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Table of Contents

 • Early life /Introduce

• Seizure of Power (Zia as chief martial law administrator and President)
• Early measures(death of Bhutto, Baluchistan rebellion, Islamization)
• Afghan Miracle • Elections(Referendum and 1985 Elections)
• Problems for Zia
• Death of General Zia
• Conclusion
Huma Munawar bsf1903422
Attiqua amjad bsf1902976
Sidra tul muntha. bsf1903469
History of Pakistan
B. Ed evening
6th semester
Sir Syed ali Raza
General zia_ul_haq :
third martial law
University of education(LMC)
Early life/Introduction

• Mohammad Zia al-Haq was born into a middle- class family on

12th August , 1924, at Jullundur in East Punjab, India.

• After completing his early education at home, he enrolled at St.

Stephen's College in New Delhi, India.

• Choosing a career in the British army, he joined the Royal Indian

Military Academy in Dehra Dun .
• He served with British troops in Burma, Malaysia and Indonesia during
the latter part of World War II.

• After the partition of sub-continent into India and Pakistan in 1947,

Zia joined the Pakistani army. In 1955 he graduated from the Command
Staff College in Quetta.
Seizure of Power (Zia as chief martial law administrator and
In 1970, Zia led a military training mission to Jordan, proving influential
to defeating the Black September insurgency against King Hussein.
• In recognition, Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto appointed General
Zia as Chief of Army Staff in 1976.
• Following civil disorder, Zia deposed Bhutto in a military coup and
declared martial law.
• Operation Fair Play was the code name for the 5 July 1977 coup by
Chief of Army Staff General Zia ul Haq, overthrowing the government of
Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. 
. • General Zia and the army took control of Pakistan on 5 July 1977. Two
days later martial law was announced and assemblies were suspended.
• According to General Zia this was only until peace was restored, he
said that within 90 days , it would be possible to hold new elections.
• After elections in September 1978, General Zia became the new
President of Pakistan.
 Early measures(Death of Bhutto) 
 • Zia’s most immediate dilemma was how to handle Bhutto’s case.

• The problem was particularly difficult because it was Bhutto who had
appointed Zia the chief of army staff.

• Some officers thought that Zia was not capable enough to be army chief, so
in his dealings with Bhutto, he wanted to show that he was a determined
Bhutto was released from arrest at the end of July , but when he intended to
reassert his political authority, he was rearrested on 3 September.

• Along with three others he was accused of murdering a political opponent.

• The trial, which took nearly 2 years, resulted in Bhutto found guilty and
sentenced to death.

• Bhutto was hanged on 4 April 1979 in Pindi jail.

. Balochistan Rebellion
• Zia inherited a rebellion in Balochistan and settled this by declaring an
official pardon for all those who were prepared to give up their arms.

• He tried to re-establish good relations between Balochi tribal leaders and

the central government.

• He also began a number of development projects in the province in a bid to

improve the living conditions and increase support for his rule.
• After assuming power as Chief Martial Law Administrator, Zia-ul-Haq
promised to hold National and Provincial Assembly elections in the next 90
days and to hand over power to the representatives of the Nation.
• However, in October 1977, he announced the postponement of the
electoral plan and decided to start an accountability process of the
• Investigations began into the corruption of the previous government. • Zia
was keen to discredit Bhutto’s government and wanted to demonstrate that
it was being replaced by a new, more moral Islamic government
• Zia also disbanded Federal Security Force (FSF) in November 1977. He
knew that it was extremely unpopular.
• Zia-ul-Haq committed himself to enforcing his interpretation of Nizam-e-Mustafa to
establish an Islamic state and enforce sharia law.

• Zia established separate Shariat judicial courts and court benches to judge legal cases
using Islamic doctrine.

• New criminal offenses (of adultery, fornication, and types of blasphemy) and new
punishments (of whipping, amputation, and stoning to death), were added to Pakistani
 • Interest payments for bank accounts were replaced by "profit and loss"

• Zakat charitable donations became a 2.5% annual tax.

• School textbooks and libraries were overhauled to remove un-Islamic


• Offices, schools, and factories were required to offer praying space.

• Islamiyat and Pak-studies were made compulsory in school and colleges.

Afghan-Miracle(Soviet Invasion)
• On 25 December 1979, Soviet tanks rolled into Afghanistan.

• Until that time, the West had not taken Zia seriously, and some Western
leaders were unhappy that military dictatorship had replaced democracy.

• The invasion had an immediate impact on international relations. Now Zia

was the leader of Muslim nation on frontline against the communist forces. 
• The West particularly USA was ready to provide economic and military support to
establish Pakistan as the base for anti-Soviet activities.

• In fact, Pakistan was the West’s only ally in the religion.

• The soviet invasion proved to be a windfall to Zia. It established Pakistan as a leading
country in world politics.

• Zia was able to increase defence budget and built up such an effective military force that
he was able to sell military assistance to other countries.

• Pakistan became the second largest supplier of the military manpower in the developing

• Karachi became the best naval base in the region.

Elections(Referendum and 1985 Elections)
• On 12th August 1983, Zia announced that elections would be finally held in March 1985.
• On 1st December 1984, Zia announce that government was to hold a referendum, the
first ever in Pakistan.
• The referendum was on whether people wanted the process of Islamisation to continue
in Pakistan.
• However, it was also proclaimed that a ’yes’ vote would also mean that people of
Pakistan had agreed with Zia’s policies and want him to continue as President for a
further 5 years.
• Despite the set-back of referendum, Zia continued for the February 1985 elections.
• There was a 52% turnout as electors voted for their landlords or tribal chiefs.
• Following the elections, Zia chose a former PPP member from Sindh, Muhammad Khan
Junejo, as Prime Minister.
Problems for Zia
In the second half of the 1980’s, Zia found it much difficult to govern Pakistan effectively

• The ’Afghan Miracle’ had brought economic support to Pakistan, but at a cost. Guns
became common in the streets of Pakistan.

• Killings and violence became common on the streets of Karachi.

• Drug use and drug trafficking also grew at alarming rates until Pakistan became one of the
world’s leading countries for drug trading. 
 • Then on 10 April 1988, an army weapons depot at Ojhri camp blew up.

• The depot was located in the middle of a densely populated area between
Rawalpindi and Islamabad and hundreds of civilian were killed, with
thousands more injured.

• Consequently, on 29th May 1988 Zia used his powers to dismiss Junejo
and dissolve the National assembly.
Death of General Zia Ul Haq
• Zia died in a plane crash on 17 August 1988.
• After witnessing a US M1 Abrams tank demonstration in Bahawalpur, Zia
had left the small town in the Punjab province by C-130B Hercules aircraft.
• The aircraft departed from Bahawalpur Airport and was expected to reach
Islamabad International Airport.
• Shortly after a smooth take off, the control tower lost contact with the
Witnesses who saw the plane in the air afterward claim it was flying
unsteadily, then tumbled and exploded on impact.

• In addition to Zia, 31 others died in the plane crash.

• His funeral was held on 19 August 1988 in Islamabad.

• His remains were laid to rest in front of the huge, modern Faisal Mosque.
Zia who imposed third martial law in the country and over throwing the Bhutto ruling
government adopted many tools politically and economically in order to legitimize himself.
He established sharit courts, the Masjid-a-shura, Zakat committee. Nizam-e-
Salatcommittees’ etc. for two purposes first to counter secular forces and second is
broadening the base of his support for his political end.
I think he wanted to achieve the twin objectives of satisfying his God as well as
strengthening his political base to extend his rule. I think the Zia introduce the Islamization
process but this failed to achieve desired result because hand his advisers did not take any
concern the mind of Pakistan nation and the present environment.
The main reason for the failure of the program were the role of religious leader who
responsible implementing the program but did not present themselves a role model of
Muslim to public Zia tried to enforce Islam through martial law order and legitimize himself
but such measures always dislike and cannot win the hearts of the people because the
forget the basic principal that Islam was not spread with the sword but through love and
problems for zia ul haq - Bing images

General Muhammad Zia Ul Haq - Dictatorship in Pakistan (

Zia ul hak by faiz (.net)


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