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Module 1

Fundamental of Vibrations

Dr.-Ing. Azmi Mohamed Yusof

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

 Learning outcome
 Introduction to vibration
 Degree of freedom

MEC 521 – VIBRATIONS : Dr. Azmi M.Yusof 2

Module 2
Fundamental of Vibrations

Dr.-Ing. Azmi Mohamed Yusof

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Vibration or oscillation
 any motion that repeat itself after an interval of time

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1.0 Learning outcome

At the end of module 1 & 2, student should be able to state and apply
the fundamental principle of vibration involving:-
 basic terminology and classifications of vibration
 Hooke’s law and spring element
 simple harmonic motion and harmonic analysis

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Consider a pendulum
 Let the bob has mass m, and give
displacement of  and let it swing
 When it travels to point 1:
 Reaching maximum amplitude
 K.E = 0, v = 0
 P.E = mgl(1 - cos) [maximum]

 The characteristic motion of the

pendulum: Harmonic, sinusoidal


Vibration of an industrial machinery
Vibration of a simple pendulum

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Machine vibration

What is Machine

Almost all machine

vibration is due to
one or more of
these causes:

(a) Repeating
(b) Looseness
(c) Resonance

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Degree of freedom [DOF]
DOF = min. number of independent coordinates required to
specify completely the positions of a dynamic systems.

Simple pendulum
 The motion of the bob can be described either by
using [x,y] coordinate or .
 x & y are dependent on l  x2 + y2 = l2
 Thus, only  is the independent coordinate
 This is a 1 DOF system

Slider crank spring mechanism

 The motion of the slider can be described either by
using x coordinate or .
 Thus, x or  is the independent coordinate
 This is a 1 DOF system

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Degree of freedom [DOF]

Degrees of freedom
for the upper body of
the motion capture
skeleton (left) and the
robot (right). For the
human skeleton, all
joints are three degree
of freedom ball joints
except the ROOT
(6DOF), the elbows L
EB and R EB (1DOF
each), and the
clavicles L CLV and R
CLV (2DOF each)

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Degree of freedom [DOF]
Example 1
Spring-mass system
 The motion can be described by using x
 This is a 1 DOF system

Torsional system
 The motion of the mass can be described by
using  as coordinate.
 This is a 1 DOF system

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Degree of freedom [DOF]
2 DOF systems 3 DOF systems

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Class exercise
Specify the generalized coordinate and state the number of DOF for the
systems shown below
a) b)

Generalized coordinates :________________ Generalized coordinates :________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Degree of freedom : ____________________ Degree of freedom : ____________________

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Guided Tutorial 1

c) d)

Generalized coordinates :________________ Generalized coordinates :________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Degree of freedom : ____________________ Degree of freedom : ____________________

MEC 521 – VIBRATIONS : Dr. Azmi M.Yusof 13
Guided Tutorial 1

𝑥(𝑡) 𝐼𝜃 (𝑡 )
e) 𝑘1 𝑘2 f)
𝑚 𝑟

Generalized coordinates :________________ Generalized coordinates :________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Degree of freedom : ____________________ Degree of freedom : ____________________

MEC 521 – VIBRATIONS : Dr. Azmi M.Yusof 14


 Spring element
 Simple harmonics motion
 Harmonic analysis (Fourier series)
 Review problems

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Classification of vibrations
Classification of vibrations
 Free & forced vibration
 Free vibration: Give initial disturbance for the system
and left it to vibrate on its own
 Forced vibration: The system vibrates by subjecting
to an external force continuously
Free - damped
 Undamped & damped vibration Free - undamped vibration
 Undamped vibration – no energy loss/dissipated vibration

 Damped vibration – involve friction/lost in energy

 Linear & non-linear vibration

 Linear - Influenced by the characteristic of
 Non-linear - individual element e.g the spring, Deterministic vibration
mass & the damper
 Deterministic & Random vibration
 Deterministic – Amplitude of excitation is predictable
 Random – the value of excitation at a given time
cannot be predicted Force - damped
Random vibration

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Components of vibrations system
Basic vibration system may compose of the following
 Mass element
 Also known as inertia element that form the rigid body
 When the velocity of the mass changes, it can gain or loose the kinetic energy

 Spring Element
 the repetitive motion of vibrating system comes from the spring element
 The helical coil spring represent the real spring element
 Some mechanical system does not have a physical helical-coil spring but
behaved like a spring. E.g cantilever beam.
 Damping element
 It opposes or retard the vibration effect of a mechanical system
 A damper converts the vibrational energy into heat or sound


Spring Element

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Spring Element
Spring element, k
 A coil spring (fig.(a)) has free length, ℓ
 When the spring is stretched (or compressed), it
will elongate
 A restoring force will exert that opposes the
direction of applied force
 For the applied force F, the linear force-
deflection model for a spring is given by
where x is the spring constant

 The work done in deforming a spring is stored as

potential energy

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Spring Element
Modeling of spring constant of a rod
(Longitudinal vibration)
 Consider a uniform rod of length l, cross
sectional area A, and Young’s modulus E
subjected to an axial force F.
 Recall from mechanics of materials
 the elongation
 the strain
 the stress
 Combining these eqn.,
 From the definition of k,

MEC 521 – VIBRATIONS : Dr. Azmi M.Yusof 20

Spring Element
Example (lateral vibration)
 Find the equivalent spring constant of a cantilever beam subjected to a
concentrated load F at its end as shown in the figure below

Consider a small section of the beam with length x (measured from the tip end)
The moment is given by
The equation of elastic curve is given by
Substitute the moment term, we obtain
Integrate the equation, we obtain
Apply the initial condition, at , thus we have

MEC 521 – VIBRATIONS : Dr. Azmi M.Yusof 21

Spring Element
The equation now becomes
Integrate the equation again, yield
Apply another initial condition, & substitute into the above eqn.
We obtain
Finally we have,
The deflection can be obtained when
From the stiffness formula

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Spring Element

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Spring Element
Springs in series and parallel (finding the
equivalent spring constant)
 Spring in parallel
 :

 Thus for parallel springs arrangement,

 Spring in series
 The total elongation,
 ,
 We have,
 Thus for series springs arrangement,

MEC 521 – VIBRATIONS : Dr. Azmi M.Yusof 24

1. Spring motion

2. pendulum


Class exercise
 The motor is attached to a flexible beam of stiffness kb as shown in
figure below. Find the equivalent stiffness of the system if kb = 200 N/m
and ks = 1000 N/m. [Ans : ]

ks ks

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Class exercise
 Obtain the total stiffness of the system below





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Guided Tutorial 2
1. In the experiment, the spring elongations were measured at various
applied load and the data obtained was shown below :-
Loa d (gr a m ) 100 200 300 400 500
E lon ga t ion (m illim et er ) 0.009 0.021 0.036 0.045 0.058

a) Plot the graph of applied load (N) versus spring elongation (m).
b) Estimate the spring stiffness, k. (Please use Microsoft Excel to plot the
2. Determine the equivalent stiffness for the system shown below

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End chapter problems
1. Determine the number of DOF for the following 2. Determine the expression for the equivalent
systems which are in equilibrium position. State spring constant for the systems shown in the
the generalized coordinate for each case. figure below


k E = 210 X 109 N/m2

I = 3.8 X 10-5 m4
m m 100kg

Ans : 1.5 X 106 N/m

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