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What is digital marketing?
“Digital marketing” is the process of building and maintaining customer relationships through
online activities to facilitate the exchange of ideas, products, and services that satisfy the goals of
both parties.
Why Use Digital Marketing?

 increase website traffic

 increase brand recognition
 improve search engine rankings
 generate leads
 increase online sales conversions
 improve internal communications
Email Marketing

 When business perform lead generation and other marketing strategies, they
collect contact information like phone numbers and email addresses from
potential customers, including permissions to send them updates and other
information through email. Email marketing is one of the most effective digital
marketing channels that can give businesses and ROI of up to 4,300%.
 Many businesses with in-house digital marketers use email marketing, with up to
66% rating this tool as excellent for delivering ROI. This is why up to 
56% of business highlighted that they are planning to increase email-related
marketing activities by 2014. Examples of emails sent include emails for brand
building, conversion, and newsletters.
Pay per-click advertising (PPC)

 Paid advertising channels like Pay-Per-Click advertising deliver highly targeted

traffic of potential customers within a very short period of time. This method
however is driven by home much you are willing to invest in bidding and placing
ad placements, as well as how much you are willing to pay for acquiring one
 Still, your advertising budget is still within your control, enabling you to set how
much you have to spend for a day, a week or a month running your PPC ads. The
effectiveness of PPC ads rely on how well you choose your keywords for
targeting potential customers as well as optimizing the visual and contextual
information in your ads.
Search Engine Optimization

 Almost all people using the Internet are familiar and are making use of search
engines to look for anything there is they want to know or are searching for. In
fact, up to 93% of online experiences happening to these people usually begin by
using a search engine. People use search engines to look for information about a
brand, product or services, and up to 59% of search engine users each month find
a local business to satisfy a particular need. SEO involves several activities like
keyword research, making use of both on-page and off-page optimization,
linkable assets creation, organic link building and other related activities.
Display Advertising

 Many people visit blogs, forums, and other websites that are interesting or useful
to them. Digital marketers can reach out to these potential customers by placing
relevant display ads on these third party sites. These include banners, boxes,
interactive ads, video ads, interstitial ads, overlays and other similar ads that are
linked to a landing page or website.
 Display advertising creates greater brand awareness as well as generate highly
targeted traffic that may convert into leads or sales. Payments for these display
ads are usually based on Cost-Per-Impression (CPM) which is usually more cost-
effective compared to the Cost-Per-Click (CPC) scheme typical of PPC
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
 Social media is definitely one of the most phenomenal thing to happen in the digital arena that business owners and digital marketers can
leverage on to create brand awareness for their products and services. Through Social Media Marketing (SMM), digital marketers can
reach out to highly targeted potential customers through direct and person-to-person engagement.
 The number of social media users continue to grow each day and is expected to increase by up to 26% more this 2015. Businesses and
digital marketers continue to ride the bandwagon and more than 50% are planning to increase their SMM budgets this year. Digital
marketers however should select the most appropriate social network to promote their kind of business to a particular kind of targeted
audience. A simple guide is listed below:
• Facebook – You can reach out to almost any kind of general consumer, you just need to learn in what groups and pages your targeted
customer stay frequently go to at Facebook.
• Twitter – If you’re trying to develop a new business and would want to reach out to early adopters, then Twitter may be for you,
particularly in generating fast brand awareness.
• LinkedIn – Reaching out to professionals, business owners and other Business-to-Business (B2B) leads and targeted customers, then
LinkedIn would be the perfect social network for you.
• Google+ – This is another good social network for reaching out to early adopters of new businesses as well as reaching out to the B2B and
general social media user. Business owners should however learn how to make a good presence at Google+ as this may be a great factor
that will influence how SEO will behave in the near future.
• Pinterest – This social network is great if you’re focusing on visuals for promoting your brands and products. Majority of users are also
women so if these are your market, then SMM on Pinterest will be good for your business.
Content Marketing

 Content is at the heart of every digital marketing campaign and is the one major
element that will remain constant despite the many changes that occur in the
marketplace. With good, high-quality and very relevant content, your website and
other Internet marketing real estate will generate considerable inbound traffic
from highly targeted audiences – all of which can be potential customers. Up to 
73% of digital marketers in the B2B arena are increasing content marketing
activities this 2014. Content includes text, graphics, videos, and other related
materials people are looking for and are very interested in.

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