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What Does It Take To Make A Group?


Two or Free Collective Common

more interactio Purpose
n Among Identity
Definition of group
A group may be defined as a collection of
people who have a common purpose or
objective, interact with each other to
accomplish the group objectives, are aware
of one another and perceive themselves to be
part of group.
Types of

Formal Groups Informal Groups

Command Friendshi Interest
Task group Committees
p group Group
Other groups
Primary groups
Secondary groups
Social groups
Reference groups
Membership groups
Functional groups
Problem solving groups

Accomplish its goals.

Maintain its cohesion.
Develop and modify its structure to
improve its effectiveness.
Qualities of group

Ability to act in a unitary manner

A definite membership- collection of two or more
Group members should have collective perception
of a decision
Members of the group have same goal or objective
Members should have satisfaction of their needs
Members should be able to communicate, work
with one another.

To Have a sense of security

To have a Power
Develop Self-esteem
Goal achievement
Have a status and Affiliation

1.Formal organizational functions:

2. Psychological Personal functions:
3. Mixed or Multiple functions:
Group Dynamics.

The word ”Dynamics” comes from the Greek word

meaning ”force” ;hence group dynamics refers to
the study of forces operating within a group
Group dynamic is the social process by which
people interact in a group environment. The
influence of personality and power of behavior on
the group process can influence the dynamics of
any group.
Group dynamics refers to the complex forces that
are acting upon every group throughout its
existence which cause it to behave the way it does.

1. The members of the group must have a strong

sense of belonging to the group .
2. The more attraction a group is to its members, the
greater influence it would exercise on its members.
3. The greater the prestige of the group member in
the eyes of the member, the greater influence he
would exercise on the them.
4. Information relating to the need for change, plans
for change and the consequence of the changes
must be shared by the members of the group.
5. The changes in one part of the groups may produce
stress in the other parts, which can be reduced only
by eliminating the change or by bringing about
readjustments in the related parts.
6. The groups arise and function owing to common
7. The groups survive by pacing the members into
functional hierarchy and facilitating the action
towards the goal.
8. The intergroup relations, group organization,
member participation is essential for effectiveness of
a group.

Group Atmosphere
Group Maturity
Group Norms
Norms enables a group to accomplish its goals.
Norms help the group to control and regulate the
behavior of its members without external influence.
Norms enable a group to survive in the face of threat and
competition from other groups. They protect the group
and its members from outside pressure and interference.
Norms help the group and its member to express group’s
value and give the group a unique identity of its own.
Norms of the group enhance the predictability of group
members in terms of performance, appearance etc.

Task oriented Relations oriented Self oriented roles

roles roles
Initiator: Harmonizers: Blockers:
Contributors Mediate group Act stubborn and
Recommend new solutions to conflicts resistant to the group.
group problems.
Information Seekers: Compromisers: Recognition seekers:
Attempt to obtain the Shift own opinions to create Call attention to their own
necessary facts. achievements.
group harmony.
Opinion Givers: Encourages: Dominators:
Share own opinions with Praise & encourage others Assert authority by
others manipulating the group

Energizers: Expediters: Avoiders:

Stimulate the group into Suggest ways the group can Maintain distance, isolate
operate more smoothly. themselves from fellow group
action whenever interested

Past Experience Forces

Psychological Forces
Associated Forces
Goals and Ideology Forces
 Effect of Forces on Individual Behavior
of a Nurse
Stages of group formation
Group cohesiveness
Importance of high cohesiveness

Concerned with group

Rigidity or Flexibility
Group organization
Continuous process of restructuring,
adjusting and readjusting members
Forces affecting group dynamics

Past experience forces

The individual’s past experience in life may
strongly affect his behavior because the
attitudes, values, habits are developed a
person’s life from these experiences. The
family also strongly influence the formation of
behavior of an individual, which in turn is
exhibited in individual’s dealing towards
leaders, authorities and other group members.
Psychological forces
Psychological needs are common to all
human beings.
These needs include need for security, need
for belongingness, need for recognition of
status, need for new experiences. These
needs are not of the same strength for all
Association forces
It is the invisible factors which influence the
behavior of an individual.
These factors may be the geographical
habitation, professional affiliation, family
influence, neighborhood, religious belief and
existing customs and traditions.
So every time an individual resounds to his
environment, these forces pressurize him/her
to act in a certain way.
Goals and ideology forces
Forces from goals and ideologies are an
individual’s own goals, standards and values
laid down by himself, based on individual’s
perception of self image and self ideal.
Significance of group and group dynamics in nursing

In order to occupy important position in the

health care system by virtue of formal
structure of an organization, the nurse, by
having knowledge of group dynamics, can
increase the productivity of her group
members and thereby improve patient care.
She assumes a role of leader or a member in
various groups.
Knowledge on group dynamics helps the nurse
to be a good observer, listener and supporter.
She can effectively work as a liaison between
patients and other health team members and
Knowledge of group also helps a nurse
administrator to be effective member of a
group, which provides self development and
satisfaction to the nurse.
Knowledge of group dynamics helps a
nurse to gain self satisfaction by being a
member or leader of a group, depending
on the situation.
Provides an opportunity for self
development as an individual.
As a nurse administrator following the
group dynamics helps the nurse to bring
the change in the group if required.

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