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Crop Recommender System

Dr.B.Rama Krishna

Existing System
Proposed System
System Architecture
UML diagrams
System Requirements
Future Enhancement
Agriculture is the field which plays an important
role in improving our countries economy. Selecting
of every crop is very important in the agriculture
planning. The selection of crops will depend upon
the different parameters. We can improve
agriculture by using machine learning techniques
which are applied easily on farming sector. This
improves our Indian economy by maximizing the
yield rate of crop production.

Crop yield prediction methodology is used to predict the

suitable crop by sensing various parameters of soil such as
pH, Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potassium and also parameter
related to atmosphere such as rainfall, temperature.

The concept of this project is to implement the crop

selection method so that this method helps in solving many
agriculture and farmers problems.

The existing systems only predict yield based on input

of total area of farm land in hectares but this systems
doesn’t predict best suitable and profitable
crop ,doesn’t suggest fertilizers and doesn’t calculate
the total value of the crop.

High Efficiency
Reduction of problems can be done by
implementing new techniques on agriculture
This application helps them to predict the yield.
This will help the farmers which crop to be
selected for their land or the region

 As the farmers are facing many problems in

agricultural sector their problems.

 As the farmers don’t know to use weka tool.

 Low Efficiency.

we have considered the Naive Bayes method and K-

Nearest Neighbour method. Using these two methods we can
predict which crops to be selected for their land and season.
This application we can do single testing by giving input as
crop name, season selected and place selected. As soon we
give the input we can select the method and mine the results.
The results will tell you the yield rate of that crop.

Load Dataset:
Load dataset using pandas read _csv() method.

Split Dataset:
Split the dataset to two types. One is train data test and
another one is test dataset
Train dataset:
Train dataset will train our data set using fit method. The
observations in the training set form the experience that the
algorithm uses to learn.
In supervised learning problems, each observation consists of an
observed output variable and one or more observed input

Test dataset:
The test set is a set of observations used to evaluate the
performance of the model using some performance metric.
It is important that no observations from the training set are
included in the test set
UML Diagrams :

The UML is a very important part of developing object

orinted Software and the software development process .
The UML mostly use graphical notations to express the
design of software projects.
Use Case Diagram :
Class Diagram :
Sequence Diagram :
Activity Diagram :
K-Nearest Neighbour

K-NN algorithm stores all the available data and

classifies a new data point based on the similarity.

Naïve Bayes :

Naïve Bayes Classifier is one of the simple and most

effective Classification algorithms which helps in building
the fast machine learning models that can make quick
Software requirements:
Operating system : Windows 7.
Coding Language : Python
Tool : PyCharm , VisualStudio Code
Database : MYSQL
Numpy: 1.19.2
Matplotlib: 3.1.2
Scikit-learn: 0.23.2
Pandas: 0.25.3
Hardware requirements:

 Processor :
Intel i3 and above

 RAM :
4GB and Higher

 Hard Disk :
500GB: Minimum
Future Enhancement

• Incorporate more weather variables:

hours of sunlight.
• Incorporate soil data.

Using Machine Learning techniques the model has been

tested and KNN suggests suitable accuracy in crop yield
prediction. So farmers will benefit by using these
techniques which will improve crop productivity and
profit for farmers.
[1] J.P. Singh, M.P. Singh, Rakesh Kumar and Prabhat Kumar Crop Selection
Method to Maximize Crop Yield Rate using Machine Learning Technique,
International Journal on Engineering Technology, May 2015.
[2] Gour Hari Santra, Debahuti Mishra and Subhadra Mishra, Applications of
Machine Learning Techniques in Agricultural Crop Production, Indian Journal
of Science and Technology, October 2016.
[3] Karan deep Kauri, Machine Learning: Applications in Indian Agriculture,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication
Engineering, April 2016.
[4] S. Djodiltachoumy, A Model for Prediction of Crop Yield, International
Journal of Computational Intelligence and Informatics, March 2017.

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