Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU)

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Addis Ababa science and technology

Title: photo-electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide to methanol on a
p-type CuFe2O4 under visible light irradiation
Group members idnos
Yisehak leykun ETS 1430/09
Ahmednur hassen ETS 1088/12
Bakele kaneni ETS 7889/90
Habtamu tadlo ETS 8788/23
• Food that is not used for the purpose of feeding humans, besides representing resources that
are not used efficiently, and having negative consequences for the society, the environment,
and the economy, is classified as food waste [1].
• According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 6% of all the
global food is lost which is, over 1.3 billion tons of food goes to waste each year, and much of
this is disposed of in landfill, which is costly to the economy and the environment.
• Food waste requires a local solution.
• In this research one of the local solution will be provided which remove food wastes in the
land and which help to reduce environmental pollution ,to control multiplication of infectious
diseases as well as to make a comfort in aquatic life by minimizing the flow such trimming
/waste food to the water body ,this research are going to be done in Addis Ababa science
technology university (AASTU) in which around 7500 student are being learned in each year
so the will be effected in different type of diseases which are due to pathogenic
microorganisms and multiply In trimming/waste food ,when it is accumulated around the
student due to above reasons ,I am initiating to do this research as well as to solve the
problem which is shortage of fertilizer for the farmer who are living around( AASTU).
• The United Nations estimates that one in three people in the world do not have
access to sufficient food to lead a healthy life - an increase of 320 million people
from 2020 to 2021 (811 million in 2020 to 2.37 billion in 2021) [2].

• More people are reported to die from hunger every day than AIDS, malaria, and
tuberculosis combined. But at the same time,
roughly one-third of the food that is produced in the world is lost or wasted due to
one reason or the other. Food wastage, which includes both food loss and food
waste, is not only morally irresponsible but also causes huge economical losses as
well as severe damage to the world around us.
What causes food waste?
• While food loss happens mainly at the production stage due to insufficient skills, natural
calamities, lack of proper infrastructure, and poor practices.

• Food waste occurs when edible food is intentionally discarded by consumers after the food
spoils or goes past the expiration date.

• At times, food waste can also happen due to oversupply in markets. On top of that, retailers
tend to reject a lot of food because it doesn’t conform to their quality and aesthetic standards.
According to the UN Environment Program’s (UNEP) Food Waste Index Report 2021, 17%
of global food production is wasted, with 43% of this waste coming from households, 26%
from food service, and 13% from retail.
 In this research waste of foods from food service is considered specially In Addis
Ababa science and technology university after the food is served to the student much
amount of foods will be accumulated from the which is given to the student which is
known as trimming .
 This trimming affects us and the environment in different ways
1.if it is accumulated in everywhere, it will be cause of growing micro and macro
organisms which leads to multi infection like common cold, for the student who are living
around it. could be cause of environmental pollution due to the growth of pathogenic bacterium
microorganisms on it.
Problem of statement
In Addis Ababa science and technology university around 7540 students are living
so The trimming of the foods which all of this students eats will be cause of
infectious diseases for all of them actually the university have prepared how can this
trimming be treated but it is a passive way (after the trimming is accumulated and
after growth pathogenic micro and macro organisms the worker inn (AASTU) load
it in dust cart and it will be added to the garbage) can to do this one term trimming
will have been kept 15-25 days but environmental pollution causes of this trimming
will start within three days when it have been temporarily accumulated around
(kaka)).that is why this the passive method.

But in this research the active way of recycling this trimming is found, around this
university many farmers with their farming area are settling so they need fertilizer.
 They wants a natural fertilizer but now it is difficult to get such
natural fertilizer because it needs high labor and natural row material
to prepare ,however a good solution is found here which is an active
way of recycling (AASTU ) trimming that is (Preparation of
composite in (AASTU).

 So in this research three things are going to be done first production

of natural fertilizer to reduce the cost for fertilizer by the farmer.

 Second to prevent environmental pollution and inhabiting

multiplication of micro and macro pathogenic organisms finally
removing many infectious diseases which are flowing through student
to student in AASTU.
Literature review
 From finding of a better research or whatever relevant to our research there are
different papers and also practical works from all of them, the mixed one is very
important than the other which is explained below.

 Globally, many food items perish before they have been eaten or used, and this
equates to an annual generation of more than 1.3 billion tons of food waste.

 Up to one third of all food produced ends up as waste, and of all waste generated
globally, food waste accounts for up to 44 percent. A rapidly growing world
population is predicted to increase the volume of food generation as well as food
going to waste.
Materials and Methods
 Each LGA in South Australia is responsible for collecting waste and managing it
as Landfill. The City of Mitcham LGA currently provides businesses with the
Option to purchase 240 L green organics bins, which it then collects and empties

 The cost to businesses for the purchase of one green bin is AUD$96
(approximately USD$67).

 Additional bins can be purchased for AUD$96, with an ongoing annual waste
collection And disposal fee of AUD$96 per additional bin. It is unclear how many
businesses in the City of Mitcham LGA has purchased bins to make use of this
 Both online questionnaires and face to face interview questions were developed
With the intention of discovering: At the conclusion of the study, 22 respondents
completed the online questionnaire and three of these businesses also participated in
an interview—one via an online teleconferencing.
Interview questions.

Q1. What kind of systems do you have set up to ensure food waste gets recycled?
Q2. How is food waste recycling encouraged in your business?
The 22 businesses surveyed included four restaurants, nine cafes, two bakeries, and four
Fast-food outlets, two take-away shops, and one conference facility.

Respondents included More business owners (n = 16) than managers (n = 6).

The gender balance of respondents Was quite even, with 11 female, 10 male, and one not specified.

 Most respondents were Aged between 36 and 45, and 46 and 55 (seven participants in each
category), with the Remainder falling evenly across the 18–25, 26–35, and 56–65 age categories.
One respondent Did not answer this question.

From digging of many practical and theoretical works, we were able to

understand the destination of food waste mainly in Australia and the
whole world Millions of tons of food waste are sent to landfill each year,
causing detrimental Economic, social, and environmental impacts.

 In the attempt to gain a better understanding of food waste management

habits and attitudes within food service businesses, this study
investigated the practices and attitudes of food service business owners
and managers Within the City of Mitcham, a Local Government Area of
the capital city of Adelaide, in South Australia
Hypothesis /questions

1. does above ground accumulation of trimming /food waste have any effect to the
environment, human beings and aquatic life?
2. Can we solve the problem of soil fertility simply and easily in our individual
settlement area?
3. Can food waste be recycled?
 Accumulation of food waste above the ground for long period of time may be cause
for multiplication of infectious diseases that will have results which is death and
pain of many peoples.

 One way of prevention of this worrying things might be recycling this trimming
/food waste and it might be reduced such factors of food waste.
Objective / aim of study

 General objective to know the effect of food waste specially trimming for the
environment, human beings and water body.
Specific objective
 To know the cause of common cold and other diseases in AASTU.

 To produce a natural fertilizer for the farmer who are living around AASTU.

 To make a comparison between passive way and active way of removing this
trimming in AASTU which are defined at the introductory step.
• This research methodology follows 60% qualification and also 40%of
quantification which can be able to the researcher and reader of this paper cause
many diseases mainly in college and helps to know how much amount of artificial
fertilizer can be replaced by the natural fertilizer obtained from this trimming.
Materials chemicals
Dust cart calcium carbonate
Garbage thank kaolin (hydrous aluminum silicate)
Man labor alumina trihydrate
Two den/ditch calcium sulfate
calcium sulfate Back hoe fresh water
Pick axe trimming/food waste
Shovel/ spade
Tree leave
Study area and sampling

• This research are going to be done in Addis Ababa science technology

and university in which the food waste /trimming, and other material
are found and chemicals which are essential for this research will be
bought in in standard chemicals buying and sealing center with this the
sampling technique contains that collecting the trimming and
removing any salinity from such waste food it takes 2 days in AASTU
cafe and putting it in one ditch and keeping it for 3-4 days
 As stated from the sampling step the procedure of this research follows in this way

 Frist collecting the trimming and remove any salinity and then putting it in the
prepared done t, in the first round 200kg of trimming is needed and keeping it in the
done next the den is closed for 3 days after that on the third day 75L water will be
added over here, after one week it will be subvert/turned with 4-5 man force(This
procedural step can be done with duplicate car to turn the packed trimming but it is
very costy ) for 5 (weekss150days) anaerobic digestion can takes place so the row
material or that waste food which are packed in the den will be degraded in soil like
components which is known natural fertilizer .
In this research we are going to change food waste in to the fertilizer to do this man labor is
needed than duplicate cause of cheapness and traditional digging martials are taken like back
hoe to dig the land and preparing a den, shovels to turn that packed trimming from one den to
the other den additionally plant tree have been used first as row material second as packing
material and Calcium carbonate is the most widely used inorganic filler. ...

Kaolin (hydrous aluminum silicate) is the second most commonly used filler. ...

Alumina tri hydrate is frequently used when improved fire/smoke performance is required. ...

Calcium sulfate is a major flame/smoke retarding filler used by the tub/shower industry.
This indicates that why the chemical is needed

When this research was planned to be done we were talking some interviews with
the student in (AASTU) and workers Fore he worker and the student this question
were provided
1. do believe accumulation of trimming around kaka have negative impact on you? I
was asking two students they answered yes?
2. how can we prevent any bad smell and negative impact of AASTU trimming?
The second question was asked for 2 workers and 1 student they answered that it
should be recycled before accumulation.

I have got information which is about farmers who are living around AASTU as
they want natural fertilizer.
Food waste, as found in several researches has negative implications on an environmental, economic,
and social level.
 It is also seen as part of the compound of actions needed to address the food security issue that the
world’s population faces.
 These realities have positioned food waste and its management on the global agenda.

Food scraps can be used for composting, which enriches soil and reduces emissions of methane (a
potent greenhouse gas) from landfills.

It also significantly reduces the volume of landfill needed in a given area. And recycling food can save
cities and towns money by lowering the needed frequency of trash collection.

So this research is going to be done to solve any problems due to trimming /food waste especially in
working plan
Gantt chart
gantt chart
1-May 21-May 10-Jun 30-Jun 20-Jul 9-Aug 29-Aug

proposal writing
proposal presentation
submission of proposal to the ethics…
preparation of composite
sample collection
sample analysis
report writing
submission of thesis

n of
preparatio proposal
submissio report sample sample proposal proposal
n of presentati
n of thesis writing analysis collection to the writing
composite on
starting date 18-Aug 12-Aug 4-Aug 1-Aug 21-May 19-May 17-May 1-May
day to complete 2 5 7 3 70 1 1 15
  Budget and funding
 Fund which is needed for this research are coming from AASTU
deposit and financing bureau.
Item cost Explanation

Place in which composite have been 20 by10 m2 areas in which raw material for composite can

Be packed and two dens are needed

Waste food /trimming 200kg raw main material

Working Martials birr 5 hundred Like hoe, shovels…

Dust cart... Birr 2500 thousands to load the waste from dust

Garbage to put in the den.

Chemicals birr 1 tushonds like calcium carbonate, kaolin …

Research assistance birr 8 tushonds a person who have good knowledge

About recycling of food waste

3 Man labor /force birr 9 thousands Who can do every activity in compositing process

Total Birr 21 tushonds


1. (Fogarty, 2021)
2. (Santos, 2017)
3. Al-Busaidi, Z., (2008). Qualitative Research and its Uses in Health
Care. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, vol. 8 (1), pp. 11-19.
Available at:
4. Aschemann-Witzel, J., Hooge, I., & Normann, A., (2016). Consumer-
related food waste: Role of food marketing and retailers and potential
for action. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, vol.
28 (3), pp. 271-285

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