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Henri Fayol 14 Principles of Management

with special reference to Starbuck's
Starbucks was established in 1971 by three local
businessmen to sell high quality whole beans coffee.
Starbucks air is to provide high quality of coffee to its
consumer and aim to achieve product innovation, retail

Overview expansion and provide service quality for long term.

Starbucks is a leading company around the globe.
Starbucks used very simple strategy, “connecting links
About between treating employees with dignity and respect
and producing good product and services.” That was
Starbuck's the major factors that differentiate Starbucks from
others and bring the successful to Starbucks. Starbucks
broad its business with the help of well-established
strategies of it positioned itself in the market. But every
product has a life cycle, when it reaches its maturity it
will tend to decline, position of Starbucks is also not
different. It’s time to relocate their market and
coordinate their strategies.
Henri Fayol 
Henry Fayol, also known as the ‘father of
modern management theory’ gave a
new perception of the concept of
management. He introduced a general
theory that can be applied to all levels of
management and every department. The
Fayol theory is practised by the
managers to organize and regulate the
internal activities of an organization. He
concentrated on accomplishing
managerial efficiency.
14 Principles of

Division of Work Scalar Chain

Authority and Order
Responsibility Equity
Unity of Direction Stability of Tenure of
Subordination of Personnel
Individual Interest Initiative
Remuneration Esprit de Corps
Discipline In Starbuck's, it was observed that the
employees were indulged in long
conversations over the phones which lead
customers being ignored and there were lot
of consumer complains.

In Starbuck's, as the authority and

Unity of responsibility is by the board of directors, So
Command there are multiple bosses who give different

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