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Silk road

The author left Ravu in the company of Daniel and Tsetan. Before leaving the place, Lhamo
gave him a gift. She gave him a long-sleeved sheepskin coat. Their next destination was
Mount Kailash and Tsetan knew a short cut. He said the journey would be smooth if there
was no snow. As they passed by the hills, they could see the lonely drokbas tending their
flocks. There were men and women, well wrapped. They would pause and stare at their car
occasionally waving as they passed.
The first big Hinderance : As they passed the nomad's tents there were the Tibetan mastiffs. They
would explode into action as they neared the tents. They barked furiously and completely fearless.
They would chase the car for some distance and would then go back Ice blocking their way: The
turns became sharper and bumpier. The sudden and unexpected fall of snow started blocking their
way. Both the author and Daniel got out of the car for Tsetan to drive it safely, taking sharp bends.
They were at 5210 meters above the sea level. The icy top layer of the snow was very dangerous: the
car could ship off the road.
Above 5515 meters and the Cairn ;The snow continued blocking their way. They finally reached
5515 meters above the sea level, It was marked by a large cairn of rocks festooned with white silk
scarves and ragged prayer flags. Due to the atmospheric pressure there was a loud hiss if noise as the
pressure was making the the fuel expand.Tsetan opened the hid of the petrof tank to release the
evaporated fuel. The author experienced severe headache
The town of Hor: By late afternoon, they had reached the small town of Hor. Daniel
returned Lhasa and Tsetan repaired the flat tyre of the car. Hor was grim, miserable place.
There was no vegetation whatsoever, just dust and rocks. There was the accumulated refuse
everywhere. Unlike the past, the place no longer appeared holy.
Darchen ;By 10.30 p.m., they reached a guesthouse in Darchen. The author had a very
troubled might. His sinus were blocked and he was not able to get enough oxygen and
finding it difficult to sleep. Most of the night he sat up and was not able to sleep.
Narrator is falling sick ;The next day Tsetan took him to the Darchen Medical College.
The doctor told him it was just cold and the altitude giving him troubles. He gave him some
medicine and that might he was able to sleep well Tsetan leaving for Lhasa: Isetan left the
author in Darchen and went away. He did not mind if the author would die in Darchen. He
was a good Buddhist and believed in life after death. However, he was worried it could
affect his business, as he may not get more tourists to be accompanied
Like Hor Darchen was dusty and heaps of refuse could be seen all around. There were not
many shops in Darchen. The town appeared to be sparsely populated. He felt lonely, as they
were not any pilgrims. He had reached there very early in the season.
Arrival of Norbu; The author wanted to reach Mount Kailash to do kora. But he didn't
want to do it alone. He was looking for someone who could speak or understand English.
One day he was sitting in a café. When Norbu saw him reading an English book he came
and introduced him to the author. He was a Tibetan, but worked in Beijing at the Chinese
Academy of Social Sciences. He too was there to do kora. But he was not a religious
person. Both of them decided to climb Mount Kailash.

• The author faced many hurdles during his journey but he didn’t stop. He faced all of them
and continues his journey through the silk road with the same determination. It gives us
all the message that we need to face and overcome all the challenges and never give up
until we reach our destination.

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