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Presented By : Guided By:

Vaibhav Joshi - 18120081 Dr. Mukesh Raushan Kumar
Vatsal Pandey - 18120082
Vivek Raj Swarnkar - 18120084
Yamini Dhruw - 18120085

 Ionic liquids are salts that have melting temperatures below room temperature
and usually consist of an organic cation and an inorganic or organic anion.

 Strong thermal stability, high ionic conductivity, a long electrochemical window,

extremely low flammability, and insignificant vapor pressure are some of the
qualities that make ionic liquids ideal for a range of applications.

 Using ionic liquids in the extraction of precious metals from ores, such as gold
silver and copper, may improve procedures that have hitherto only been studied

 As an alternative to the traditional approach, direct air leaching or pressure

leaching have been proposed, with certain large-scale applications
demonstrating their effectiveness. Treatment procedures based on
hydrometallurgy are both cost-effective and ecologically friendly.

Sampling of Ore & Ionic Liquids:

 The 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium hydrogen sulfate [bmim.(H2SO4)] was made

from 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride [bmim.(Cl)] in the same way as the
other n-alkyl analogues, except that the methyl-imidazole alkylating reagent was
n-pentyl, n-hexyl, n-heptyl, or n-octyl chloride. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, and a
complicated sulphidic gold-bearing ore were all utilized in the experiment

 Endecott’s test sieves with stainless steel mesh (500μm, 300μm, 180μm, 106μm,
and 45μm) were used to grind the samples and dry sieve them into fractions. To
ensure that the samples' sizes were consistent, particle sizing was done.

 Gold colloid solution (100 mL) was mixed with the combined ore matrix (120 g) to
make a slurry. This slurry was filtered, and the solids were dried for 1 hour at 120°C,
then roasted for 4 hours at 210°C.
Instrumentation & Analyses :

 The metals contained in commercial gold ores at appropriate quantities were

tested in the leach solutions for gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, and zinc. K radiation
was used to perform an X-ray diffraction examination. .

 With a 0.02° step size and a 1 s/step collection duration, measurements were taken
from 10° to 70°. Scanning electron microscopy is used to examine gold-sputter-
coated deposits. The photos show the accelerating voltage, spot size, and working
distance employed. .

 Samples (10 mL) were collected at 50-hour intervals, or on completion, and diluted
1:1 with milli-Q water before centrifuging for several minutes at 3000 rpm
(Clements GS100 centrifuge). The leach liquid was filtered and analyzed using a
0.45 m cellulose acetate filter..
Result :

 Because it bonds the oxidized metal and accelerates its extraction, the leaching
agent plays a crucial role in the process.

 In comparison to an aqueous acid system, the use of ionic liquid solvents in the
extraction of gold and silver from ores utilizing the sulphuric acid/ ferric/thiourea
leach system resulted in a considerable increase in silver extraction and an
equivalent recovery of gold for the bmim.(H2SO4) ionic liquid.

 The photos show the accelerating voltage, spot size, and working distance
employed. Tumbling sample bottles carrying a weighted sample of ore and ionic
liquid end-over-end at 10 rpm for predetermined periods of time in a water bath at
a regulated temperature was used to leach the ore and ionic liquid.

 Sampling and Ionic Solvent preparations are like gold extraction. Because it
contains the more precious metal copper (20%) in addition to iron (34%),
chalcopyrite concentrate is a more difficult and relevant substance.

 The excellent recovery of copper (85%) at the expense of iron (b8%) in this work
suggests the possibility of selective dissolution in an ionic liquid environment.

 The inclusion of an oxidant (Fe3+) boosted the rate of copper extraction from the
chalcopyrite sample at a 20 percent w/v ionic liquid concentration in water.

 The extraction of copper from both the sample with additional Fe3+ oxidant and
the sample without oxidant was equal after 24 hours of leaching.

 Copper extraction from chalcopyrite in the presence of an oxidant increases as the

leach solution's bmim.(H2SO4) concentration rises, with 100 percent ionic liquid
yielding the best results
 Copper extraction was shown to be temperature dependent (Fig. 1), with a 30 percent increase in
copper extraction after 24 hours when the temperature was raised from 60 to 70 °C in a 20
percent bmim.(H2SO4) solution.

 The quantity of copper extracted increased when the concentration of bmim.(H2SO4) in water
was increased (Fig.2). The increase in copper extraction might be due to a number of variables,
including greater copper ion solubility in the ionic liquid, increased oxygen solubility in the ionic
liquid, or increased acidity and ionic strength at higher bmim.(H2SO4) concentrations

 Zinc is an essential metal that is used in a variety of sectors, as an alternative to the

traditional approach, direct air leaching or pressure leaching have been proposed,
with certain large-scale applications demonstrating their effectiveness..

 In a solely hydrometallurgical processing approach, oxide, silicate, and carbonate-based

zinc ores that are not susceptible to treatment by traditional techniques can be viably
handled. An important feature is the production of special high-grade (SHG) zinc cathode
(99.995% Zn), which is uncommon in sulphide ore processing.

 Precipitation removes iron, aluminum, and silica from solution after an atmospheric leach
in sulphuric acid. The zinc is then carefully removed, allowing for electrowinning. Method
was chosen as the purification phase for a variety of reasons.

 With an average grade of 10.6 percent zinc, the ore is an oxidized silicate including soluble
chloride and fluoride minerals. The use of a cation exchanger guarantees that halides and
base metals that are harmful to zinc are rejected. A traditional mixer-settler configuration
was used, with settlers measuring 25x25 m2.

 By recycling the precipitate as a neutralizing agent, this zinc is restored to the main circuit.

 After detailed study & tests performed by experts it can be concluded that,
Application of Hydrometallurgy is highly significant in extraction of gold, copper &

 Overall, ionic liquids can be effective solvents for selective oxidative leaching of
gold and silver ore with thiourea, with certain benefits in terms of better recovery
over the aqueous system.

 If the benefits are significant to encourage their usage, more research is needed.
New reagents and circuit designs for nickel, cobalt, and zinc processing are being
Thank You!

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