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Our Lord God in heaven. Thank you for the new day you've bestowed upon us.
Until this moment, we still have our borrowed life and strength from you. We worship and praise Your Holy

This moment, we will continue to study and acquire new knowledge. May you bless your students with witty
brain to think fast and an inquiring mind to be curious on whatever knowledge they will learn today. Most
importantly bless them with Your wisdom and a heart that will follow your commandments in order for them to
become worthy in their studies.
You know that in this recent times, most are suffering from hardships and economic crises.
We humbly ask You to bless the parents of your students. May you shower Your abundant blessings and
prosperity to each of their homes. So that we can use these not only for our daily lives but especially for the
performance of our duties to your Holy name.
We hope that you heard our prayer. We ask all of these. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.

The learner will be able to:

1. Distinguish types of communication;
2. Familiarize with the different components of oral language;
3. Incorporate good stance and proper behavior to one’s oral language for
effective and meaningful communication; and
4. Identify appropriate oral languages used, stance and behavior when
giving information, instructions, making explanations, and narrating
events in factual and personal recounts.

● Oral communication in the 21st century includes verbal and non-verbal

communication. An effective oral communicator can speak with clarity
and precision in formal and informal contexts.
● Effective communicators exhibit four core sub-competencies; they use
stories to communicate ideas; they are aware of their audience and use
the appropriate tone and word choice. They are also active listeners
who can "hear" both what is said and what is not said and can use
body language.
I. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. What is the goal of learning a language?

A. to associate B. to interact C. to communicate D. to participate

2. Every communication involves the following EXCEPT;

A. a sender B. a message C. a translator D. a recipient

3. What type of communication utilizes the spoken word, either face-to-

face or remotely?
A. Non-verbal B. Verbal C. Visual D. verbal and non-verbal
I. Choose the letter of the best answer.

4. What type of communication is often communicated through facial

expressions, and gestures, posture, and even appearance?
A. nonverbal B. verbal C. visual D. visual and verbal

5. What type of communication includes signs, maps, or drawings as well as color

or graphic designs?
A. Nonverbal B. Verbal C. Visual D. nonverbal and verbal

1. C
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
Oral Language
(Types of Communication)
Oral language is one of the most important skills that students can
master-both for social and academic success. Learners use this skill
throughout the day to process and deliver information, instructions, make
explanations, narrate events, and even interact with peers.

Aside from speech, there are also other ways of expressing what we
want or feel. Our facial expressions and body movements can convey our
thoughts or feelings. Thus, both the speaker and listener must possess
qualities or characteristics to deliver and receive the message with clarity,
accuracy, and conciseness.
Four Types of Communication

1. Verbal communication
2. Nonverbal communication
3. Visual communication
4. Written Communication
Verbal Communication
1. Verbal communication
utilizes the spoken word,
either face-to-face or
remotely. It is essential to
most interactions.
Nonverbal Communication
2. Nonverbal communication
provides some insight into a
speaker's word choice.
These things are often
communicated through facial
expressions, hand gestures,
posture, and even appearance, all of
which can convey something about
the speaker.
Visual Communication

3. Visual communication includes signs,

maps, or drawings as well as color or
graphic design. Visual aids can help a
speaker remember important topics,
give the audience something to look at,
and generally help convey it.
Written Communication
4.Written Communication
is writing, typing, or
printing symbols like
numbers to convey
Oral language is also the process of utilizing knowledge and skills to speak
and listen effectively through the proper use of true to life ideas/information,
words, and grammar.
Speaking loudly and clearly is also a must, including proper toning of one's
voice to achieve oral language fluency.
One may use a formal tone to meet and do campaigns, an informal tone
when talking to friends or relatives, a joyful tone when giving birthday or
wedding messages, and a sad tone during eulogies, calamities, and tragedies.
What is a good stance and appropriate behavior?
 The stance is the manner and position in which a person stands.
When speaking, keep a good posture, stand straight with shoulders
back, relaxed, and feet shoulder-width apart. Do not cross your arms,
put your hands in your pocket, or slouch. Face the audience as much as
possible and keep your body open.
 Appropriate behavior refers to how you act and deliver a text
through different facial expressions such as happy, sad, angry, surprise,
and afraid and body language like maintaining eye contact, showing
good posture and smile, using hand gestures tilting your head to one
Characteristics of good speakers

 They have good eye contact with the audience

 They pause before and after important ideas
 They have a good posture
 They are confident, relaxed, and energetic
 They have a conversational tone
 They have speech organization
 They have a main idea like good point
Activity 1:
Identify the type of communication that each picture shows.

A. Verbal B. Nonverbal C. Visual D. Written

Activity 1:
Identify the type of communication that each picture shows.

A. Verbal B. Nonverbal C. Visual D. Written

Activity 2:
Identify each picture and the details they provide.
A. Information
B. Explanation
C. Instruction
D. Narrate Events
E. Stance and Behavior
Oral language is a system through which we use spoken words to
express knowledge, ideas, and feelings. It is often associated
with vocabulary as the main component.
However, oral language is comprised of much more.
● Phonology - an element of oral language dealing with
our pronunciation of the words and how our speech
organs move to produce the sound. The clarity of our
statement for us to be understood relies on how well we
produce the sound and how well we pronounce the
Let’s practice reading these examples:

Plural words pronounced as:

 [z] for words like cabs, bags, bars
 [s] for words like caps, backs, faiths
 [əz] for words like buses, garages, matches
 Soft [th] words like thing, thank, thorn, thought
 Hard [th] words like though, then, these, that
 Gh sounds as [f] like laugh, cough, elephant, photo
● Vocabulary (Semantics)- the word we choose to use in
talking to other people is one of the important factors in
our successful conversation and communication.
A toy block could be called a block, a cube, a toy.
Vocabulary (Semantics)

• To call someone a lady means more than simply being female.
(Semantics tell us that, if she's a lady, she possesses elegance and
• A child could be called a child, kid, boy, girl, son, daughter.
• The word “run” has many meanings- physically running or depart or
go, spent.
Vocabulary (Semantics)

“Crash” can mean an auto accident, a drop in the Stock Market, to
attend a party without being invited, ocean waves hitting the shore, or
the sound of cymbals being struck together.
A human can be referred to as a male, female, child, adult, baby,
bachelor, father or mother.
The word “create” can mean build, make, construct, erect, compose or
Morphology- is focused on the smallest units of meaning within a word, as well
as the rules about how those words are formed including roots, suffixes, and
prefixes. Correct usage of such will give you smooth conversation with others.

Using eco bag is one simple step to save earth because we can use it again and again.
Using eco bag is one simple step to save earth because we can reuse it many times.
Grammar (Syntax)
Grammar (Syntax)-The rules of grammar help us decide the order we put
words in and which form of a word to use.
Precision and vivid picture of what we are telling people can be achieved
through rules of grammar as to when, where and how the event happened
and as to how a thing looked like.
I will go to the cinema after my work.
I went to the cinema yesterday.
I excitedly went to the biggest cinema in town.
• The underlined words give details on the statements.
Pragmatics- require the understanding of the social use of language. This
includes social norms regarding conversational turn-taking, personal space,
and appropriate behavior with peers and authority figures in a variety of
common social situations.
I heart you! - "heart" refers to an organ in our body. However, pragmatically,
"heart" in this sentence means "love"- to "heart" someone means you love him.
Will you crack open the door? I am getting hot.
Semantically, the word "crack" would mean to break, but pragmatically we know that the speaker
means to open the door just a little to let in some air.

If you eat all of that food, it will make you bigger!

Semantically, "bigger" in this sentence would mean larger than you are currently. Think about
how this sentence, pragmatically, would mean something different depending on the context. If it
is said to a young child, pragmatically, it would mean to grow bigger. If it is said to a grown
person who is already obese, it would mean something entirely different.
Activity 3.
Write a slogan or a quotable quote that tells something about
valuing oral language. Make or design a bookmark where you
can write your slogan.
Performance task
A. Read the text and fill in the gaps. Choose the answer from the words inside the box.

_______________ is the process of utilizing knowledge and skills to _________ and to

________ effectively through the proper use of true to life _________________, words and
grammar. To achieve oral language_________, speaking loudly and _______ is also a must
including proper____________________. One may use _________ tone in meeting and doing
campaigns, __________ tone when talking to friends or relatives, ___________ tone when giving
birthday or wedding messages and sad tone during eulogies, calamities and tragedies.
Performance task
B. Identify the type of communication-based on the given definition.
Verbal communication Nonverbal communication
Visual communication Written communication
1.______________________ utilizes the spoken word, either face-to-face or remotely. It is
essential to most interactions,
2.______________________ provides some insight into a speaker’s word choice. These things are
often communicated through facial expressions, hand gestures, posture and even appearance,
all of which can convey something about the speaker.
3.______________________includes signs, maps, or drawings as well as color or graphic design.
Visual aids can help a speaker remember important topics, give the audience something to look
at and generally help convey the message being presented.
4.______________________ is the act of writing, typing, or printing symbols like numbers to
convey information.
Dear Lord, Thank you for this day in which we’ve shared and learned. Please bless our time together in
this virtual classroom, and let these words remain in our minds and hearts as we go back into the

We ask you to bless everyone who is a part of the online community today, including those at home
with their families, just beginning their work day or still working after hours. May this virtual classroom
be an extension of our physical classroom. We ask that you bless us as teachers and learners, that we
may continue to grow in knowledge and faith through study and prayer.

Bless our endeavors to continue to learn about your word, even when the classroom is not in session.

We pray for those who are ill or otherwise unable to attend. May we all continue to learn and grow in
your light. And Lord, we once again thank you for the privilege of learning from each other.

Thank you for this time together and for these words that will remain with us through out our day. In
Christ’s name, Amen.

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