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 Health care institutions and their patients are familiar with the effects of
nosocomial infections.

 The safety of the patients concerning this device depends mostly on the
nursing care.
 Central venous pressure (CVP) is the blood pressure in the venaecava,

near the right atrium of the heart. CVP reflects the amount of blood

returning to the heart and the ability of the heart to pump the blood back
into the arterial system. 
 In central pressure monitoring, the physician insert a catheter through a

vein and advances it until its tip lies in or near the right atrium. When
connected to a monometer or Monitor. the catheter measures central
venous pressure (CVP), an index of right ventricular function. The
normal CVP is 8 to 12 mm Hg. And 2 to 6cm H2O.
 There special Ivs are used when the patient either does not have adequate
veins in the arms or needs special medication and/or nutrition that cannot
be given through the smaller arm veins.
 Serve as a guide of fluid balance in critically ill patient.
 Determine the function of the right side of the heart
What we need ?
 Syringes 5ml- 5
 Syringes 10 ml -5
 Syringes 20 ml -5
 Certofix ( Trio and Duo)
 Three way stop cock -3
 Sterile Gloves (6, 6.5, 7, 7.5)-1
 Surgical Gown-1
 CVP Tray-1
 Lox 2% (30 ml)-1
 Normal saline 100ml-1
 Suture 2-0 and 3-0
 Tegaderm-1
 Needle 24x1 0.55
 Cap and Mask
Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection
 Date of insertion :-
 Hand hygiene compliance
 Maximum sterile barrier used during insertion
 Optimal central line site selection with subclavian / jugular vein as the

preferred site.
 Chlorhexidine 4% for skin preparation.
 Wait 2 min to dry the site.
 Insert the central line.
1. Dressing changed using aseptic Technique every 48 hours
and whenever necessary
2. Watch the insertion site for any signs of infection.
3. Dressing intact, labeled correctly.
4. Aspiration of blood checked from each lumen of CVC.
5. Injection site are covered by caps
6. Central line stabilized/no tension on line
7. Administration sets (PMO LINE, IV SET’S etc.) labeled and
8. Necessity of removal to be assessed in every shift.
Sign of CLABSI
 Fever > 38
 TLC and WBC count Increased
 Bradycardia
 Tachycardia
 Skin rash around the central line
1. Bleeding and infections associated with IV catheter.
2. Misplacement
3. Collapse of the lung is a rare complication of cvp catheter.
4. Arterial puncture, cardiac puncture.
5. Pneumothorax, Hemothorax
6. Air emboli, thrombosis
7. Cardiac tamponade
8. Cardiac arrhythmias
9. Carotid artery punctured
10. Perforation in SVC and atria and ventricles
11. Pleural effusion.
 The catheter is held in place by an adhesive dressing, suture, or staple
which is covered by an occlusive dressing. Regular flushing with saline
or a heparin-containing solution keeps the line open and prevents blood

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