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 The security guard force is the key element in the overall security
system of a plant or installation. Its basic mission is to protect all the
property within the limits of the facility boundaries and protect
employees and other persons on the installation.
 The security guard who will become a part of a guard force must be
required to meet minimum criteria to assure that they will effectively
perform their assigned security related duties. It is the responsibility of
the security director of the installation to insure that is guard force is of
a high caliber to make a judgment that could save multi-million pesos
facility from total destruction.
 The security guard force must be ready to meet the new challenges
with new concepts, bold innovation, and unrelenting insistence on high

 Sometimes called private security guard or watchman shall include

any person who offers or renders personal service to watch or secure
either a residence or business establishment or both for hire or
compensation, and with a license to exercise profession.
 It is a group of force selected men, trained or grouped into
functional unit for the purpose of protecting operational processes from
those disruption which would impede efficiency or halt operation at a
particular plant, facility, installation or special activity.
1. Private Security Agency Force- any [person, association,
partnership, firm or private corporation who contacts, recruits,
trains, furnishes or post any security guard, to do its functions or
solicit individuals, business firms, or private, public or government –
owned or controlled corporations to engage his its service or those of
his its security guards, for hire commission or compensation.
2. Company Security Force- A security force maintained and
operated by any private company/ corporation for its own security
requirements only.
3. Government Security Force - A security force maintained and
operated by the government for its own security requirements only.

1. Company guard- a security guard recruited and employed by the

2. Agency guard- a guard hired by the company belongs to a privately
license security agency
3. Government guard- a security guard recruited and employed by the
 Office of the general manager/ security director
 Office of the Executive secretary of the General Manager
 Office of the assistant General Manager / Security Executive Director
 Office of the Human Resources and Administrative Manager / Staff Director
for Personnel and Administration
 The principal staff assistant to the General Manager / Security Director for
planning and supervising matters or activities pertaining to personnel
management and miscellaneous administrative
 Office of the Operations Manager / Staff Director for Operations
 Office of Finance
 Office of the Logical Manager
 Office of Inspectorate and Special Project (Special Staff)
 Office of the Communications Officer
 The Detachment Commander Officer-in-charge Assistant Detachment
 Shift-in-Charge
 Security Guard on Duty /Post
a. Filipino Citizen
b. Physically and Mentally fit
c. Good moral character
d. Must not posses any disqualification

a. Dishonorably discharge from the service in the PNP/AFP or any private government
b. Physically and mentally unfit
c. Conviction of Crime
d. Addicted to drugs or alcohol dummy of a foreigner
e. Elective or appointive government officials
 In addition to the general qualification, a security guard should:
1. Be at least Highschool Graduate
2. Be at least 18 years of age but not more than 50 years old.
3. Undergone pre-licensing examination
4. Be locally cleared with PNP or NBI
1. Alertness- A good guard must be alert in spotting violators. This can be
attained by being watchful, dedicated and diligence.
2. Judgment- sound and good judgment is more than the use of common
sense. It is the arriving at wise and timely decisions.
3. Confidence- it is the state of being sure; a state of the mind free from
doubt or misgivings. This attribute includes faith in oneself and his
abilities, which is attained by job knowledge. Thorough and proper
training plus good supervision instills confidence.
4. Physical Fitness- security work is strenuous and demanding physical
conditioning is essential if he is to be a dependable guard.
5. Tactfulness- ability of the guard to deal with other successfully without
offending, In short, he can be firm but pleasant.
6. Self-control ability to take hold of oneself regardless of provoking
situation. With self-control, the guard will do his work without being angry
and the situation will be on hand.
7. Interest, loyalty, responsible and trustworthy, is also important attributes
of a reliable guard.
a. License to Operate- before a Private Security Agency (PSA) can operate, it
has to secure a License to Operate (LTO) categorized s either Temporary or
Regular. A temporary license is issued by the PNP thru Civil Security Group
Directorate after the applicant / licensee should have complied with all the
requirements while it has less than two hundreds guards. A regular licensee
to operate is issued to the PSA once it is qualified of having two hundred
(200) or more license security guard in its employ duty posted. Regular
license is renewable
b. Security Guard License- before a security guard can practice this
profession, he shall possess valid security license. The use of expired
license is not allowed. In case of doubt, licenses may be verified at the
Philippine National Police-Security Agencies and Group Supervision Division (PNP-
SAGSD).whether valid or fake.
c. Firearms License- all firearms of the security agency should be covered
with firearms license issued by the PNP through its Firearms Explosive
Division under the Civil Security Group. Renewable every two years. No
duplication of two or more firearms with the same make and serial number
shall be covered by one license.
1. Handguns/ Low-powered (cal.22 and cal.38) not
exceeding one PA for every two guards employed.
2. Shotguns(not bigger than 12 gauge)
3. High-powered- when the agency is operating in
areas where there upsurge of lawlessness and
criminality as determined by the chief PNP.
(Rep. Act No. 5487, as amended by
Presidential Decree No. 11.)
 Section 1. Short Title of Act. This Act shall be known as "The Private
Security Agency Law."

 Section 2. Scope of this Act. The organization, operation, business and

activities of private detectives, watchmen or security guards agencies
shall be governed by the provisions of this Act.
Section 3. Definition of Terms.
(a) Person. As used in this Act, person shall include not only natural persons but
also juridical persons such as corporation, partnership, company or association
duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and/or the
Bureau of Commerce.
(b) Private Detective Agency. A private detective agency is any person, who, for
hire or reward or on commission, conducts or carries on or holds himself or itself out as
conducting or carrying on a detective agency, or detective service.

(c) Private Detective. A private detective is any person who is not a member of a regular police
agency of the Armed Forces of the Philippines who does detective work for hire, reward, or
commission. (

(d) Watchman or Security Guard, Watchman or Security Guard Agency. Any person who offers
or renders personal service to watch or secure either residential or business establishment,
or both, or any building, compound, or area including but not limited to logging concessions,
agricultural, mining or pasture lands for hire or compensation, or as an employee thereof
shall be known as watchman or security guard; and any person, association, partnership, or
corporation, who recruits, trains, muster, furnishes, solicits individuals or business firms,
private or government-owned or controlled corporations to engage his service or those of its
watchmen, shall be known as Watchman of Security Guard Agency. (As amended by Pres.
Decree No. 11, October 3, 1972.)
 Section 4. Who May Organize a Security or Watchman Agency? Any Filipino citizen or a
corporation, partnership, or association, with a minimum capital of five thousand pesos,
one hundred per cent of which is owned and controlled by Filipino citizens may organize
a security or watchman agency: Provided, That no person shall organize or have an
interest in, more than one such agency except those which are already existing at the
promulgation of this Decree: Provided, further, That the operator or manager of said
agency must be at least 25 years of age, a college graduate and/or a commissioned
officer in the inactive service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines; of good moral
character; having no previous record of any conviction of any crime or offense involving
moral turpitude and not suffering from any of the following disqualifications:
 (1) Having been dishonorably discharged or separated from the Armed Forces of the
 (2) Being a mental incompetent;
 (3) Being addicted to the use of narcotic drug or drugs; and
 (4) Being a habitual drunkard.
 For purposes of this Act, elective or appointive government employees who may be
called upon on account of the functions of their respective offices in the implementation
and enforcement of the provisions of this Act and any person related to such
government employees by affinity or consanguinity in the third civil degree shall not
hold any interest, directly or indirectly in any security guard or watchman agency. (As
amended by Pres. Decree No. 11.)
 Section 5. Qualifications Required.
 No person shall be employed as security guard or watchman or
private detective unless he is:
   1. Filipino citizen
   2. High school graduate
   3. Physically and mentally fit
   4. Not less than 18 nor more than 50 years old
   5. At least 5'4" in height
   6. Not suffering from any disqualification under RA 5487
 Veterans shall be given priority in employment as security guard or private
 Person convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude shall not be
employed as security guard or private detective.
 Private detective, detective agency, security guard, security agency must
first obtain license from the PNP.
 Employees employed solely for clerical or manual work need not be
 The license shall be displayed at all times in a conspicuous and suitable place in the
agency office.
 The PNP shall exercise general supervision over the operation of all private detective and
security guard agencies.
 The City/Municipal Mayors has the power as director of the City/Municipal civil defense to
deputize private detective and security guards to help maintain peace and order or
prevent or arrest law violators in case of emergency or in times of disaster or calamity.
They shall take orders from the Chief of Police for the duration of the fire, inundation,
earthquakes, riots or other emergency.
 A security guard or security agency is entitled to possess firearms.
 Firearm must not be higher than .45 calibers.
 Agency is entitled to possess firearm not exceeding one firearm for every security guard
in its employ.
 Security guard is entitled to possess not more than one riot gun or shotgun.
 Firearms shall be carried by the security guard only during his tour of duty in proper
uniform within the compound of the establishment except when he escorts big amount of
cash or valuables in or out of said compound.
 The Chief PNP shall prescribe the uniform, ornaments, equipment and paraphernalia to be
worn by the security guards.
 Uniforms must be different from the PNP/AFP.
 Salaries of security guard - not lower than the minimum wage prescribe by law.
(a) Foreigners who are already employed as watchmen or security guards
prior to the approval of this Act shall not be subject to the above-
mentioned requirements.
(b) Veterans shall be given priority in employment as security guard,
watchman or private detective.
(c) Person convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude shall not be
employed as security guard, watchman or private detective. (Section
Qualification of an Operator or Manager of a Security Agency:
1. At least 25 years of age
2. College graduate and/or commissioned officer in the inactive service of the AFP
3. Good moral character
4. No previous record of any conviction of any crime/offense involving moral
5. Not suffering from any of the following disqualifications:
a. dishonorably discharged or separate from the AFP
b. mentally incompetent
c. addicted to the use of narcotic drugs
d. habitual drunkard
 Section 6. License Necessary. No person shall engage in the business
of, or act either as a private detective, or detective agency; and either
engage in the occupation, calling or employment of watchman or in the
business of watchman's agency without first having obtained the
necessary permit from the Chief, Philippine Constabulary which permit
as approved is prerequisite in obtaining a license or license certificate:
 Section 10. Display of License. The license shall be displayed at all
times in a conspicuous and suitable place in the agency office or
headquarters of the agency and shall be exhibited at the request of any
person whose jurisdiction is in relation with the business of the agency
or the employees thereof, or of the Chief of the Philippine Constabulary
or his duly authorized representative or any peace officer.
 Section 11. Supervision of the Philippine Constabulary. Upon approval
of this Act, the Philippine Constabulary shall exercise general supervision
over the operation of all private detective and watchman or security
guard agencies.
 Section 12. Powers of City or Municipal Mayors in Cases of Emergency.
In case of emergency or in times of disaster or calamities where the
services of such agencies arise, the City or Municipal Mayor, as director
of Civil Defense, may muster or incorporate the services of the agency
nearest the area where such emergency, disaster or calamity arises and
its duly licensed personnel to help maintain peace and order; and/or the
prevention or apprehension of law violators and in the preservation of
life and property. Deputized private detectives, watchmen or security
guards shall take direct orders from the Chief of Police for the duration
of the fire, inundation, earthquakes, riots or other emergencies.
 Section 13. Issuance of Firearms. A watchman or security agency shall
be entitled to posses firearms after having satisfactorily passed the
requirements prescribed by the Chief, Philippine Constabulary pertinent
to the possession of firearm of any caliber not higher than 45 caliber in a
number not exceeding one firearm for every two watchmen or security
guards in its employ: Provided, however, That a watchman or security
agent shall be entitled to possess not more than one riot gun or shotgun
in order to provide adequate security when circumstances so demand:
Provided, further, That all the firearms mentioned herein shall be carried
by the watchman or security guard only during his tour of duty in proper
uniform within the compound of the establishment except when he
escorts big amounts of cash or valuables in and out of said compound.
 Section 16. Limitations and Prohibitions.
1. On Membership:
(a) No
agency operating in the City of Manila and suburbs may employ more than
1,000 watchmen or security guards;
(b) No
agency operating in other cities and first class municipalities may employ
more than 500 watchmen or security guards;
(c) No
agency operating in municipalities other than first class may employ more
than 200 watchmen or security guards.
2. On Organization:
(a) No
person, corporation, partnership or association may organize more than
one agency in any one city or municipality.
3. On Service:
(a) No agency shall offer, render or accept its services to gambling dens or other
illegal enterprises.
(b) The
extent of the security service being provided by any security agency shall
not go beyond the whole compound or property of the person or establishment
requesting the security service except when they escort big amount of cash.
 Section 17. Rules and Regulations by Chief, Philippine Constabulary.
The Chief of the Philippine Constabulary, in consultation with the
Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operators,
Incorporated and subject to the provisions of existing laws, is hereby
authorized to issue the rules and regulations necessary to carry out the
purpose of this Act.
 Who can Issue rules and regulations to carry out the purpose of
RA 5487? The chief PNP, in consultation with the Philippines Association
of Detective and Protective Agency Operators.


Rule 1

 SECTION 1. Scope. The organization, operation, business and activities of

private watchman/security or detective agencies, security training
institutions/systems as well as private security and training personnel shall
be governed by these Rules and
 SECTION 2. License Necessary.
a. No person shall engage in the business of or act as a private detective agency or
engage in the occupation, calling or employment of security personnel or in the
business of private security/training agency without first having obtained the permit
from the Chief of the Philippine National Police which permit as approved is
prerequisite in obtaining a license certificate.
b. License is likewise necessary for any person operating, managing, directing or
conducting a licensed private security/detective/training agency. Any person having
any participation in the management or operation thereof except those employed
solely for clerical or manual work, shall also secure a license.
 SECTION 3. Training Required. All applicants for license certificate shall have
received the appropriate training from any public or private training
institution/system duly recognized by the government to conduct private security or
police training.
 SECTION 4. Prohibitions. No License certificate shall be granted to any applicant
for license to operate or license to exercise security profession with the following
a. having previous record of any conviction of any crime
b. having previous record of any conviction of any offense involving moral turpitude
c. having been dishonorably discharged or separated from employment or service
d. being a mental incompetent
e. being a user/addicted to the use of prohibited drugs or narcotics
f. being a habitual drunkard
g. dummy of a foreigner
Rule 2

 SECTION 3. Expired License. For purposes of enforcing sanctions, any private

security, watchman or company guard force agency or private security or training
personnel upon expiration of their respective license to operate or license to
exercise security profession are considered as not possessing license and shall be
held criminally and administratively liable.
Rule IV

 SECTION 4. Organizational structure of private security agencies/company

security services/ government security units.
a. Private security agencies shall conform with the organizational structure,
personnel, equipment, training and clothing as provided for hereinafter.
b. Company security forces shall be organized to conform substantially with
the organizational structure prescribed for private security agencies.
c. Government Guard Unit shall be organized to conform with the
organizational structure of the said government firm but not contrary to
the organizational structure as prescribed for government security units.
 SECTION 5. On Membership.
a. No regular license shall be granted to any private security
agency unless it has a minimum of two hundred (200)
licensed private security personnel under its employ.
b. No regular license shall be granted to any company guard
force or private detective agency unless it has a minimum of
thirty (30) licensed private security personnel under its
c. The maximum number of private security personnel that a
PSA/CGF/PDA may employ shall be one thousand (1000).
 SECTION 6. Application for License to Operate (LTO).
a. The application shall be made in writing by the owner (for single proprietorships) or
authorized person duly designated by the corporation or partnership (through a board
resolution or joint affidavit, respectively) and shall be filed with the
b. Chief of the Philippine National Police (CPNP) through the PNP Security Agency and
Guard Supervision Division, Civil security Group (SAGSD-CSG). Using license
application form PNPSF1, the application shall contain the full name of the applicant, his
age, civil status, his residence and location of business.
c. Applications of corporations, associations, partnerships shall furthermore include a copy
of the certificate of registration together with its by-laws and articles of incorporation.
d. All applications shall be accompanied by a bond issued by any competent or reputable
surety or fidelity or insurance company duly accredited by the Office of the Insurance
Commissioner, which bond shall answer for any valid and legal claim against the agency
by its clients or employees.
 SECTION 19. Security Personnel-Employee Benefits. The employer Private
Security/Training/Detective Agency, Company Guard Force, Government Guard
Unit shall be responsible and held accountable for the compensation of the
following benefits due their respective security personnel as required by law:
a. salary and wage prescribed in the minimum wage law;
b. health, medical and insurance benefits;
c. separation and retirement pay and benefits;
d. Pag-ibig benefits
e. others as may be prescribed later
 SECTION 20. Mandatory Insurance Coverage - It shall be the responsibility of
private security agency/company guard forces operators/ owners to ensure that all
posted security personnel under their employ shall be covered with adequate
insurance. In case of death of any security personnel, monetary benefits may be
granted to his dependents/ beneficiaries by the PSA/CGFs concerned.
Rule V

 SECTION 3. Qualifications a Private Security Guard. No person shall be licensed as security guard unless he possesses the
following qualifications:
a. Filipino citizen;
b. High school graduate;
c. Physically and mentally fit;
d. Not less than eighteen (18) years of age nor more than fifty (50) years of age (for new applicants and SGs in non-supervisory
position); and
e. Has undergone a pre-licensing training course or its equivalent.

 SECTION 4. Qualifications for Security Officer. - No person shall be licensed as
 Security Officer unless he has the following qualifications:
a. Filipino citizen;
b. Holder of a Baccalaureate Degree;
c. Physically and mentally fit; and
d. Has graduated from a Security Officer Training Course or its equivalent.
 SECTION 6. Qualifications of a private detective.- No person shall be licensed as a
private detective unless possesses the following qualifications:
a. Filipino citizen;
b. Physical and mentally fit;
c. Holder of a baccalaureate degree preferably Bachelor of laws or Bachelor of
d. Science in Criminology;
e. Graduate of a Criminal Investigation Course offered by the Philippine National
Police or the National Bureau of Investigation or any police training school, or a
detective training in any authorized/recognized training center;
f. Advance ROTC/CMT graduate or its equivalent.
Rule VII

 SECTION 1. Possession of Firearms by Private Security Agency /Private Detective

Agency/ Company Security Force/ Government Security Unit. – Private Security
Agency /Private Detective Agency/ Company Security Force/ Government Security
Unit shall be entitled to possess firearms after satisfactorily complying with the
requirements prescribed by the Chief, Philippine National Police pertinent to the
possession of firearms, provided that the number of firearms shall not exceed one
(1) firearm for every two (2) security guard in its employ. No private security
agency/private detective agency/company security force/government security unit
shall be allowed to possess firearms in excess of 500 units.
 SECTION 3. Limitations in the carrying of firearms.
a. Unless specified and/or exempted pursuant to provisions of these rules and
regulations and/or firearms laws, no firearm shall be borne nor be in the possession
of any private security personnel except when in the actual performance of duty, in
the prescribed uniform, in the place and time so specified in the DDO.
b. The firearm issued to security personnel of private security agency/private
detective agency/company security services/government security unit shall be
carried by the security personnel only within the compound of the establishment
where he is assigned to guard, except when the security personnel is escorting big
amount of money or valuables on conduction duties outside its jurisdiction or area
of operation, upon prior coordination with the nearest PNP units/stations, or when
in hot pursuit of criminal offenders.
 SECTION 5. Justification for confiscation of firearms. No firearm issued to any
security guard or private detective while in the performance of his duties, shall be
confiscated by any law enforcement agency, except by uniformed member of the
PNP when duly authorized by the proper authority and/or under any of the following
circumstances, wherein an appropriate receipt for the firearm shall be issued:
a. When the firearm is about to be used in the commission of a crime;
b. When the firearm is actually being used in the commission of crime;
c. When the firearm has just been used in the commission of a crime;
d. When the firearm being carried by the security guard is unlicensed or a firearm
not authorized by law and regulation for his use;
e. When the confiscation of the firearm is directed by the order of the court;
f. When the firearm is used or carried outside the property, compound or
establishment serviced by the agency without proper authority; or
g. When a security guard does not possess any license to exercise his
 SECTION 9. Illegal possession of firearms. No person employed as security guard or
private detective shall use unlicensed firearms in the performance of his duties, nor be
allowed to use firearms with duplicated serial numbers. Unless otherwise approved by
the CPNP, only firearms licensed in the name of the PSA/PDA/CGF/GGU concerned
shall be used.
 SECTION 10. Stocking of ammunition. Stocks of ammunition in the agency shall be
authorized on a limited and reasonable quantity that will suit the requirement and need
of such agency and shall be subjected to inspection from time to time by representatives
of the Chief, Philippine National Police, and unless otherwise provided for under existing
laws, shall not exceed a basic load of fifty (50) rounds of ammunition per unit of duly
licensed firearms. Individual issue to each security guard shall be limited to one half of
such basic load or twenty five (25) rounds for every security guard.
 SECTION 8. Basic Equipment.
a. The following shall comprise of the Basic Equipment of a security guard which shall be made mandatory and ready
for his/her use while performing post, conduction, armored service duties and the like:
1. Prescribed Basic Uniform
2. Nightstick/baton
3. Whistle
4. Timepiece (synchronized)
5. Writing pen
6. Notebook and duty checklist (electronic or not)
7. Flashlight
8. First Aid Kit
9. Service Firearms (as required)

a. The security agency shall have the responsibility of ensuring the availability and
issuance of the basic equipment to its posted guards.
b. Security Guards shall be responsible for inspecting operability of basic equipment issued
to him, and be responsible for keeping himself acquainted with the proper use of these.
 SECTION 9. Other Equipment.
a. Apart from the mandatory basic equipment, other equipment may be issued to the
security guard as determined necessary following client contract requirement, provided
that the security guard shall have acquired the prior training/knowledge on the proper
use of the same but not limited to the following:
1. Handcuffs
2. Metal detectors
3. Communications Radio
4. Stun devices
5. Armor vests
6. canine (k-9) units
a. Electronic and/or communication devices requiring registration under the jurisdiction of
other government agencies shall be complied with prior to issuance for use of the
security guard.
b. Live units such as canine (dogs), shall require prior training confirmation and registration
with the PNP before utilization by any security agency purposely to ensure truthful
deployment versus client requirement or purpose of operation.


As a security guard my fundamental duty is to protect lives and property and
maintain order within my place of duty; protect the interest of my employer and our
clients and the security and stability of our government and country without
compromise and prejudice, honest in my action, words and thought; and do my
best to uphold the principle: MAKADIOS, MAKABAYAN, MAKATAO at
a. As a security guard/detective his fundamental duty is to serve the interest or mission of his agency in compliance
with the contract entered into with clients or customers of the agency he is supposed to serve;
b. He shall be honest in thoughts and deeds both in his personal and official actuations, obeying the laws of the land
and the regulations prescribed by his agency and those established by the company he is supposed to protect;
c. He shall not reveal any confidential information confided to him as a security guard and such other matters imposed
upon him by law;
d. He shall act at all times with decorum and shall not permit personal feelings, prejudices and undue friendship to
influence his actuation while in the performance of his official functions;
e. He shall not compromise with criminals and other lawless elements to the prejudice of the customers or clients and
shall assist the government in its relentless drive against lawlessness and other forms of criminality;
f. He shall carry out his assigned duties as required by law to the best of his ability and shall safeguard the life and
property of the establishment he is assigned to;
g. He shall wear his uniform, badge, patches and insignia properly as a symbol of public trust and confidence, as an
honest and trustworthy security guard and private detectives;
h. He shall keep his allegiance first to the government, then to the agency where he is employed and to the
establishment he is assigned to serve with loyalty and utmost dedication;
i. He shall diligently and progressively familiarize himself with the rules and regulations laid down by his agency and
those of the customers or clients;
j. He shall at all times be courteous, respectful and salute his superior officers, government officials and officials of
the establishment where he is assigned or the company he is supposed to serve;
k. He shall report for duty always in proper uniform and neat in his appearance; and
l. He shall learn at heart and strictly observe the laws and regulations governing the use of firearms.
a. He shall carry with him at all times during his tour of duty his license, identification card and duty detail order with an
authority to carry firearm;
b. He shall not use his license and other privileges if any, to the prejudice of the public, the client or customer and his
c. He shall not engage in any unnecessary conversation with anybody except in the discharge of his duties or sit down
unless required by the nature of his work and shall at all times keep himself alert during his tour of duty;
d. He shall refrain from reading newspapers, magazines, books, etc, while actually performing his duties;
e. He shall not drink any intoxicating liquor immediately before and during his tour of duty;
f. He shall know the location of the alarm box near his post and sound the alarm in case of fire or disorder.
g. He shall know how to operate any fire extinguisher at his post;
h. He shall know the location of the telephone and/or telephone number of the police precincts as well as the telephone
numbers of the fire stations in the locality;
i. He shall immediately notify the police in case of any sign of disorder, strike, riot or any serious violation of the law;
j. He or his group of guards, shall not participate or integrate any disorder, strike, riot, or any serious violations of the law;
k. He shall assist the police in the preservation and maintenance of peace and order and in the protection of life and
property having in mind that the nature of his responsibilities is similar to that of the latter.
l. He shall familiarize himself by heart with the Private Security Agency Law (RA 5487, as amended) and these
implementing rules and regulations;
m. When issued a Fas, he should not lend his FA s to anybody.
n. He shall always be in proper uniform and shall always carry with him his basic requirements, and equipment’s such as
writing notebook, ballpen, night stick (baton) and/or radio.
o. He shall endeavor at all times, to merit and be worthy of the trust and confidence of the agency he represents and the
client he serves.

a. They shall at all times adhere to professional ethics and refrain from practices that negate the best interest of the private security service

b. They shall always consider that unity in the profession is vital and paramount for the attainment of common objectives;

c. They shall not use deceitful means and/or misrepresentations in all their business transactions. To this end, they shall avoid granting of rebates,
or commissions in securing guarding contracts;

d. They shall not indulge in cut-throat competition by undercutting the existing contract rates between the PSA and the client and/or the minimum
contract rate prescribed under the PADPAO Memorandum Agreement in conformity with existing minimum wage laws.

e. They shall pay their guards in accordance with rates fixed by law. They shall not impose any unauthorized deductions on the guards to seek
employment elsewhere as they choose, subject to existing laws, nor accept a guard without clearance from the losing agency;

f. When a prospective client with existing company security force calls/ bids for additional security guard, all bidding security agencies shall
observe the principle of “equal pay for equal work” considering the rate of pay of the company security service and their own guards;

g. Anchored on the principle of securing property, of providing safety of persons and maintaining peace and order within such property, when
accepting contracts with clients having existing conflict of claims, management, ownership or administration of properties and/or
establishments, where there exist or forthcoming another contracted/contracting agency, they should conduct themselves and their deployed
guards in a manner primarily not to be used against each other at the same time without compromising their respective contracts;

h. They shall endeavor to raise the standard of service in the security profession thru incentive and in-service training;

i. They shall establish an adequate library of books, magazines and other publications on security subject, materials, references, etc. in each

j. They shall always be truthful and accurate in reports required by SAGSD and/or other competent authorities and be prompt in the submission
of the same;

k. They shall not, under any circumstances, employ for guard duty any person without a professional license as a security guard duly issued by
the Chief, PNP;

l. They shall at all times exercise vigilance and be prepared to prevent the use of their guards or the agency in activities inimical to the state or
national security. When activities of this nature come to their attention, they shall as a matter of duty render an appropriate report to the PNP

 SECTION 1. Powers of city municipal mayors in case of emergency - In case of

emergency or in times of disaster or calamity when the services of any security
agency/entity and its personnel are needed, the city or municipal mayor may
muster or incorporate the members of the agency or agencies nearest the area of
such disaster or calamity to help in the maintenance of peace and order, prevention
of crime, or apprehension of violators of laws or ordinance, and in the protection of
lives and properties. The deputized security guard shall receive direct orders from
the Chief of Police of the city or municipality for the duration of the emergency,
disaster or calamity.
 SECTION 2. Supervision of the PNP. The PNP shall exercise general supervision
over the operators of all security agencies and guards. In case of emergency or in
times of disaster or calamities, the Chief, PNP may deputize any security guard to
assist the PNP in the performance of police duties for the duration of such
emergency, disaster or calamity. Licensed guards, who are actually assigned to
clients with Duty Detail Orders (DDO), shall be deputized by the Chief PNP, and
clothed with authority to enforce laws, rules and regulations within his area of

 SECTION 3. Security Guard Post Service. Private security guards shall perform
personal service to watch or secure private or public establishments or property,
maintain peace and order and protect lives of persons through any form of access
control/denial, sentry operation, patrolling, establishing reaction teams and the like
provided that:
a. No Private Security Guard performing post service shall act or serve as
bodyguard or personal security escort of any person;
b. The private security guard shall always be in the uniform prescribed for guards
on post, specially when bearing firearms;
c. The services rendered are confined to the premises and/or property being
d. Private Security Guards performing as security aides, or back-up/support of
guards performing Post Service, or performing electronic monitor/security
system operation shall not bear firearms and may not be required to use the
prescribed uniforms of guards on post.


 SECTION 1. Territorial power - A security guard shall watch and secure the
property of the person, firm, or establishment with whom he or his agency has a
contract for security services. Such service shall not, however, extend beyond the
property or compound of said person, firm or establishment except when required
by the latter in accordance with the terms of their contract to escort, or in hot
pursuit of criminal offenders.
 SECTION 2. Arrest by security guard. - A security guard, or private detective is not
a police officer and is not, therefore, clothed with police authority. However, he may
effect arrest under any of the following circumstances:
a. When, in his presence, the person to be arrested has committed, is actually
committing, or is attempting to commit an offence;
b. When an offense has just been committed and he has probable cause to believe
based on personal knowledge of facts and circumstances that the person to be
arrested has committed it; and
c. When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a penal
establishment or place where he is serving final judgment or temporarily confined
while his case is pending or has escaped while being transferred from one
confinement to another (Section 6, Rule 113, Rule of Court).
 SECTION 3. Method of Arrest. - When making an arrest, the watchman, security
guard or private detective shall inform the person to be arrested of the intention to
arrest him and cause of the arrest, unless the person to be arrested is then
engaged in the commission of an offense or after an escape, or flees, or forcibly
resists before the person making the arrest has opportunity so to inform him, or
when the giving of such information will imperil the arrest. (Section 10,lbid).
 SECTION 4. Duty of security guard making arrest. -Any security guard making
arrest, shall immediately turn over the person arrested to the nearest peace officer,
police outpost or headquarters for custody and/or appropriate action, or he may
without necessary delay and within the time prescribed in Article 125 of the Revised
Penal Code, as amended, take the person arrested, to the proper Court of Law or
judge for such action as they may deem proper to take. (Section 17, bid).
 SECTION 5. Search without warrant. - Any security guard may, incident to the
arrest, search the person so arrested in the presence of at least two (2) witnesses.
He may also search employees of the person firm or establishment with which he
is or his agency has a contract of private detective, watchman or security services,
when such search is required by the very nature of the business of the person, firm
or establishment.

 SECTION 6. General Orders. - All security guards shall memorize and strictly keep by heart
the following general orders:
a. To take charge of the post and all company properties in view and protect/ preserve the
same with utmost diligence;
b. To walk in an alert manner during my tour of duty and observing everything that takes
place within sight or hearing;
c. To report all violations of regulations and orders I am instructed to enforce;
d. To relay all calls from posts more distant from the security house where I am stationed;
e. To quit my post only when properly relieved;
f. To receive, obey and pass on to the relieving guard all orders from company officers or
officials, supervisors, post in charge or shift leaders;
g. To talk to one except in line of duty;
h. To sound or call the alarm in case of fire or disorder;
i. To call the superior officer in any case not covered by instructions;
j. To salute all company officials, superiors in the agency, ranking public officials and
officers of Philippine National Police; and
k. To be especially watchful at night and during the time of challenging, to challenge all
persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass or loiter without proper authority.
 SECTION 7. Duty to Assist Law Enforcers - Any security guard shall be duty bound
to assist any peace officer in the pursuit of his bounding duty, when requested,
provided it is within the territorial jurisdiction of his (security officer) area of duty.
Sanctions Against Licensed Security Personnel
 SECTION 3. Classification of offenses. - The following terms shall be construed to mean as indicated which
shall likewise refer to the individual person as private security or security training personnel:
a. Light Offenses shall include, but not limited to:
(1) those related to uniforms except those falling under paragraph c(1) hereunder;
(2) use of profane languages;
(3) acts of discourteousness;
(4) failure to notify/call the nearest PNP Station in case of disorders, riots or strikes and other emergency cases;
(5) late or failure to maintain and/or submit records/reports;
(6) violation of Section 1, Rule X of these rules and regulations otherwise not specifically falling under this and
paragraphs b and c of this rule; and
(7) all acts prejudicial to good conduct, behavior, morals and similar acts, pursuant to existing laws, rules and
 One (1) to thirty (30) days suspension or a fine ranging from one hundred pesos
minimum to five hundred pesos maximum (P100.00- P500.00) or both;
a. Less grave offenses shall include, but not limited to:
(1) not having in possession his/her license to exercise profession, duty detail order and/or firearms license
(when carrying firearms), while performing private security service;
(2) use of uniform not appropriate for one’s ranks or position;
(3) leaving his post without being properly relieved, thus exposing the lives and properties he is supposed to
protect from danger;
(4) indiscriminate firing of firearm not in connection with the performance of duty;
(5) other similar offenses pursuant to existing laws, rules and regulations.
 One (1) month and one (1) day to six (6) months suspension or a fine ranging from
five hundred pesos minimum to one thousand pesos maximum (P500.00-P1,
000.00) or both
a. Grave offenses shall include, but likewise not limited to:
(1) Using uniform other than that prescribed under these rules;
(2) using personally owned or unlicensed firearm during tour of duty;
(3) allowing the use/lending issued firearms to unauthorized persons;
(4) assisting, abetting or protecting criminals during or off duty;
(5) providing confidential information to unauthorized persons;
(6) refusal to provide information to authorized persons;
(7) illegal search;
(8) taking alcoholic beverages or being drunk while on guard duty;
(9) abuse or acting beyond the scope of authority;
(10)misrepresentation in the submission of documents for renewal of license;
(11)other similar offense pursuant to existing laws, rules and regulations.

- Six (6) months and one (1) day to one (1) year suspension or a fine ranging from ten
thousand (P10, 000.00) pesos minimum to fifty thousand pesos maximum (P50,
000.00) or both, and/or cancellation of license/permit.
 SECTION 2. Description of action required of the above-mentioned awards:
a. Medalya ng Kagitingan (Blueguards Medal of Valor) can be awarded to any
Blueguards whose performance and action falls under para. 1 and/or 2 below:
(1) Action of the Blueguard involving conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity ignoring the
risk of life and limb above and beyond the call of duty. In order to justify this award, a
Blueguard must perform conspicuously in deed and in action personal bravery and
self-sacrifice above and beyond the call of duty as to distinguish himself clearly from
his comrades in performing hazardous service.
(2) Blueguards who participated in rescue in any fire incident, disaster, calamity or
earthquake whose actions involve actual rescue operation, characterized by
gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life and limb above and beyond the call of duty.
In order to justify this award, a Blueguard must have saved or attempted to save
lives and properties characterized by personal bravery, courage, heroism or self-
sacrifice above and beyond the call of duty as to distinguished himself above his
comrades in the performance of more than ordinary hazardous service.
b. Medalya ng Katapatan sa Paglilingkod (Blueguards Distinguished Service Medal) can be awarded
to any member of the Blueguards whose action and performance either fall under para. a or b below:
(1) It can be awarded to any Blueguard who has rendered eminently meritorious and invaluable
service in the position of major responsibility. The performance of duty must be exceptional. A
superior performance of duty normal and relative to assignment, position and experience of an
individual is not an adequate basis for the award.
(2) The accomplishment of the duty, which has to be exceptional or significant should have been
completed prior to submission of the recommendation.
c. Medalya ng Katapangan (Blueguards Bravery Medal). It can be awarded to any Blueguard member
with the following requirements;
(3) For gallantry of the Blueguards action not warranting the Medalya Ng Kagitingan nor Medalya ng
Katapatan sa Paglilingkod.
(4) For Blue guard members who participated on rescue operations in a fire incident, car accident,
earthquake, flood, typhoon and other disasters/calamities and whose acts of heroism has put his
life in extreme danger in his desire to save the lives of others.
D. Medalya ng Pambihirang Paglilingkod (Blueguards Special Service Medal).

 The President of the Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operators, Inc. (PADPAO) in Consonance
with the Resolutions of the Board of Director, can award the medal to any member of the civilian government such as
parliamentarians, statement, diplomats, journalists, scientists and any member of the Philippine National Police holding
them and respectable position and whose contribution and accomplishments greatly enhanced the development and
professionalism of the Civil Security Industry.

 The four (4) degrees of the Medalya ng Pambihirang Paglilingkod with the corresponding requirements are the following:
(1) Degree of Raja - It can be awarded to any member of the legislative and the judiciary to include jurists, parliamentarians,
statesmen, diplomats, journalists, scientists and the Director General of the Philippine National Police who has rendered
eminently meritorious and invaluable service in undertaking a major responsibility leading to the development and
professionalization of the Civil Security Industry. A superior performance of normal duties based on one’s position will not
be made a justification to the award.
(2) Degree of Datu - It can be awarded to any of the Regional Directors and/or any of the Directors of the National Supporting
Unit or Command of the Philippine National Police who has rendered eminently meritorious and invaluable service leading
to the development of the Civil Security Industry and contributed professional assistance while in a position of major
responsibility which has a lesser degree of category and not warranting the award of the degree of Raja.
(3) Degree of Lakan - It can be awarded to any officer of the Philippine National Police and the Armed Forces of the
Philippines who has distinguished himself thru exceptional meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service
in the development of the Civil Security Industry.
(4) Degree of Maginoo - It can be awarded to any member of the PNP, Armed Forces of the Philippines and other government
law enforcement agencies who has distinguished himself thru exceptional meritorious conduct and outstanding service
that contributed in the making, developing and professionalizing the Civil Security Industry but in a lesser degree of
category not warranting the award of the degree of Lakan. For meritorious service of the greater value, the Blueguards
Efficiency Medal is usually awarded.
E. Medalya ng Kadakilaan (Blueguards Heroism Medal). It can be awarded to any Blueguard member whose
action and performance fall under para. 1 and 2 below:
(1) An act of heroism that involves actual conflict with criminal elements either in actual duty or beyond the
relief of posted duty.
(2) An act of heroism shown or performed in rescue operations, saving the lives and properties of any person
or persons who are victims of criminal elements and natural calamities or fortuitous events such as fire,
earthquake, flood, typhoon and other disasters.
F. Medalya ng Katangiang Asal (Blueguards Special Action Medal). It can be awarded to any Blueguard
member in any of the categories with corresponding requirements as follows:
(3) Raja - for heroic act performed by Blueguard member in actual conflict with criminal elements during a
crime incident or to save the lives and limbs of any person or persons in case of a fire incident which
would conspicuously distinguish himself thru gallantry and intrepidity notwithstanding the risk of life which
is above and beyond the call of duty. Such deed of bravery and self-sacrifice must be clearly visible so as
to distinguish himself from other Blueguard members.
(4) Datu - for conspicuous acts of courage and gallantry confronting armed enemy in a crime situation or life
saving and fire fighting in a fire situation not warranting the Medalya ng Katangitanging Asal degree of
Raja. He must perform a notable act of heroism involving risk of life as to set him apart from other
(5) Lakan - For gallantry in action in a crime of fire situation not warranting the Medalya ng Katangitanging
Asal degree of Raja or Datu. It can be awarded to recognize a meritorious service accomplished with
distinction by any person or persons either in a duty responsibility or in direct support to PNP Station.
(6) Maginoo - For gallantry in action not warranting the Medalya ng Katangitanging Asal degree of Raja, Datu
or Lakan.
G. Medalya ng Kasanayan (Blueguards Efficiency Medal). It can be awarded to any member
of the blueguards for meritorious and invaluable service rendered. The performance of duty
must be in such a way as to merit recognition by an exceptional service. The superior
performance of the normal duties as called for by the position is not alone justification of the
H. Medalya ng Papuri (Blueguards Commenda-tion Medal). It can be awarded to any
member of the Blueguards who has demonstrated exemplary efficiency, devotion and loyalty
to his duty assignments.
I. Medalya ng Sugatang Magiting (Blueguards Wounded Medal). It can be awarded to any
member of the Blueguards in the actual performance of duties. It requires that said member
must have been wounded in action in his fight against criminal elements or from a direct
assault of the enemy, or wounds caused by fire in a fire fighting activity. Provided, however,
that such wounds would necessitate treatments by a medical officer. For this purpose, a
“wound” is hereby defined as an injury to any part of the body sustained due to a hostile act
of an enemy on in quelling a fire.
J. Medalya sa Pagtulong sa Nasalanta (Blueguards Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation
Medal). It can be awarded to any member of the Blueguards with the requirement that
there should be an active participation of such member in an undertaking that involves
rescue/ relief and rehabilitation operations in relation to disasters of fortuitous events
such as typhoons, flood, earthquakes, conflagration and other calamities.
K. Letter of Commendation - any good activity done by any security guard officer.
 SECTION 3. Authority to Grant Award - The following are authorized to approve/issue awards:
a. Medalya ng Kagitingan - Secretary of the Interior and Local Government.
b. Medalya ng Katapatan sa Paglingkod - Chief, Philippine National Police.
c. Medalya ng Katapangan - Chief, Philippine National Police.
d. Medalya ng Pambihirang Paglilingkod - Regional Director, PNP Police Regional Office/Director, Civil Security
Force Office.
e. Medalya ng Kadakilaan - Regional Director, PNP Police Regional Office/ Director, Civil Security Group.
f. Medalya ng Katangi-tanging Asal - Regional Director, PNP Police Regional Office/Director, Civil Security
g. Medalya ng Kasanayan - Regional Director, PNP Police Regional Office/ Director, Civil Security Group.
h. Medalya ng Papuri - Provincial Director, PNP Provincial Office/Chief, SAGSD/ CSG Regional Office Directors.
i. Medalya Sa Pagtulong sa Nasalanta - Provincial Director, PNP Provincial Office/Chief, SAGSD/ CSG Regional
Office Directors.
j. Letter of Commendation - PSAs/ CGFs Operators/ Managers concerned.
 SECTION 5. Wearing of Medals - All security guard who are recipients of awards
shall wear them as part of their uniform and miniature thereof, and shall be worn of
the above left pocket of the uniform.

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