Chocolate: S.Shabarish Gopal

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20/04/2022 S.Shabarish Gopal
Table of contents
S.No Contents
1 History of Cocoa
- Origin
- European Culture
- Mass production & Slavery
- Invention of cocoa powder
2 Cultivation of Cocoa
3 Varieties of Cocoa
4 Bean to Bar: Manufacture process
5 Types of chocolate
6 Couverture vs Compound chocolate
7 Chocolate Uses & Flavour Pairings
8 Quiz

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• Cocoa was first developed as a crop in many ancient
South American cultures mainly the Aztecs and
Mural of Mayans preparing Cacahuatl
• Cacahuatl, a bitter beverage made with cocoa was
shared during religious ceremonies celebrating the
serpent gods-Kukulkan and Quetzalcoatl
•  Cocoa beans were used as a currency in trade, given
to warriors as a post-battle reward, and served at royal
feasts, even considered to be more valuable than gold.

Ixcocoa: Considered to be the Goddess of Chocolate

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S.Shabarish Gopal
Chocolate meets European culture

• Chocolate first arrived in Europe after the Spanish conquest of

the Aztecs
• By the late 1500s it was a much-loved indulgence by the Spanish
court, and Spain began importing chocolate in 1585
• As Italy and France visited parts of Central America, they also
learned about cacao and brought back chocolate. Soon, chocolate
mania spread throughout Europe. Conquestor Hernando Cortes in Aztec
• Chocolate didn't suit the foreigners' tastebuds at first one
described it in his writings as "a bitter drink for pigs" – but once
mixed with honey or cane sugar, it quickly became popular
throughout Spain

Christopher Columbus
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Mass produced chocolate & Slavery
• By the 17th century, chocolate was a fashionable drink throughout Europe
• The first English chocolate house opened in 1657. Before long, the English,
Dutch, and French were so enamored of chocolate, they set out to colonize
cacao-growing lands of their own. The chocolate trade was thus built on a system
of forced labor and slavery of Meso-American and African people.

English Chocolate Room, 18th century

Invention of Cocoa Powder

In 1828, a Dutch chemist found a way to make powdered chocolate by removing
about half the natural fat (cacao butter) from chocolate liquor, pulverizing what
remained and treating the mixture with alkaline salts to cut the bitter taste and it
soon led to the creation of solid chocolate.
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Cultivation of Cocoa
Roughly two-thirds of the entire world's cocoa is
produced in West Africa
The Ivory Coast is the largest producer of cocoa in the
The cocoa belt is an area of land around the equator
between 20 degrees latitude north and south.

Cocoa growing countries

Because of the hazards of disease and pests, most of the

world’s cacao is grown on small labor-intensive farms of
less than two hectares instead of large plantations

Other tree crops such as banana, palm, or rubber are often

planted with the cacao to provide shade and wind protection
for the young trees.

20/04/2022 S.Shabarish Gopal Cocoa plantation 6

Cocoa Varieties
Most commonly grown Rarest & expensive Natural hybrid of
Forastero & Criollo

Native to the Amazon Native to Central Native to Trinidad

Basin America , Caribbean

Higher in yield Difficult to grow , 5 to 10 percent of all

vulnerable to cocoa production
threats , low yield per
Classic chocolate Delicate yet complex , Good basal flavour
flavour, minimal rich in secondary with interesting tasting
secondary flavour notes notes
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From bean to bar: Chocolate Making Process

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Step 1 : Harvest and Fermentation Step 2 : Drying and Storage Step 3 :Testing, Cleaning,
and Roasting
Harvesting the cacao pods is still done by The drying process differs, depending
hand. on the climate or size of the Sample cocoa beans are tested
Fermentation occurs when the pulp plantation. Cocoa beans can be dried for size and defects, such as
surrounding the cacao bean is converted out in the sun on trays or mats where insects or mold, and then
into alcohol by the yeasts present in the air the climate permits. ground into unsweetened
chocolate, which is evaluated
for flavor and aroma

Cocoa pods harvested by hand Fermented beans in shaded boxes

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Step 4 : Cracking Step 6 : Conching
Step 5: Grinding / Refining

While roasting, the shell of the cocoa bean This process develops the flavor of
The first grind of the beans is usually
separates from the bean kernel and is the chocolate, releasing some of the
done in a milling or grinding machine
removed in the first step of the cracking or inherent bitterness and gives the
such as a melangeur. The nibs are
fanning process. The beans are cracked resulting chocolate its smooth, melt-
ground or crushed to liquefy the cocoa
(not crushed) by being passed through in-your-mouth quality. Conching
butter and produce what is now
serrated cones. The cracked beans are now goes on for hours or days depending
called chocolate liquor.
called cocoa nibs. on the flavor and texture desired by
the manufacturer.

Cocoa nibs
Cocoa liquor after grinding
Liquid chocolate being conched
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Step 4 : Tempering Untempered Chocolate
•Easily blooms and is prone to white
Tempering chocolate is the process of raising streaks, spots and marks
and lowering the temperature of it to alter the •Has a dull surface
crystal formation of the chocolate. Chocolate •Has a dry, crumbly mouthfeel
that’s tempered has a glossy look and distinctive •Breaks apart easily without any snap
(it can bend or crumble in your hands
snapping sound when it’s broken.
•Very difficult to remove from a
The word ‘temper’ actually comes from chocolate mold, because it gets stuck or
metallurgy and means ‘to improve the hardness breaks
by reheating and then cooling.’ •Melts too easily and quickly

Tempered Chocolate
•Shiny, glossy surface
•Has a smooth, creamy mouthfeel
•A satisfying snap when you break off
a piece
•Should easily pop out of a chocolate
mould when turned upside down and
given a slight tap
•Stays solid in warmer temperatures

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Types of chocolate – based
on cocoa content
Unsweetened/Raw Chocolate
Also known as “bitter” or “baking” chocolate. This is pure chocolate
liquor, composed solely of ground cocoa beans, has a bitter taste and
is not meant for consumption on its own.

Dark Chocolate
Chocolate that contains chocolate liquor, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla and
lecithin (an emulsifier). There are no milk solids added to dark chocolate.

Bittersweet Chocolate
Most bittersweet bars contain at least 50 percent chocolate liquor, with
some bars pushing 70-80% chocolate liquor. This chocolate often has a
deeper, more bitter flavor 

Semi- sweet Chocolate

Semi-sweet chocolate contains at least 35 percent cocoa solids and is
assumed to be darker than sweet dark chocolate, but sweeter than
bittersweet. 12
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Types of chocolate – based
on cocoa content
Milk Chocolate
In addition to containing cocoa butter and chocolate liquor, milk chocolate
contains either condensed milk (most European varieties) or dry milk solids.
Milk chocolate must contain at least 10 percent chocolate liquor (in the United
States), 3.39 percent butterfat, and 12 percent milk solids.

White chocolate
White chocolate gets its name from the cocoa butter it contains, but does
not contain chocolate liquor or any other cocoa products. As a result, it
has no pronounced chocolate taste but commonly tastes like vanilla or
other added flavorings. By law, white chocolate must contain a
minimum 20 percent cocoa butter, 14 percent milk solids, and a
maximum of 55 percent sugar.

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Ruby Chocolate
It is a variety of chocolate introduced in 2017 by Barry Callebaut a
Belgian–Swiss cocoa company.
In development since 2004, it was patented in 2015 by inventors
Dumarche et al  . 
The chocolate is characterized by a taste that has been described as
slightly sweet and sour

While the exact production method is a trade secret publications

note industry speculation is that ruby chocolate is made with
unfermented cocoa beans of Brazil Lavados

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Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
Cocoa powder, an unsweetened chocolate product, adds deep chocolate flavor to
desserts and beverages. Cocoa powder occurs when the fat, called cocoa butter,
gets removed from the cacao beans during processing. The leftover dried solids
get ground into the product sold as cocoa powder.

Natural Cocoa Powder: Unprocessed, acidic, lighter in colour, with most of the
flavanols present
Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder: Through an alkalisation process, the excess
acidity is removed to bring a earthy, mellow flavour and rich dark brown colour.

Modeling Chocolate:
Modeling chocolate is a chocolate paste made by
melting chocolate and combining it with corn syrup,
glucose syrup or golden syrup

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Couverture Chocolate

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Chocolate Flavour Pairings
Dark Chocolate Milk Chocolate White Chocolate
Sea salt caramel Caramel Maple syrup
Ginger Honey Lemongrass
Lavender Coconut Pink peppercorn
Mint Lavender Cardamom
Cardamom Sea Salt Saffron
Cinnamon Orange Sea salt
Fennel Strawberries Wasabi
Black sesame seeds Raspberries Lemon
Banana Asiago Lime
Lime Chai Orange
Figs Dark Coffee Cranberry
Grape Goji berries Blueberries
Pine nuts Macadamia nuts
Hazelnuts Cashews
Almonds Hazelnuts
Goat cheese Brie cheese
Dark-roast coffee
Espresso beans Matcha tea
Colombian coffee

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Q1: Cocoa is widely cultivated in the European Q3: White chocolate is made using
nations of Belgium, Switzerland and France. a) Cocoa liqueur, milk solids, sugar
a) TRUE b) Cocoa butter, milk solids, sugar, vanilla
b) FALSE c) Cocoa butter ,cocoa powder , sugar

Q2: The process involving precise heating and

cooling of chocolate to achieve optimum Q4: Ruby chocolate was invented by
crystallisation is known as a) Hershey’s
a) Conching b) Cadbury
b) Tempering c) Barry Callebaut
c) Roasting

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