Cropprot1 - Botanical Control Approach of Golden Apple Snail

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SNAIL, (Pomacea canalicuta Lamarck) USING ASYANG

( Mikania Cordata) and Hagonoy ( Chromolaena odorata )



Golden Apple Snail (GAS)
Golden apple snail or kuhol was introduced as food to the
Philippines in the 1980s but turned out to be one of the most
serious pests of irrigated lowland rice because of its high
reproductive capacity.

During a heavy infestation, missing rice hills can be observed in

the field causing a tremendous reduction in rice yield
Golden Apple Snail (GAS)
 Chemical control using synthetic molluscicides is the most convenient way for farmers to control golden
apple snails.

However, due to increasing awareness of the bad effects of chemical pesticides on humans and
the environment, there is a need to examine locally available plants as alternative botanical
pesticides for kuhol.
Hagonoy ( Chromolaena odorata )

C. odorata is a very widely distributed tropical SHRUB that is still expanding its
range, and is considered one of the world’s worst weeds.
Asyang ( Mikania cordata )
 Assess the molluscicidal activity of Hagonoy (Chromolaena odorata) and asyang (Mikania cordata)
leachates against golden apple snail

Pail with cover Plastic Pots Tap Water
Knife weighing scale Plastic cover enough
Nylon tulle Asyang biomass to cover plants (so
that snails can’t
Record Book Hagonoy biomass escape in the treated
Marker (Pentel Pen)
for labelling
 A. Collection and Preparation of Treatments
1. Collection of Hagonoy and Mikania
Collect about 1 kg of Hagonoy and 1kg Mikania for each treatment to be used. Wash with
tap water to remove the dirt and other debris. Drain the water for few minutes. Cut into small
pieces. Soak each cut piece separately in the pail with water (Enough to saturate) for 24, 48, 72
Ex. If the conduct date is Feb 19, 2021, You have to soak 1 kg each of biomass on
feb 16 (72hrs), another 1 kg of biomass on feb 17(48hrs), and another 1kg of asyang on
feb 18 (24hrs)
Be sure to harvest 1,500 ml of leachate per pail

 2. Collection of golden apple snail (kuhol)

Collect  240 uniform size golden apple snail from untreated ricefield.  Maintain the kuhol in
tap water before the actual conduct of the experiment. 
 B. Application of Treatment
 1. Collect and strain the liquid separately
 2. Pour about 500ml per treatment per pot.  Each treatment will be replicated three(3)
times. Treatments will be  as follows: 
 Group 1 Group 2 

T0-  Tap Water T0- Tap Water
 T1-Hagonoy soaked for 24 hours T1-Hagonoy soaked for 24 hours
 T1-Hagonoy soaked for 48 hours T2-Hagonoy soaked for 48 hors
 T3-Hagonoy soaked for 72 hours T3-Hagonoy soaked for 72 hours
R1 R2 R3




 2. Introduce 10 golden kuhol in each pot.
 3. Cover the pot with plastic so that snails cannot escape.
 4. Observe the behavior of kuhol upon introduction 1 hour after treatment
 5. Count the number of dead kuhol in each pot at 24, 48, and 72 hours after treatment.
Dead Kuhol can be observed as floating with a detached operculum and with the flesh
 6. Compute the percent snail mortality in all treatments using the formula:
 7. Analyze your data and make a scientific report.

24 hrs after 48 hrs after 72 hrs after
treatment treatment treatment
R1 R2 R3 R1 R2 R3 R1 R2 R3
Thank you

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