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Anaplura characteristics
Anoplura is a suborder of insect that includes many
species of sucking lice.
There are 500 different species that are part of
suborder anaplura .
Characteristics anoplura
First they are all very small and do not have wings .
They also have short antennae ,small heads ,and very
small eyes .in fact ,many species do not even have eyes
at all.
The main feature that all sucking lice share is that
they live on mammal host and survive by sucking their
Anaplura characteristics
The human head louse ,known by scientific name
pediculus humanus capitis lives only on the hair that
grows on the heads of humans. It is extremely
common and passes from person to person very easily .
Even though it infects a lot of people and can cause
skin irritation .it is known to carry any diseases and is
therefore, not particularly to people
Classification of anoplura
Echinophthiriidae (family)
Echinophthiriidae is a family of lice in the suborder
Anoplura, the sucking lice. This family of lice are
parasites of seals and the river otter, and are the only
insects that infest aquatic hosts.
some marine mammals, such as fur seals, have a layer
of air trapped under their waterproof coats that
insulates them against cold water, their lice actually
live in a mostly dry, warm habitat. Other mammals
have blubber for insulation, so their skin is in contact
with the water; their lice parasites live in a cold aquatic
Enderleinellidae is a family of barklice, booklice,
and parasitic lice in the order Psocodea. There are
about 5 genera and more than 50 described species in
These five genera belong to the family
Atopophthirus Kim, 1977
Enderleinellus Fahrenholz, 1912
Microphthirus Ferris, 1919
Phthirunculus Kuhn & Ludwig, 1965
Werneckia Ferris, 1951
Haematopinidae- ungulate lice
Haematopinus is a genus of insects in the suborder
Anoplura, the sucking lice. It is the only genus in the
family Haematopinidae,[1] known commonly as the
ungulate lice.[2] All known species are of importance
in veterinary medicine.[1] These lice are some of the
worst ectoparasites of domestic animals.[3] Species
infest many domesticated and wild large mammals,
including cattle, horses, donkeys, swine, water buffalo
, African buffalo, antelope, zebra, deer, and camels
Hoplopleuridae is a family of lice in the order
Psocodea. There are about 6 genera and more than 150
described species in Hoplopleuridae
These six genera belong to the family Hoplopleuridae:
Ancistroplax Waterston, 1929
Haematopinoides Osborn, 1891
Hoplopleura Enderlein, 1904
Paradoxophthirus Chin, 1989
Pterophthirus Ewing, 1923
Schizophthirus Ferris, 1922
Hybophthiridae – rodzina skórnych pasożytów
ssaków należąca do rzędu Phthiraptera. Powodują
chorobę zwaną wszawicą.
Hybophthiridae stanowią rodzinę składającą się
obecnie z 1 rodzaju [1]:
Hybophthirus - rodzaj ten obecnie składa się z 1
Hybophthirus notophallus
Linognathidae is a family of lice in the order
Psocodea. There are at least 3 genera and 70 described
species in Linognathidae.[
These three genera belong to the family
Linognathus Enderlein, 1905
Prolinognathus Ewing, 1929
Solenopotes Enderlein, 1904
Microthoraciidae er en gruppe av hudparasitter som
lever i pelsen på pattedyr. Den tilhører gruppen av lus
(kalt Anoplura) som har sugende munndeler og får
næring ved å drikke blod fra verten. Disse artene lever
på kameldyr.
Suborder: Anoplura
Pecaroecidae Kéler, 1963
Kéler, 1963
Reference Title: 
14. Ordnung. Läuse, Anoplura
Taxon Citation Remarks: 
Citation information points to the most recent interpretation of the taxon name (not the
original, which is absent from the sucking louse checklist).
Kéler, 1963
Pedicinus is a genus of sucking louse, the only genus
in the family Pedicnidae.[2] Species belonging to this
genus are found on Old World monkeys and apes of
different kinds.[3][4] Pedicinus, along with its sister
genus Pthirus, are believed to have diverged from their
common ancestor approximately 22.5-2.5
million years ago.[5]
Pedicinus has been studied on a genetic level by
researchers looking for insight into the evolutionary
history of their primate hosts.[
Pediculus is a genus of sucking lice, the sole genus in the family
Pediculidae. Pediculus species are ectoparasites of primates.
Species include:
Pediculus clavicornis Nitzsch, 1864
Pediculus humanus Linnaeus, 1758
Pediculus humanus humanus Linnaeus, 1758 – the body louse
Pediculus humanus capitis De Geer, 1767 – the head louse
Pediculus mjobergi Ferris, 1916
Pediculus schaeffi Fahrenholz, 1910
Humans are the hosts of Pediculus humanus. Chimpanzees and
bonobos host Pediculus shaeffi. Various New World monkeys in the
families Cebidae and Atelidae host Pediculus mjobergi.
Pthirus is a genus of lice. There are only two extant
species. Pthirus gorillae infests gorillas, and Pthirus
pubis afflicts humans, and is commonly known as the
crab louse or pubic louse. The two species diverged
some 3.3 million years ago.
Since 1958 the generic name Pthirus has been spelled
with pth rather than phth, despite this being based on
a misspelling of the Greek-derived phthirus.
Polyplacidae is a family of lice in the suborder Anoplura, the
sucking lice. Lice in this family are known commonly as the
spiny rat lice.[1] The family has a cosmopolitan distribution. As
of 2010 there were 193 species.[2]
These are small to medium-sized lice. They are usually
sexually dimorphic. They have 5-segmented antennae and
small, slender, clawed forelegs. Their middle and hindlegs may
be almost equal in size, or the hindlegs may be larger.[3]
Lice in this family are parasites of many types of small
mammals, including spiny rats, cavies, rabbits, hares,
chinchillas, bushbabies, lemurs, squirrels, shrews, pouched rats
, treeshrews, hyraxes, and Oriental dormice
 familie Ratemiidae Kim & Ludwig, 1978
 slekten RatemiaFahrenholz, 1916
• Ratemia asiatica Chin, 1981 – Asia
• Ratemia bassoni Fiedler & Stampa, 1958 – sørlige Afrika
• Ratemia squamulata (Neumann, 1911) – østlige Afrika

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