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Lalalawigan Elementary School

Samal, Bataan

English: Quarter 4

Week 5
Julieta S. Refuerzo
Master Teacher I

Elisa S. Ramos
Principal I
Quarter 4, Week 5

Day 1
Summarize the information from a text heard
Inferring meaning of borrowed word using
Presenting New Lesson
To the Learner
Study the picture , do you know what food is
aHave you eaten porridge?
What kind of porridge have you eaten?
Aside from being regarded as asoft diet
, it is often mentioned in classical
literature. Listen to an article about
Establishing Purpose “Let’s Try This”
of the Lesson

Take down relevant notes as you listen. Use this notes

in summarizing the information you have heard.
Congee or conjee  is a type of rice porridge or gruel popular in
many Asian countries, especially East Asia. When eaten as plain
rice congee, it is most often served with side dishes. When
additional ingredients, such as meat, fish, and flavorings, are
added while preparing the congee, it is most often served as a
meal on its own, especially for the ill. Names for congee are as
varied as the style of its preparation. Despite its many
variations, it is usually a thick porridge of rice largely
disintegrated after prolonged cooking in water
Establishing Purpose “Let’s Try This”
of the Lesson

While congee is a staple breakfast

dish in China, it is called congee only
in Guangdong, and is known by
other local as "white porridge".
Presenting examples/
intances of the new lessons “Let’s Try This

Study the two set of words and tell what the

difference between them.
Recount beautiful
Misspell lovable
Impossible harmless
Pretest childlike
Unload selfish
Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1. ”Let’s Study This
Suffixes alter or modify word meaning.
Review the following suffixes from
foreign origin.
Origin Suffix Meaning Examples
Latin -ary,-ate,ee,eur Agents,doer of Missionart,
things Advocate,trustee
-ance,-ice,-age state, result of Brillance,
action cowardice,
Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1. ”Let’s Study This
Origin Suffix Meaning Examples
Latin -ary (-ery,-ry) Denotes place infirmary
-ette denotes diminutives cigarette
English -en,-se to make weaken,cleanse
-long towards headlong
-ward turning to backward
Greek -ic relating cryptic
to,characterized by
-y Condition, state Monarchy
French -ize,ise Verb-forming Crystalize
Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2. Do”Let’s Do This
Use the table given to define the
meaning of the following words.

1.Payee 7.Novelette
2.Internalize 8.Insanity
3.Comedic 9Clearance
4.Utilize 10.arrogance
Developing mastery Leads
to Formative Assessment 3
”Let’s Do More
Add the correct suffix to the following word to form new
word. Choose the suffix below.
ary ward ize age ance

1. honor 6.apology
2. revolution 7.orphan
3. down 8. attend
4. real 9. brilliant
5. critic 10. hospital
Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living

Add the correct suffix to the underlined word to make the

sentence complete.

1.The boat veered east towards the rocks.

2.The crowd pushed us side toward the door.
3.The farmers fertile the fields with organic materials.
4.The mechanic’s hands are very hands are very grease.
5.The marry of Joey and Liza was annulled.
Making Generalization & Abstractions
about the Lessons Let’s Remember This

Can you infer the meaning of borrowed

words using suffixes?
What are borrowed suffixes and give its
Evaluating Learning Let’s Test Ourselves
Directions: Study the four suffixes and the examples below.
Change each word in column A to an adjective by adding a
suffix and write the new word in column B. You may have to
change, drop, or add letters before adding the suffix to some
words. Suffix From Example
- ful Old English wonderful,
-less Old English hopeless,
-able Latin readable,
-ese Latin Japanese,
Evaluating Learning Let’s Test Ourselves

1. Portugal
-less, - ful, 6. remark
-ese, -able

2. Misery 7. Canton

3. awe 8. service

4. move 9. penny
Evaluating Learning Let’s Test Ourselves
Answer Key

1. Portuguese
2. miserable
3. awful
4. moveable
5. Chinese
6. remarkable
7. Cantonese
8. serviceable
9. penniless
10. grateful
Quarter 4, Week 5

Day 2
Use appropriate graphic organizer in text read
Study the following borrowed suffix then do the exercises
Suffix From Example
-ian Latin Christian,
-ic Greek angelic,
-ive Latin corrective,
-ous Latin riotous,
Study the following borrowed suffix then do the exercises below.
1. create
2. communist
3. religion
4. impress
5. Freud
6. construct
7. hero
8. mass
9. Canada
10. Italy
Key to correction
1. creative
2. communistic
3. religious
4. impressive
5. Freudian
6. constructive
7. heroic
8. massive
9. Canadian
10. Italian
Establishing Purpose “Let’s Try This”
of the Lesson
What foolish things have you done because of hunger?
Find out what happened to the hungry character in the selection you are
about to read

The underlined words are in the selection you are about to read. Infer
the meaning based on their suffixes and how they are use in the

1. It is not safe to sleep in the forest, with all the prowling animals at night.
a.Animals wander or roam around
b.Animals making loud noise
c.Animals sleeping and yawning
Establishing Purpose “Let’s Try This”
of the Lesson
The underlined words are in the selection you are about to read. Infer the
meaning based on their suffixes and how they are use in the sentences.

2.The brothers declined the old woman’s offer for the sake of courtesy.
a.Brothers agree with the old woman’s offer
b.Brothers refuse the old woman’s offer
c.Brothers accept the old woman’s offer
3. They do not want to impose on the woman especially that they came in
a.To force them to accept
b.To disregard them to accept
c.To ignore them to accept
Establishing Purpose “Let’s Try This”
of the Lesson
The underlined words are in the selection you are about to read. Infer the
meaning based on their suffixes and how they are use in the sentences.

4.They bade the old woman farewell before they left in the morning.
a.They offer to pay the old woman.
b.They wave goodbye to the old woman
c.They kiss the old woman
5.The youngest brother’s steps faltered , and he fell on the river.
a.Walk unsteadily
b.Walk steadily
c.Walk carefully
Presenting examples / “ Let’s Try This”
instances of the new lesson

The three brothers and the pot of porridge

Three brothers were traveling through the
dense rain forest jungle. They had been
traveling on foot for almost a full day and
night was falling. They needed a suitable
place to rest for the night, a place where they
would be safe from prowling animals of the
Presenting examples / “ Let’s Try This”
instances of the new lesson

They were in luck because before darkness

fell, they spotted a little isolated hut in the
distance. When they arrived at the hut, they
met a kindly old woman who invited them
in and offered them a place to spend the
Presenting examples / “ Let’s Try This”
instances of the new lesson

The old woman offered them some porridge

which she was cooking in an iron pot over
some firewood. The brothers declined for
they were very exhausted and also did not
want to impose on this old woman who
living alone, had cooked enough porridge
only for one person
Presenting examples / “ Let’s Try This”
instances of the new lesson

The old woman gave them some mats

and showed them into a room where they
could lay down and have a good nights rest.
Soon, the entire hut was dark and everyone
in it was asleep. 
Presenting examples / “ Let’s Try This”
instances of the new lesson

Sometime in the night, the youngest of the three

brothers woke up and he was very hungry. His older
brothers had declined the offer of some supper and
he had just gone along, but he was really hungry. So
he went out into the kitchen to see if any of the
porridge remained and indeed, there was enough
porridge in there for one person. It appeared that the
old woman had not eaten any of it, she must have
been keeping it for the next day.
Presenting examples / “ Let’s Try This”
instances of the new lesson

It wouldn?t harm anybody if he ate just a little bit

of it, and it would certainly do him a lot of good. So
he ate a little bit. Then a little bit more, and even
more until it was all gone. Realizing his folly, he
decided to cover it up and went out to pick some
stones to put in the pot. He hoped the old woman
would not notice. 
Presenting examples / “ Let’s Try This”
instances of the new lesson

The three brothers were up early the next

morning to continue on their journey. They bade
farewell to the old woman and thanked her for her
The old woman discovered the stones in her pot
soon after the brothers left and immediately set out
after them. Even though she was very old, she could
move as fast, or maybe even faster than any young
man since she was able to catch up with the three
young men. 
Presenting examples / “ Let’s Try This”
instances of the new lesson

She accused them of stealing her porridge and

filling her pot with stones, at which the eldest brother
who spoke for them sincerely denied. The old woman
though was certain that one of them performed the
deed, so she challenged them to take a test. They went
to a nearby river which had a log laying across it. Each
one of them would walk across the river on the log
while singing a song which the woman taught to
them. They would each sing this song in Yoruba: 
Presenting examples / “ Let’s Try This”
instances of the new lesson

Ti m ba je koko arugbo
If I ate the old woman?s cocoyam
Ki okun gbe mi, ki okun la mi
Let the sea take me
Ki okun gbe mi si erigidi ofun
Let the sea take me to ____ [unable to translate last part] 
The first two brothers walked confidently across the river
singing the song. But the youngest brother was so scared as he
walked and sang. His step faltered several times and he
eventually fell into the river.
Discussing new Concept
and Practicing New Let’s Do This
Skills # 1

Answer the following questions.

1. What was the folktale mainly about?
2. How would you describe the story setting
3. How were the characters described in the story?
4. What was the conflict in the story?
5. How was the conflict resolved?
6. What is special about the old woman? Why did you say that?
7. What could have happened to the youngest brother after he fell into
the river?
8. What kind of punishment would the old woman give the youngest
brother after knowing that he was the porrigde culprit?
Discussing new Concept
and Practicing New Let’s Do This
Skills # 2

C. List down the important events or the plot of

the story using this Story Sequence Organizer.
Finding practical applications “Let’s Do More”
of concepts and skills in daily

Choose from among the character in the story and fill in your
graphic organizer with details about this character.
Finding practical applications “Let’s Do More”
of concepts and skills in daily

Choose from among the character in the story and fill in your
graphic organizer with details about this character.
Finding practical applications “Let’s Do More”
of concepts and skills in daily

Choose from among the character in the story and fill in your
graphic organizer with details about this character.
Making Generalization Let’s Remember This
& Abstractions about
the Lessons

What is the use of a graphic organizer?

Evaluating “Let’s Test Ourselves”
Day 3
Quarter 4, Week 5

Day 3
Use various types and kinds of sentences for effective
communication of information/ideas
(Compound-Complex Sentence)
Review Let’s Practice
Recall that a compound complex sentence is a
sentence having two or more coordinate
independent clauses and one more dependent
clauses, and this type of sentence is used to give
more interest to the writing and to tell more in one
Compound-complex sentence is a product of a
combined sentence between a compound sentence
and a complex sentence.
Review Let’s Practice
Compound sentence: Friends are inspirations and
they are part of growing up.
Complex sentence: Friends are inspirations who
make one’s life exciting and interesting.
Compound-complex sentence.
Review Let’s Practice

Friends are inspirations who make one’s life

exciting and interesting,
Independent clause dependent clause
And they are part of growing up.
Independent clause
Establishing a purpose for the lesson “Let’s Try This
A. Identify the following sentences as to compound,complex or
compound complex structure. Write CD on each blank if it a
compound sentence, CX if it is comolex, and CDX if it is compound
1. It was believed that the speed of the rotation never changed, but it
has been found that there are tiny variations.
2. A planet moves faster when it is closer to the sun.
3. Since the sun stays the same at all times, the orbital speed is
constantly changing.
4. The Earth began to be formed over 4.5 billion years agao,yet for
millions of years,nothing could live here.
5. Meteors may appear in the sky singly,which is why they are often
mistaken for a “falling star”.
Presenting the examples/instances of
the lesson “Let’s Try This

Group activity
Discussing new Concept and “Let’s Study This”
Practicing New Skills #1

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1.  Pauline and Bruno have a big argument every
summer over where they should spend their
summer vacation. 
 A. Simple Sentence
 B. Compound Sentence
 C. Complex Sentence
 D. Compound-Complex Sentence
Discussing new Concept and “Let’s Study This”
Practicing New Skills #1

2.  Pauline loves to go to the beach and spend her days sunbathing. 

 A. Simple Sentence
 B. Compound Sentence
 C. Complex Sentence
 D. Compound-Complex Sentence
3.  Bruno, on the other hand, likes the view that he gets from the log cabin up in
the mountains, and he enjoys hiking in the forest. 
 A. Simple Sentence
 B. Compound Sentence
 C. Complex Sentence
 D. Compound-Complex Sentence
Discussing new Concept and “Let’s Study This”
Practicing New Skills #1

4.  Pauline says there is nothing relaxing about chopping wood, swatting mosquitoes, and
cooking over a woodstove. 
 A. Simple Sentence
 B. Compound Sentence
 C. Complex Sentence
 D. Compound-Complex Sentence
5.  Bruno dislikes sitting on the beach; he always gets a nasty sunburn. 
 A. Simple Sentence
 B. Compound Sentence
 C. Complex Sentence
 D. Compound-Complex Sentence
6.  Bruno tends to get bored sitting on the beach, watching the waves, getting sand in his
swimsuit, and reading detective novels for a week.
 A. Simple Sentence
 B. Compound Sentence
 C. Complex Sentence
 D. Compound-Complex Sentence
Discussing new Concept and “Let’s Study This”
Practicing New Skills #1

7.  This year, after a lengthy, noisy debate, they decided to take separate
 A. Simple Sentence
 B. Compound Sentence
 C. Complex Sentence
 D. Compound-Complex Sentence
8.  Bruno went to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and Pauline
went to Cape Cod. 
 A. Simple Sentence
 B. Compound Sentence
 C. Complex Sentence
 D. Compound-Complex Sentence
Discussing new Concept and “Let’s Study This”
Practicing New Skills #1

9.  Although they are 250 miles apart, they keep in constant contact on the
 A. Simple Sentence
 B. Compound Sentence
 C. Complex Sentence
 D. Compound-Complex Sentence
10.  Bruno took the desktop computer that he uses at work, and Pauline
sits on the beach with her laptop computer, which she connects to the
internet with a cellular phone. 
 A. Simple Sentence
 B. Compound Sentence
 C. Complex Sentence
 D. Compound-Complex Sentence
Discussing new Concept and
Practicing New Skills #2 “Let’s Do This”

Combine the sentences to make one compound-complex

1.Susan teaches the kids who live in the neighborhood. They meet in the
evenings after she comes home from work.
2.The doctor wants to prescribe physical therapy, and he asked me to see a
specialist. He recommended Dr. Smith.
3.Anthony told us about the assembly of the products. Unfortunately, he
didn't tell us about where they were made.
4.We managed to finish the exercise on time and passed the exam. However,
it was very difficult.
5.The man spoke little English. Mary understood him, but couldn't help.
Discussing new Concept and
Practicing New Skills #2 “Let’s Do This”

Answer Key
Key to correct
1.Susan teaches the kids who live in the neighborhood in the evenings after
she comes home from work.
2.The doctor wants to prescribe physical therapy, and he wants me to see Dr.
Smith whom he recommended.
3.Anthony instructed us on how the products are assembled, but he failed to
tell us where they were made.
4.Although the exercise was difficult, we managed to finish it on time, so we
passed the exam.
5.Mary understood the man who spoke little English, but she was unable to
help him.
Developing Mastery
Let’s Do This
Identify whether the sentences are simple, complex,
compound or compound-complex.

1.Jason decided to stay up late because he had a lot of homework to do.

2.If you hurry, we might getto school on time.
3.Although Monica had a cold, she went to school because she had a test.
4.While washing the car, Todd slipped on the soap and he fell.
5.Dad takes the train to work even though he has a car.
Developing Mastery
Let’s Do This
Identify whether the sentences are simple, complex,
compound or compound-complex.

6.After Mom arrived, she put the disk inthe DVD player
and we watcheda great movie.
7.Even though his heart pounded with dread, Ben bolted up
the stairs, and he checked out the strange noise.
8.Molly baked brownies since she had nothing else to do.
9.Karen made a list of what wasneeded, and she double-
checked it so she wouldn't forget anything.
10.Frank had a good sense of humor, so he laughed a lot.
Evaluating “Let’s Test Ourselves”

Transform each sentence into a compound complex sentence. Write your newly
formed sentence on the blank provided.
1. When Allan handed his teacher his research paper,he forgot to include the last
2. Allan saw the last page still tucked in this folder and he felt nervous.
3. Allan rushed to his teacher’s classroom, but shae has already left for another class.
4. Although Allan made a deal with his friends to eat lunch together, the idea did not
excite him.
5. Since he was not yet hungry, Allan chose to wait for his teacher.
Quarter 4, Week 5

Day 44
Conduct short research projects on a relevant issue
Make connections between information viewed and personal experiences
Used to influence viewers
Stereotypes, point of view , propaganda

G.You have been introduced to conducting short

research projects. Let us review the things you have
already known.
How do we formulate research questions?
What do we consider in choosing the topic for
our research?
Why do we conduct short research projects?
Establishing a purpose for the lesson “Let’s Try This
B. Now that yoiur group has described on a topic, and has formulated research
questions you are now ready to look and choose sources of information.
Remember primary and secondary sources. You will be making use of
them.Proceed to the library and list down potential sources of information which
are helpful in the research you are conducting.

You can start with the general encyclopedias,almanacs and dictionaries for overview. Then
move on to specialized sources of you topic such as:
1. Books ( non-friction,reference books
2. Casette tapes, CD’s
3. Films, videos, laser dics,DVDs
4. People,interviews,letters
5. Periodicals (magazines,newspapers)
6. Pamphlets
7. Softwares programs
8. Televisions
9. Online sources
Presenting examples/
intances of the new “Let’s Try This”

Watch a short video clip.This video clip presented through

different us as viewer, easily relate and connect to eitmedia
mirror our own experiences, making her it’s the characters or
the plot. Then answer the questions below.
1.What was the video about?
2.How does watching this make you feel?
3.In what way do you see yourself in any of the characters in
the video?
4.Did you have same or almost the same experience or story as
the video you have watched?
Presenting examples/
intances of the new “Let’s Try This”

1.What was the video about?

2.How does watching this make you feel?
3.In what way do you see yourself in any of the characters in
the video?
4.Did you have same or almost the same experience or story as
the video you have watched?
Discussing new Concept and
Practicing New Skills # 1 Let’s Study This
DIRECTIONS: Circle the correct point of view for each statement. Then underline
the clue words that helped you determine the point of view.
1. I was nervous when it was my turn in the spelling bee.
a. First person
b. Second person
c. Third person
2. He likes to tell jokes that make everybody laugh.
a. First person
b. Second person
c. Third person
3. Mike took his book to the library to renew it for one more week.
a. First person
b. Second person
c. Third person
Discussing new Concept and
Practicing New Skills # 1 Let’s Study This
DIRECTIONS: Circle the correct point of view for each statement. Then underline
the clue words that helped you determine the point of view.
4. My grandma is coming to visit and I can’t wait to see her.
a. First person
b. Second person
c. Third person
5. You have to be very quiet so you don’t scare away the rabbit.
a. First person
b. Second person
c. Third person
Discussing new Concept and
Practicing New Skills # 1 Let’s Study This
Answer Key

1. a underlined: I, my
2. c underlined: he
3. c underlined: Mike, his
4. a underlined: my, I
5. b underlined: you
Discussing new Concept and
Practicing New Skills # 2 Let’s Do This

DIRECTIONS: Read the sentence and write the point of

view. Then tell how you know.
1.Melissa wondered when it was going to snow. What is the
point of view? ____________________________________
2.How do you know?
__________________________________________ _
3.I could not find my music player after my brother listened
to music on it. What is the point of view?
Discussing new Concept and
Practicing New Skills # 2 Let’s Do This
4.How do you know?
5. She did not like to always be the last person chosen for the
team. What is the point of view?
How do you know?
Application: Think of a book you are reading. What is the
author’s point of view? How do you know?
Discussing new Concept and
Practicing New Skills # 2 Let’s Do This

Key to correction
1. Third person; Melissa is a character who is named by a
narrator who knows the characters.
2. First person; Narrator is talking about themselves as noted
by clue words “I” and “my”.
3. Third person; clue words “she” shows narrator is talking
about a character and they know how she feels about not
being picked for a team.
Finding practical applications “Let’s ”
of concepts and skills in daily
DIRECTIONS: Write the clue words in the box
where they belong.

me she he my I they
we you him mine her


Evaluating “Let’s Test Ourselves”
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is important that you take your time and do your best on all your work.
a. First person
b. Second person
c. Third person
2. Sally and Johnny are going to get pizza tonight. They are getting it from
their favorite pizza restaurant.
a. First person
b. Second person
c. Third person
3. The last piece of cake is mine!!!
a. First person
b. Second person
Evaluating “Let’s Test Ourselves”

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

4. She has a pretty smile. It makes her whole face light up.
a. First person
b. Second person
c. Third person
5. I was the first person to finish the worksheet.
a. First person
b. Second person
c. Third person
Evaluating “Let’s Test Ourselves”

Key to correction
1. b underlined: you
2. c underlined: Sally, Johnny, they, their
3. a underlined: mine
4. c underlined: she, her
5. a underlined: I
Quarter4 , Week 5

Day 5
Presenting New Lesson
To the Learner
Establishing purpose of the
Let’s Learn This
Presenting Examples
Let’s Try This
Discussing New Concept Let’s Study This
Discussing New Concepts and
Practicing new skills # 2
Developing Mastery(Leads to
Formative Assessment 3) Let’s Test Ourselves
Finding practical applications “Let’s Do More”
of concepts and skills in daily
Making Generalizations &
Abstractions about the lessons
Let’s Remember
Evaluating Learning Let’s Test Ourselves
Additional activities for
application or remediation
“Let’s Enrich Ourselves”
Thank You
and God
Bless Us All
Juliet S.

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