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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover
Presented By: -
Name Roll No Enrollment No
Vedant Patil Y-3420 1901340008
Rushikesh Gurav Y-3445 1901340037
Ravi Chakranarayan Y-3422 1901340010

Environmental Studies (22447)

Guided By:  Ms. Vaijayanti Yeole

2 05/04/2022 Concept Of 4R
• What is the concept of 4R?
• Definitions of 4R
• Principle of 4R
• Importance of 4R
• Examples
• Conclusion

3 05/04/2022 Concept Of 4R
What is the concept of 4R?
4R concept of plastic
waste management
stands for Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle, Recover. 4R
concept or principle is
normally applicable for
the plastic or polymer
made products or other
products which generate
the waste.

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Definitions of 4R
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REDUCE is about using less and having
less of an impact on the environment.
This applies to everything we do, from
designing cars that make fewer demands
on the environment to creating
manufacturing processes that use fewer
resources and create less pollution.

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REUSE means to use
something again that you
would normally throw
away. When you reuse, you
use fewer natural resources
and also save the energy
that is needed to make a

8 05/04/2022 Concept Of 4R
RECYCLE means the product
goes through a mechanical
process to change its form.
Recycling saves energy,
resources and materials from
creating brand new products.

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If the waste remains

after it is been reused
and recycled, we can
use it to generate
energy at our waste-
energy plant. This is
known as

10 05/04/2022 Concept Of 4R
Principle of 4R
4R means Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and
Restore. We must reduce the use of
resources as much as possible and save
them for the future generation. Reducing
the usage is a method of conservation of

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Importance of 4R
• Some importance of the 4R principle are:
• To utilize the waste materials.
• To maintain environmental health.
• To minimize land and water pollution.
• To reduce consumption of needless items.
• To promote the use of degradable products.
• To utilize products to their maximum life.

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Examples of 4R concept
• Instead of using polythene bags we should give
preference to paper bags.
• Plastic bags can be reused to make decorative things.

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By growing awareness and gaining an understanding of the
environmental impacts we have on our planet, we can be
better informed of where and how to act. A lack of awareness
and responsibility has all added up to polluted land, sea, and

14 05/04/2022 Concept Of 4R
Thank You

15 05/04/2022 Concept Of 4R

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