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Topic: Firewall

Presenting To: presenting By:

Mr. Praveen sir vishal kolare
Mr. Neeraj sir MCA 1st year

What is firewall
Hardware vs. software firewall
How does firewall work
Firewall rule
Role of firewall
Types of firewall
Benefits of using firewall

 the internet has made large amount of information

Avaliable to the average computer user at home in
Business or education
 For many people having access to this information is no
longer just an Advantage:it is essential
 Therefore ,security of network is the criteria here and
firewall provide this security
What is firewall

A firewall is simply a program or hardware device

that filters the information coming through the
internet connection into your private network or
computer system.
Hardware firewall vs software

Hardware firewalls are integrated into router

that sits between a computer and the internet.
Software firewalls are installed on individual
servers. They interchange each connection request
and then determine whether the request is valid or
How does firewall work

Inspects each individual “packet” of data as

packet as it arrives at either of the firewall
Determine whether it should be allowed to pass
through or it should be blocked
Difference between a host based firewall and a network
based firewall

 A host based firewall is installed on an individual computer

to protect it from occurring on its network
 A network-based firewall is implemented at a specified
point in the network path and protects all computer on the
“internal” side of the firewall from all computer on the
“external” side of the firewall
Firewall Rules

Allow – traffic that flows automatic because it has

been deemed

Block – traffic that is blocked because it has been

deemed dangerous to your computer

Ask – asks the user whether or not the traffic is

allowed to pass through
The Role of firewall

 A firewall is a term used for a “barrier” between a network

of machine and users that operate under a common
security policy and generally trust each other , and the
outside world.
 There are two reasons for using a firewall at present: to
save memory in concentrating your security on a small
number of components , and to simplify the architecture of
a system by restricting access only to machines that trust
each other.
Types of firewall

Packet filtering firewall:

Packet-filtering firewall

Applies a set of rule to each incoming IP packets and

then forwards or discards the packets
Filter packets going in both directions
The packet filter is typically set up as a list of rules
based on matches to fields in the IP or TCP header
Two defaults policies(discard or forward)
it is used for operating at the session-level. It is
used to monitor TCP handshakes rather than data
packets to check whether the sessions are genuine
or not.
Stateful inspection firewall

It is used for filtering both data packet as well as

session filtering. It checks for active sessions and
network packets, whether they are legitimate or not.
Application Level firewall

It functions at the application layer. Filtering of

traffic is done concerning the application (or service)
for which they are planned.
Benefits of using firewall

It stops attacks on your network from external networks

and agents.
It acts as a filter and keeps away the non-authoritative
It permits monitoring the network security and alarms its
users when any malicious activity is detected.
IT also observes and records services used by WWW
(World Wide Web), FTP (File Transfer Protocol), and
some other commonly used protocols.
It also blocks or un-block those inbound and outbound

 One of the best things about a firewall a security standpoint

is that it stop on the outside from logging onto a computer
in your private network.
 While this is a big deal for businesses ,most home network
will probably not be threatened in this manner. still,
putting a firewall in a place provides some peace of mind.

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