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Management Concepts and Organisational Behaviour

Unit 2


Dr. Anand Vyas
Organizing & Staffing- Types of organization
• Sole proprietorship. 1. Line Structure Organization,
2. Line and Staff Organization,
• Partnership. 3. Functional Structure Organization,
4. Matrix Structure Organization
• Corporation. 5 .Project Structure Organization.

• Limited liability company.

• Cooperative.
Organization structure and Decentralization of authority

1. Line Structure Organization,

2. Line and Staff Organization,
3. Functional Structure Organization,
4. Matrix Structure Organization
5 .Project Structure Organization.
Meaning of staffing, Recruitment, selection
& placement, Training & development
Staffing refers to the
continuous process of
finding, selecting evaluating
and developing a working
relationship with current or
future employees
Directing & Controlling
• Directing is the guidance inspiration, the
leadership of those men and women
constitute the real case responsibilities of
management. Controlling is the process of
taking steps to bring actual results and desired
results closer together.
Principle of directing
• Harmony of Objectives,
• Unity of Command
• Unity of Direction,
• Direct Supervision,
• Follow-Up.
Essence of coordination
• Coordination, thus, helps to coordinate the work
of different departments and within each
department, it integrates all the functions of
management. Coordination is, therefore, rightly
called the essence of management. It helps each
managerial function and each departmental
activity contribute to organisational goals.
Different control techniques,
• Budgetary Control.
• Standard Costing.
• Financial Ratio Analysis.
• Internal Audit.
• Break-Even Analysis.
• Statistical Control.
Management by exception
• Management by exception is the practice of examining the
financial and operational results of a business, and only
bringing issues to the attention of management if results
represent substantial differences from the budgeted or expected
• Management by exception is a style of business management
that focuses on identifying and handling cases that deviate from
the norm, recommended as best practice by the project
management method.

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