• Inappropriate CS domain parameters

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OSS KPI: TBF completion rate

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TBF Completion Success Rate
 Formula :

Number of total TBF normal release exclude

release due to Flush,suspend and DTM
(1- (A9006+A9007+A9206+A9207+A9106+A9306+9210+A9010+A9109+A9309)/
TBF Completion(%) divided with total TBF release both normal
and abnormal release drop exclude release
due to flush and suspend

 The possible causes for abnormal TBF release are as follows:

 The uplink TBF is released exceptionally when timers N3101 and N3103 expire.
 The downlink TBF is released exceptionally when timer N3105 expires.
 The TBF is released exceptionally when the control channel is preempted.
 The TBF is released exceptionally due to cell reselection.
 The TBF is released exceptionally due to some internal processing.

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TBF Completion Success Rate
Counter Description
A9006 Number of Uplink GPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to N3101 Overflow (MS No Response)
A9007 Number of Uplink GPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to N3103 Overflow (MS No Response)
A9206 Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to N3101 Overflow (MS No Response)
A9207 Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to N3103 Overflow (MS No Response)
A9106 Number of Downlink GPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to N3105 Overflow
A9306 Number of Downlink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to N3105 Overflow
A9210 Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to No Channel
A9010 Number of Uplink GPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to No Channel
A9109 Number of Downlink GPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to No Channel
A9309 Number of Downlink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to No Channel
A9501 Number of Uplink Assignments
A9507 Number of Downlink Assignments
A9209 Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to FLUSH
A9009 Number of Uplink GPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to FLUSH
A9108 Number of Downlink GPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to FLUSH
A9308 Number of Downlink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to FLUSH
A9307 Number of Downlink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to SUSPEND
A9107 Number of Downlink GPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to SUSPEND
A9008 Number of Uplink GPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to SUSPEND
A9208 Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to SUSPEND

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