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Chapter 1

lesson 1 : human mind and behavior in relation with the social norms and ethics.

Introduction : How do we understand the human mind? Let us first

attempt to answer this question: What makes a man truly human?
According to some ideals of humanism, to be considered truly human is
to have these four potentialities.

1. Physical Potentiality : This is about having a concrete body (one’s

bodily development) and having the ability or skills to carry out physical
2. Mental Ability : This is a person’s capability to think critically, rationally,
and logically.
3. Communication Skills : This is about a person’s ability to read,write,
and talk to others.

4. Social Skills : This includes a person’s abilities to engage and interact

with and to contribute to society .

However, to be considered a true human being does not necessarily mean

that a person excels in all these four skills; it is enough one averagely
possesses all the four potentialities.
Understanding the human mind is the main concept of the psychoanalytic theory
by Sigmund Freud. According to Freud(1915). The human mind has three level of
awareness. These are the conscious(10%),Subconscious (50-60%) and
Unconscious (30-40%)

1. Conscious Level – Serves as the scanner that allows you to perceive and
event, trigger a need to react, and depending on the importance of the event.
2. Subconscious Level – Is the storage point for any recent memories needed
for quick recall, such as the telephone number or the name of a person you just met.
3. Unconscious Mind – Is where all of your memories and past experiences
reside. These are those memories that have been repressed through trauma and
those that have simply been consciously forgotten and are no longer important to us.
James Chris in his book Social Control(2007) define NORM as a rule for
behavior and a guide to conduct. In essence, norms are statement that regulate
behavior . According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, NORM is a principle of
right action binding upon the members of a group and serving to guide control,
or regulates proper and acceptable behavior.

An important theory on the emergence of social norms was developed by

the early American sociologist William Graham Summer in his book folkways
published in 1906, and these are :
1. Folkways, sometimes known as “conventions” or “customs” which are
standards of behavior that are socially approved but not morally significant like
whistling at night breaks the filipino folkways
2. Mores which are norms of morality that have to be
followed,otherwise,people who share the same culture will be offended,like
attending a church wearing appropriate clothing and avoiding intimate acts with.
3. TABOO Which are probihited or restricted by social custom like
abortion in Philippine culture
4. LAW Which is a formal body of rules enacted by the state and
backed by the of the state . Virtually all taboos,like child abuse and rape
are enacted into law, However , even some mores are also enacted into
law, like gossiping in some ares, not all mores are such as when you not
helping the elders while crossing th street.
There is a popular maxim that says, “ VALUES CANNOT BE TAUGHT BUT IT
CAN BE CAUGHT ”. It literally means that no matter how serious you are in
instilling values to a person,If that person reject directly your teaching, it is
useless. Maximo Torrento(2016) in his study cited that VALUE is something
desirable, worth having , worth possessing ,Worth keeping and worth doing.
Value is identical with good. Pollock (2010) defines VALUES are unverifiable “
when speaking of value, or values we cannot depart ourselves from dwelling
about ethics.

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