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Zone of Proximal development
Scaffolding to facilitate
• The key theme of Vygotsky’s
theory is that social interaction
plays a very important role in
the cognitive development.
• He believed that individual
development could not be
understood without looking into
the social and cultural context
within which development
• Scaffolding term is the
appropriate assistance given by
the teacher to assist the learner
accomplish a task.
• When Vygotsky was a young
• Recognize Social interaction
and language as two central
factors in cognitive
• And now became as Socio-
cultural theory of develpoment
Social Interaction

• Emphasized that effective

learning happens through
participation in social activities,
making the social context of
learning crucial.
• Who contributed to the
• Parents, teachers and other
adults in the learners’
• They explain, model, assist,
give directions and provide
feedback to the learner.
• Peers on the other hand,
cooperate and collaborate and
enrich the learning experience.

• Opens the door for learners to

acquire knowledge that others
already have.
• Learners can use language to
know and understand the world
and solve problems
• Language serves as a social
function but it also has an
important individual function.
• It helps the learner regulate and
reflect on his own thinking.
• Children talks to themselves .
• Have you observe a
preschooler? Did you hear them
talking with themselves?
• Like: “Gagawin ko itong
airplane, Ikaw baby matulog ka
na, ito na yung gatas mo…”
• Vygotsky this “talking-to-oneself”
is an indication of the thinking
that goes on in the mind of the
• This will eventually lead to
private speech
• Private speech is a form of self-
talk that guides the child’s
thinking and action
• HE also believed the essential
role of activities inlearning
• When a child attempts to perform
a skill alone, s/he may not be
immediately proficient it.
• So, alone s/he may perform at a
certain level of competency.
• We called this as “ Zone of Actual
• With the guidance of competent
adult or a more advanced peer,
the child can perform at a higher
level of competency
• But the difference between
child can accomplish alone and
what she can accomplish with
the guidance of another is
referred to as “Zone of Proximal
• Zone represents a learning
opportunity where a
knowledgeable adult such as a
teacher or parent or a more
advanced peer can assist the
child’s development
The Zone of Proximal
• The support or assistance that lets
the child accomplish a task s/he
cannot accomplish independently is
called “Scaffolding”
• Scaffolding is not about doing the
task for the child while s/he
• The teacher or instructor should
scaffold in such a way that the gap
is bridged between the learner’s
current skill levels and the desired
skill level
• “Scaffold and fade-away
technique” is the term used if the
learners when s/he become more
proficient, able to complete tasks
on their own that they could not
initially do without assistance, the
guidance can be withdrawn
• Scaffolding, when done
appropriately can make a learner
confident and eventually he can
accomplish the task
independently without any need
for assistance.

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