Detailed Project Report and Construction of Ghats and Crematoria in The Stretch-2 From Devprayag To Rudraprayag Including Six Months Operation and Maintenance, Uttarakhand

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Detailed Project Report and Construction of Ghats and Crematoria in the

Stretch-2 from Devprayag to Rudraprayag including six months Operation

and Maintenance, Uttarakhand.
Client: National Mission for Clean Ganga, Ministry of Water Resource,
Start Date: 15.09.2016
River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Govt. of India
Completion Date: 30.11.2018
Consultancy charges: Rs. 4.14 Crore
Project Components
Project Objectives • Development of Cremation Ghat, Parking
 Rejuvenation of Ganga Basin in Uttarakhand including rivers Area, Toilets, Shops, Kiosks, Wood storage
Mandakini, Nandakini, Dhauli Ganga, Pindar, Bhagirathi, Ram Ganga room, Care Taker room, Chatri, Drinking
and Alaknanada. Water Spouts, Benches, Prayer hall, Planters
 Repair and modernization of public amenities of Ghats • Development of Bathing Ghat, Bus Parking
 Repair and modernization of crematoria Area, Car Parking Area, Toilets, Shops, Kiosks,
 The main objective of this project is to improve aesthetic beauty and Care Taker room, Chatri, Drinking Water
environment of the city and thereby the quality of life of the people by Spouts, Benches, Recreation Area, Safety
river front development, to develop infrastructure for tourists coming, Chain
protection of slopes and control of soil erosion • Development of Walkway, access roads,
• Infrastructure facilities viz-a-viz Drinking
Water Supply, Overhead Tank, Sewerage
Network, Sewage Treatment Plant, Solid
Waste Management unit / Compost Plant
Works carried out:
• Data collection, Topographical Survey of Ghats, Contouring, Geotechnical Investigation, Hydrographic Survey
of river, Socio-economic survey, No. of Tourist, Population, Social & Cultural activities, Terrestrial Ecology
Survey, Aquatic Ecology Survey
• Sampling of Water, Noise, Air, Strom drainage, Soil
• Meteorology data related to Rainfall, Temperature, Wind, Humidity etc.
• Condition assessment survey of Ghats
• Architectural Drawings
• Design of River Protection Works, Structural Design of Counter fort Retaining Wall
• Hydrology and Geomorphology Study of the River
• Development of Bathing Ghats, Bus Parking Area, Car Parking Area, Bio Digester Toilets, Shops, Kiosks, Care
Taker room, Chatri, Drinking Water Spouts, Benches, Recreation Area, Safety Chain, Chaining room, Signages,
direction pillars, Light plan, Greenbelt Plan
• Development of Green Belt, Master Plan for Green belt at Ghats
• Etc.
Detailed Project Report and Construction of Chandighats at Haridwar in

Start Date: 11.10.2015

Client: National Mission for Clean Ganga,
Completion Date: 11.06.2020
Ministry of Water Resource, River Development and Ganga
Rejuvenation, Govt. of India Project Components:
Consultancy charges: Rs. 3.37 Crore • Development of Cremation Ghat, Parking
Project Area, Toilets, Shops, Kiosks, Wood storage
Project Cost: Rs. 704 Crores
room, Care Taker room, Chatri, Drinking
 Rejuvenation of Ganga Basin in Uttarakhand including rivers
Water Spouts, Benches, Prayer hall,
Mandakini, Nandakini, Dhauli Ganga, Pindar, Bhagirathi, Ram Ganga
and Alaknanada.
 Repair and modernization of public amenities of Ghats • Development of Bathing Ghat, Bus Parking
 Repair and modernization of crematoria Area, Car Parking Area, Toilets, Shops,
 The main objective of this project is to improve aesthetic beauty and Kiosks, Care Taker room, Chatri, Drinking
environment of the city and thereby the quality of life of the people by Water Spouts, Benches, Recreation Area,
river front development, to develop infrastructure for tourists coming, Safety Chain
protection of slopes and control of soil erosion • Development of Walkway, access roads,
• Infrastructure facilities viz-a-viz Drinking
Water Supply, Overhead Tank, Sewerage
Network, Sewage Treatment Plant, Solid
Waste Management unit / Compost Plant
Works carried out:
• Data collection, Topographical Survey of Ghats, Contouring, Geotechnical Investigation, Hydrographic Survey
of river, Socio-economic survey, Terrestrial Ecology Survey, Aquatic Ecology Survey
• Sampling of Water, Noise, Air, Strom drainage, Soil
• Meteorology data related to Rainfall, Temperature, Wind, Humidity etc.
• Condition assessment survey of Ghats
• Architectural Drawings
• Design of River Protection Works, Structural Design of Counter fort Retaining Wall
• Hydrology and Geomorphology Study of the River
• Development of Bathing Ghats, Bus Parking Area, Car Parking Area, Bio Digester Toilets, Shops, Kiosks, Care
Taker room, Chatri, Drinking Water Spouts, Benches, Recreation Area, Safety Chain, Chaining room, Signages,
direction pillars, Light plan, Greenbelt Plan
• Development of Green Belt, Master Plan for Green belt at Ghats Etc.
Detailed Project Report and Construction of Ghats and Crematoria in the
Stretch-1 from Rishikesh to Devprayag including six months Operation and
Maintenance, Uttarakhand.
Client: National Mission for Clean Ganga, Ministry of Water Resource, Start Date: 26.05.2016
River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Govt. of India Completion Date: 30.11.2018
Consultancy charges: Rs. 2.08 Crore Project Components:
Project Objectives • Development of Cremation Ghat, Parking
 Rejuvenation of Ganga Basin in Uttarakhand including rivers Area, Toilets, Shops, Kiosks, Wood storage
Mandakini, Nandakini, Dhauli Ganga, Pindar, Bhagirathi, Ram Ganga room, Care Taker room, Chatri, Drinking
and Alaknanada. Water Spouts, Benches, Prayer hall,
 Repair and modernization of public amenities of Ghats Planters
 Repair and modernization of crematoria • Development of Bathing Ghat, Bus Parking
 The main objective of this project is to improve aesthetic beauty and Area, Car Parking Area, Toilets, Shops,
environment of the city and thereby the quality of life of the people by Kiosks, Care Taker room, Chatri, Drinking
river front development, to develop infrastructure for tourists coming, Water Spouts, Benches, Recreation Area,
protection of slopes and control of soil erosion Safety Chain
• Development of Walkway, access roads,
• Infrastructure facilities viz-a-viz Drinking
Water Supply, Overhead Tank, Sewerage
Network, Sewage Treatment Plant, Solid
Waste Management unit / Compost Plant
Works carried out:
• Data collection, Topographical Survey of Ghats, Contouring, Geotechnical Investigation, Hydrographic Survey
of river, Socio-economic survey, No. of Tourist, Population, Social & Cultural activities, Terrestrial Ecology
Survey, Aquatic Ecology Survey
• Sampling of Water, Noise, Air, Strom drainage, Soil
• Meteorology data related to Rainfall, Temperature, Wind, Humidity etc.
• Condition assessment survey of Ghats
• Architectural Drawings
• Design of River Protection Works, Structural Design of Counter fort Retaining Wall
• Hydrology and Geomorphology Study of the River
• Development of Bathing Ghats, Bus Parking Area, Car Parking Area, Bio Digester Toilets, Shops, Kiosks, Care
Taker room, Chatri, Drinking Water Spouts, Benches, Recreation Area, Safety Chain, Chaining room, Signages,
direction pillars, Light plan, Greenbelt Plan
• Development of Green Belt, Master Plan for Green belt at Ghats
• Preparation of various reports; Feasibility Report, Detailed Project Report, Detailed Cost Estimation, Detailed
Engineering & Architectural Drawings etc.
Detailed Project Report and Construction of Ghats and Crematoria in the
Stretch-3 from Haridwar to Uttarakhand Border including six months
Operation and Maintenance, Uttarakhand.
Client: National Mission for Clean Ganga, Ministry of Water Resource, Start Date: 19.04.2017
River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Govt. of India Completion Date: 30.11.2018
Consultancy charges: Rs. 1.32 Crore Project Components:
Project Objectives • Development of Cremation Ghat, Parking
 Rejuvenation of Ganga Basin in Uttarakhand including rivers Area, Toilets, Shops, Kiosks, Wood storage
Mandakini, Nandakini, Dhauli Ganga, Pindar, Bhagirathi, Ram Ganga room, Care Taker room, Chatri, Drinking
and Alaknanada. Water Spouts, Benches, Prayer hall,
 Repair and modernization of public amenities of Ghats Planters
 Repair and modernization of crematoria • Development of Bathing Ghat, Bus Parking
 The main objective of this project is to improve aesthetic beauty and Area, Car Parking Area, Toilets, Shops,
environment of the city and thereby the quality of life of the people by Kiosks, Care Taker room, Chatri, Drinking
river front development, to develop infrastructure for tourists coming, Water Spouts, Benches, Recreation Area,
protection of slopes and control of soil erosion Safety Chain
• Development of Walkway, access roads,
• Infrastructure facilities viz-a-viz Drinking
Water Supply, Overhead Tank, Sewerage
Network, Sewage Treatment Plant, Solid
Waste Management unit / Compost Plant
Works carried out:
• Data collection, Topographical Survey of Ghats, Contouring, Geotechnical Investigation, Hydrographic Survey
of river, Socio-economic survey, No. of Tourist, Population, Social & Cultural activities, Terrestrial Ecology
Survey, Aquatic Ecology Survey
• Sampling of Water, Noise, Air, Strom drainage, Soil
• Meteorology data related to Rainfall, Temperature, Wind, Humidity etc.
• Condition assessment survey of Ghats
• Architectural Drawings
• Design of River Protection Works, Structural Design of Counter fort Retaining Wall
• Hydrology and Geomorphology Study of the River
• Development of Bathing Ghats, Bus Parking Area, Car Parking Area, Bio Digester Toilets, Shops, Kiosks, Care
Taker room, Chatri, Drinking Water Spouts, Benches, Recreation Area, Safety Chain, Chaining room, Signages,
direction pillars, Light plan, Greenbelt Plan
• Development of Green Belt, Master Plan for Green belt at Ghats
• Preparation of various reports; Feasibility Report, Detailed Project Report, Detailed Cost Estimation, Detailed
Engineering & Architectural Drawings etc.
Detailed Project Report and Construction of Ghats and Crematoria in the
Stretch from Karnaprayag to Vishnuprayag and Rudraprayag to
Karnaprayag and Pollution Abatement & River Front Development works in
Kedarnath, Uttarakhand.
Development of Ghats and Cremation in Mathura, UP
Client: National Mission for Clean Ganga, Ministry of Water Resource, Start Date: 01.12.2015
River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation (MoWR, RD & GR), Completion Date: 26.09.2016
Govt. of India
Consultancy charges: Rs. 4.24 Crore

Project Objectives
 Development of Ghats and Crematoria in the stretch–Karnaprayag to
Vishnuprayag and Rudraprayag to Karnaprayag
 Pollution Abatement & River Front Development Works in Kedarnath,
 Significant protection works and river bank stabilization works.
 Development of Ghats and Crematoria in Mathura.
Works carried out:
• Site Visit, Assessment of continuing and completed Protection Works.
• Topographical Survey and Geotechnical Investigation.
• Geological Investigations and Hydro-meteorological Investigations
• Condition assessment survey of Ghats
• Design of Bank Protection Works (Gabians, Retaining Wall etc.) for Right banks of river Mandakini and for
Left Banks of river Saraswati
• Measures for reclamation of Land for Left and Right banks of river Mandakini and Saraswati.
• Check Dykes for Gully formation in hill slopes.
• Walkway Foot over Bailey type Bridge and Abutments on Mandakini River at Kedarnath of 49 m long and 3 m
• Walkway Foot over Bailey type Bridge and Abutments on Saraswati River at Kedarnath of 26 m long and 3 m
• Riverfront Development: Change Room, Toilet, Chatri etc.
• Transaction Advisory services.
• Infrastructure Works include: Water Suuply Scheme for Kedarnath Dham, Water Supply Scheme for Trekking
Routes, Sewerage Network in Kedarnath Dham Area, STP in Kedarnath Dham Area, Dust Bins and Signages,
• Repair and Modernization of 3 nos. holy Kunds namely Udak Kund, Hans Kund and Retis Kund in Kedarnath
• Installation of Bio-digesters on Track route Toilets.
• Clearance of reports from State, Third Party – IIT’s, NMCG and MOWR,RD&GR.
Rejuvenation of Akkulam Lake & its watershed Rebuilding Kerala - the
Sustainable way.

Client: Department of Tourism, Govt. of Kerala Start Date: 03.12.2018

Consultancy charges: Rs. 1.59 Crore Completion Date: Ongoing

Project Objectives
 The proposed project envisages implementation of Rejuvenation of
Akkulam Lake & its watershed Rebuilding Kerala.
 The main aim of implementation of this development plans is to boost
the tourism development in Kerala
Works carried out:
• Surveys and Site Investigations.
• Soil investigation works
• Prepare the design drawings for various works.
• To visit sites, finalization of layouts, progress and assist site representatives in order to complete the projects
in schedule time and to ensure quality.
• Transaction Advisory services.
• Inspect works, contractor's plants and equipment of adequacy, instruct contractor on safety aspects,
incorporating modified drawings, specification and clarifications to contractor and advise for rectification
• Assist in preparing as-built drawings for all project activities.
• Execution of the work.
• Handing over to the client.

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