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M R A Project – Milestone 1

◦ Problem Statement –
◦ An automobile parts manufacturing company has collected data of transactions for 3 years. They
do not have any in-house data science team, thus they have hired you as their consultant.

◦ This project aims to find the underlying buying patterns of the customers of an automobile
part manufacturer based on the past 3 years of the Company's transaction data and hence
recommend customized marketing strategies for different segments of customers.
Fact check about given data

• Shape of dataset – Number of rows – 2747; Number of columns – 2 0

• Null Values – All the 2 0 columns doesn't have any null values in it.
High Cardinality -High-cardinality refers to columns with values that are very uncommon or unique.
High-cardinality column values are typically identification numbers, email addresses, or user names
High Correlation - When two sets of data are strongly linked together we say they have
High Correlation. The following variables are highly correlated
Bi-variate Analysis
Numerical Vs Categorical
Bi variate analysis… contd
Bi variate analysis… contd
Multi variate Analysis
Numerical Vs Numerical
Multi variate analysis… contd
Multi variate analysis… contd
Bi variate analysis… contd
Numerical Vs 2 Categorical
Bi variate analysis… contd
Trend analysis

• The sales of large size deal is almost remain stagnant over the years and it can be presumed
that company should focus on getting large size chunk projects.
• The sales of product line like vintage cars and motorcycles is in saturation stage and there is
no scope in them, however trucks and buses product line is still have scoop for sales.
• The company is customer driven because there major chunk of sales comes from 4 – 5
customer. So therefore company should focus more on customer scouting in a rationale way
because in case there is client churn’s it will impact the sales of the company grossly.
• Company has huge pile of orders which are disputed in classic cars category followed by
motorcycles category, so therefore management should try to resolve these disputes so that
sales could not be impacted.
• Company drives export revenue mainly from large size deals followed by medium size
deals and small size deals therefore it can be inferenced that large size deals is mainly from
foreign customers and company should focus on domestic sales as well.

Customer Segmentation using RFM analysis

 For customer segmentation using RFM analysis we have used KNIME tool.

 We have used country column for recency analysis and chosen country as USA.
RFM Analysis

 We have divided the customers into three bins i.e. Bin-1, Bin-2, Bin-3 and mapped them to
recency, frequency and monetary columns.

 After performing RFM analysis, it was found that Recency consists of top 25% customer

which can be termed as active customers.
 Next Bin consist of customers which are at risk and comes in Bin-2.
 After that the bottom consists of inactive customers which are in Bin-3 and in lowest
R F M Matrix
• Champions are those best customers, who bought most recently, most often, and are heavy spenders. They can
become early adopters for new products and will help promote the brand.

• Potential Loyalists are most recent customers with average frequency and who spent a good amount.

• New Customers are those customers who have a high overall RFM score but are not frequent shoppers. Start
building relationships with these customers by providing onboarding support and special offers to increase their

• At Risk Customers are those customers who purchased often and spent big amounts, but haven’t purchased

• Can’t Lose Them are customers who used to visit and purchase quite often, but haven’t been visiting recently.

 Conclusions - We found that most of the customers belong to Bin-2 which is categorized as medium meaning
that customers in this category are at risk and they might switch to other supplier as well in future if there will
be price issue.

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