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Journal of Powder Metallurgy

and Mining

Editor-In Chief
Samuel Frimpong
Professor and Chair
Robert H. Quenon Endowed Chair
Department of Mining & Nuclear Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology
 Samuel Frimpong is Professor and Chair of the Department of Mining and Nuclear
Engineering and the Robert H. Quenon Endowed Chair at the Missouri University
of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T).
 He holds PhD (1992) from the University of Alberta, MSc (1988) from the
University of Zambia, and Postgraduate Diploma (Distinction, 1986) and BSc (Hon,
1985) from the University of Science and Technology, Ghana.
 His professional experience includes over 25 years of research and teaching, over
20 years of university administration, and several years of industry practice.
 He previously worked as Professor and Associate Professor (University of Alberta),
Assistant Professor (Technical University of Nova Scotia),
 Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Alberta), Research Associate (University of
Zimbabwe) and as Mining Engineer (Ashanti Goldfields, Ghana National
Manganese Corp, State Gold mining Corp and Agri-Petco of Ghana) and
Underground Miner (Tarkwa Goldfields).
 His current research areas include surface mining systems engineering, excavation
and machine health, extra heavy oil recovery, safety and hazards engineering and
stochastic simulation. He continues to lead major research initiatives in these areas
with over $32 million funding from a portfolio of national and international
 The results of his research initiatives include over 200 refereed journal and
conference publications, 90 technical reports, and over 150 technical
 He is also leading major global efforts in extending mining engineering education
and research initiatives into Afghanistan, Australia, Botswana, China, Dominican
Republic, Ghana, Mongolia, Peru and Saudi Arabia.
 Frimpong serves as a Member of the Mine Safety and Health Research Advisory
Council for the Center for Disease Control, appointed by the US HHS Secretary.
He is a recipient of the CPI Distinguished Lecturer Award, Award of Distinction by
World Mining Congress, University of Alberta/CIDA PhD Scholar, Life Patron of
the University of Mines and Technology Alumni Association, Grand Award by the
Northwest Mining Association, and a UNESCO Research Fellow. He is Co-Chair of
the ASCE-UNESCO Monograph on Emerging Energy Technologies, a member of
the APLU Board on Natural Resources,
 Vice Chair of the Minerals and Energy Section of the National Association of State
Universities and Land Grant Colleges and a member of the College of Reviewers
for Canada Foundation for Innovation. He is currently an Associate Editor for
International Journal of Mining and Minerals Engineering, Editor for the
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, and a reviewer for
over 15 refereed journals in mining engineering and related fields and previously
served as Associate Editor for ASCE Journal of Energy Engineering.
 He is a Registered Professional Engineer in Canada, and a member of the Society
for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy
and Petroleum, American Society of Civil Engineers, and the Society for Modeling
and Simulation International.
Research Areas
 Surface Mining Systems Engineering
 Formation Excavation Engineering
 Machine Dynamics
 Heavy Machinery Imaging and Integration
 Intelligent Mining Systems
 Stochastic Processes and Risks Simulation
 Extra Heavy Oil Extraction
 Mine Safety, Health and Hazards Engineering
 Augmented Machine Visualization
2005-2014 Publications
 Gbadam, E. and S.Frimpong. 2014. Bench Structural Integrity Modeling of Oil Sands for
Optimum Cable Shovel Performance. J Powder Metall Min 3: 120. doi: 10.4172/2168-
 Nyaaba, W., S.Frimpong and El-Nagdy, K. 2014. Optimization of Ventilation Networks using
the Lagrangian Algorithm for Equality Constraints. International Journal of Mining,
Reclamation and Environment (IJMRE). © Taylor & Francis, UK (in print).
 Frimpong, S., J.M.Whiting and R.Suglo. 2013. Preparing Graduate Talent for the Mining
Industry: A New Metric System Based on an Old Tradition; Mining Engineering, Vol. 65, No.
6. © SME, Littleton, CO: 62 – 70.
 Frimpong S. 2013. Advancing Knowledge and Frontiers for Safe and Productive Surface
Mining. Editorial for Special Edition on Surface Mining. Journal of Powder Metallurgy and
Mining, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1000e106; ISSN: 2168-9806 JPMM
 Adadzi E. and S.Frimpong. 2013. Stochastic Non-Linear Optimization of Equipment
Productivity in Multi-Seam Formations. Special Edition on Surface Mining. Journal of
Powder Metallurgy and Mining, Vol. 2, No. 1. ISSN 2168-9806 JPMM
 Raza M.A. and S.Frimpong. 2013. Cable Shovel Stress & Fatigue Failure Modeling - Causes
and Solution Strategies Review. Special Edition on Surface Mining. J Powder Metall Min. Vol.
2, No. 1. ISSN: 2168-9806 JPMM.
2005-2014 Publications
 Aouad, N. and S.Frimpong. 2013. Virtual Prototype Simulation of Truck Vibrations in High-Impact
Shovel Loading Operations. Special Edition on Surface Mining. J Powder Metall Min, Vol. 2, No. 1.
ISSN: 2168-9806 JPMM.
 Frimpong S., Y.Li and R.Suglo. 2013. Dynamic Torque and Soil Deformation Mechanics and
Simulation of the GAP Virtual Machinery. Special Edition on Surface Mining. Journal of Powder
Metallurgy and Mining, Vol. 2, No. 1. ISSN: 2168-9806 JPMM.
 Frimpong, S., G.Galecki and Y.Li. 2012. Dump Truck Tire Stress Simulation for Extended Service
Life; SME TRANSACTIONS, Vol. 332; © SME, Littleton, CO: 422 – 429.
 Brown, O.F. and S.Frimpong. 2012. Non-Linear FE Analysis of Blade – Formation Interactions in
Excavation. Mining Engineering. © SME, Littleton, CO: 60 – 67.
 Li, Y., S.Frimpong and W.Y.Liu. 2012. 3D Finite Element Analysis of PWA-Oil Sands Terrain
System Interaction. Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 324515.
© Hindawi Publications: 10 pages.
 Li, Y., W.Y. Liu and S.Frimpong. 2012. Effect of Ambient Temperature on Stress, Deformation and
Temperature of Dump Truck Tire. Engineering Failure Analysis (ENG FAIL ANAL)Publisher:
Elsevier Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 23 (DOI: 10.1016/j.engfailanal. 2012.02.004): 55–62.
 Frimpong, S., G.Galecki and Z.Chang. 2011. Dump truck operator vibration control in high-impact
shovel loading operations. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment
(IJMRE), Vol. 23, No. 3 (September). © Taylor & Francis, UK: 213 – 225
2005-2014 Publications
 Awuah-Offei, K. and S.Frimpong. 2011 Efficient Cable Shovel Excavation in Surface Mines.
Geotech and Geol. Eng., Vol. 29(1). © Springerlink, DOI: 10.1007/s10706-010-9366-9: 19-26.
 Frimpong, S., O.R.Ayodele, K.Awuah-Offei and O.F.Brown. 2010. Numerical Simulation Software
for Oil Sand Slurry Flow in Flexible Pipelines. Journal of Energy Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 2. ©
ASCE, Reston, VA: 51-57.
 Frimpong, S., and Y.Li. 2009. Dynamic Torque and Soil Deformation Simulation of the GAP
Machinery. Journal of Terramechanics. © Elsevier Sciences, Netherlands.
 Awuah-Offei, K., S.Frimpong and H.Askari-Nasab, 2009. Formation Excavation Resistance
Modelling for Shovel Dippers. Int. J. of Mining and Mineral Engineering, Vol. 1, No.2. ©
Inderscience, Olney, Bucks, UK: 127 – 146.
 Frimpong, S. and N.Demirel. 2009. Planar Kinematics of Dragline Digging for Efficient Machine
Control. ASCE J. of Aerospace Eng Vol. 22, No. 2. © ASCE Publications, Reston, VA: 112-122.
 Demirel, N. and S.Frimpong. 2009. Dragline Dynamic Modeling for Efficient Excavation. Int.
Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Env. (IJMRE), Vol. 23, Issue #1. © Taylor & Francis, UK: 4-20.
 Frimpong, S. 2008. Global Energy Security: The Case for a Multifaceted Solution Strategy. Editorial
for the J. of Energy Engineering, Vol. 134, No. 4. © ASCE, Reston, VA: 109 – 110.
2014-2015 Publications
 Frimpong, S., Y.Hu and H.I.Inyang. 2008. Dynamic Modeling of Hydraulic Shovel Excavators for
Geomaterials. Int. Journal of Geomechanics (IJOG), Vol. 8(1); © ASCE, Reston, VA: 2 – 10.
 Frimpong, S. and Y.Hu. 2008. Intelligent Shovel Excavation Modeling and Simulation. IJOG, Vol.
8(1). © ASCE Publications, Reston, VA: 20 - 29.
 Frimpong, S., Y.Li and K.Awuah-Offei. 2008. Cable Shovel Health and Longevity and Operator
Efficiency in Oil Sands Excavation. IJMME, Vol. 1, No. 1. © Indersci., UK: 47 – 61.
 Li, Y. and S.Frimpong, 2008. Hybrid Virtual Prototype for Analyzing Cable Shovel Component
Stress. Int. J. of Adv. Manufacturing Tech., Vol. 37. © Springer-Verlag, London, UK: 423 – 430.
 Li, Y. and S.Frimpong. 2008. Dynamic Modelling and Virtual Prototype Simulation of Dump
Truck-Haul Road Interactions. Int. J. of Heavy Vehicle Systems, Vol. 15, No.2/3/4. © Inderscience,
Olney, UK: 416 – 432.
 Frimpong, S. and Y.Li. 2008. Structural Dynamics and a Virtual Prototype Simulator of the HAB
System for Oil Sands Production. J. of Energy Engineering, Vol. 134, No. 3 (September). © ASCE,
Reston, VA: 81-86.
 Frimpong, S., K.Awuah-Offei and G.Dogbe. 2007. Optimum Short-Term Futures Hedge using
Stochastic Linear Programming. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management
(IJRAM), Vol. 7(5). © Inderscience, Geneve 15, Switzerland: 639-655.
2005-2014 Publications
 Dogbe, G., and S.Frimpong. 2007. Mineral Reserve Risk in Continuous-Time Stochastic Mine
Valuation. IJRAM, Vol. 7(5). © Inderscience, Geneve 15, Switzerland: 675 - 694.
 Frimpong, S. and Y.Li. 2007. Cable Shovel Health and Longevity in Formation Excavation. Mining
Engineering, Vol. 59(12) (December). © SME, Littleton, CO: 50 - 56.
 Askari-Nasab, H., S.Frimpong and J.Szymanski. 2007. Modeling Open Pit Dynamics using Discrete
Simulation. Int. Journal of Mining, Reclamation & Environment, Vol. 21, No. 1. © Taylor &
Francis, Oxfordshire, UK: 35 - 49.
 Frimpong, S. and Y.Li. 2007. Stress Loading of the Cable Shovel Boom under In-situ Digging
Conditions. Eng. Failure Analysis, Vol. 14(4) (June). © Elsevier, UK: 702 – 715.
 Frimpong, S. and Y.Li. 2007. Spatial Kinematics and Virtual Prototype Simulation of the Cable
Shovel Performance. SME Transactions, Vol. 322. © SME, Littleton, CO: 78 – 87.
 Awuah-Offei, K. and S.Frimpong. 2007. Cable Shovel Digging Optimization for Energy Efficiency.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 42. © Elsevier, UK: 995 – 1006.
 Inyang, H. and S.Frimpong. 2007. Utility of Energy Technology Development in Environmentally
Sustainable Development. J. of Energy Engineering, Vol. 133, No. 1. © ASCE, Reston, VA: 1 – 2.
 Awuah-Offei, K. and S.Frimpong. 2006. Numerical Simulation of Cable Shovel Resistive Forces in
Oil Sands Excavation. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation & Environment, Vol. 20, No. 3.
© Taylor & Francis, Oxfordshire, UK (September): 223 – 238.
2005-2014 Publications
 Li, Y., M.Fang, M.L.Feng and S.Frimpong. 2006. Three Dimensional Modeling of the Working
Linkage of Load-Haul-Dump Loader. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
Technology, ISSN: 0268-3768 (Paper) 1433-3015 (Online), DOI: 10.1007/s00170-006-0407-8. ©
Springer, London, UK.
 Frimpong, S. and Y.Hu. 2005. Parametric Simulation of Shovel-Oil Sands Interactions during
Excavation. International Journal of Surface Mining, Reclamation & Environment, Vol. 18, No. 3.
© Taylor & Francis, Oxfordshire, UK (September): 205 – 219.
 Frimpong, S. and Y.Hu. 2005. Dynamic Hydraulic Shovel Simulator for Improved Machine
Performance. CIM Bulletin, Vol. 98, No. 1095. © CIM Publications, 1210-3400 de Maisonneuve
Blvd. W., Montreal, Canada: 1 – 5.
 Frimpong, S., and Y.Li. 2005. Virtual Prototype Simulation of Hydraulic Shovel Kinematics for
Spatial Characterization in Surface Mining Operations. Int. J. of Surface Mining, Reclam. & Env.,
Vol. 19, No. 4. © Taylor & Francis, Oxfordshire, UK (September): 238 – 250.
 Frimpong, S., Z.Chang and V.Kecojevic. 2005. KANEXP03 Cable Shovel Dynamics and PID
Control Scheme for Efficient Surface Mining Excavation. Mining Engineering Transactions, Vol.
318. © SME, Littleton, CO: 41 – 50.
 Frimpong, S., Y.Hu and K.Awuah-Offei. 2005. Mechanics of Cable Shovel-Formation Interactions
in Surface Mining Excavations. Terramechanics, Vol. 42, Issue #1; © Elsevier (August): 15 – 33.
Books & Monographs
 Brown, O.F. and S.Frimpong. 2012. Numerical Analysis of Blade-
Formation Interactions in Excavation: A Finite Element Approach. ©
Lambert Academic Publishing. KG Heinrich-Böcking-Straße 6-8 66121
Saarbrücken, Germany (May). ISBN-10: 365911118X; ISBN-13: 978-
3659111181: 108 p.

 Frimpong, S., Y.Li and N.Aouad. 2008. “Intelligent Machine Monitoring

and Sensing for Safe Surface Mining Operations”; Book Chapter in
Appropriate Technologies for Environmental Protection in the Developing
World, ISBN #: 978-1-4020-9138-4; Yanful, E.K. (Editor); © Springer
Science, New York, NY: 217-227.

 Szymanski, J. and S.Frimpong. 2005. Sprocket Carrier Roller for a Tracked

Vehicle”. Patent File #: 2002050 (CA2). Serial #: 2,481,664). TEC
Edmonton, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
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