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AmorePacific Hong Kong: Marketing Korean

Beauty Products

Group 01
Harshpreet Singh Sibbal (2021MBA029) | Utsav Khemka (2021MBA040) | Yukta (2021MBA066) |
Saloni Gupta(2021MBA077) |Meera Choudhary (2021MBA080) | Ayon Bhattacharjee (2021MBA087) |
Kshitij Kaushal (2021MBA104)| Deepak Kshirsagar (2021MBA105)
Amorepacific Corporation is a South Korean beauty and cosmetics chaebol, operating more than 30
beauty, personal care, and health brands including Sulwhasoo, Laneige, Mamonde, Etude,
AMOREPACIFIC and innisfree.Their concept is traditional beauty with a rich Asian Heritage aiming to help
women to achieve health and beautiful lifestyle. They covered segment ranging from entry-level through
premium and luxury.
APHK is built on four competences - customer engagement, brand aspiration, team loyalty, and operational

Mission - “Beautifying the world”

Philosophy – “To create beauty and health is contributing to mankind”
Early Years Growth Stage Innovation Stage Entering the Global Arena
Vision – “For beauty and health
(1945) (1968) of customers and a global provider of Total Care” (1997)

● 1945 Founded ● 1971 Initiated Korea's ● 1991 Refocus on Beauty ● 2002 Launched Laneige
● 1954 Korea's first first makeup campaign & Health business in Hong Kong
cosmetics R&D center ● 1973 Company goes ● 1992 Declared ● 2004 Announced Global
● 1964 Adopted door to- public Management Philosophy Vision 2015
door sales method ● 1990 Opened office in ● 1993 Declared Total ● 2006 Holding company
Paris, France Commitment initiatives restructuring
Problem Identification

● To set the media mix and budget for APHK's four makeup and skin care brands: ETUDE
● As, tourists shopping in Hong Kong from mainland China comprised over half of the company's
sales. However, in the face of a declining number of tourists and the shrinking of luxury goods
spending, the managing director had to consider the marketing tools in the customer decision
journey; competitive positioning; and the distribution of the marketing budget between
traditional and digital channels in the upcoming bi-monthly campaigns.
● She need to strike an appropriate balance between recruiting new customers and retaining
existing customers within APHK's overall strategy for Greater China.
Portfolio of 4 Products company launched in Korea

Laneige Sulwhasoo Amorepacific Etude House

● Target Segment: ● Target Segment: ● Target Segment: ● Target Segment:

Women of age 20 High Class High Class Young Consumer
and 30 population with Consumers of Age in who had no
● Open to new beauty strong belief in 40s and 50s experience using
products that gave stimulative and ● Concerned about beauty products
good value for restorative benefits aging and rely on ● Two distinctive
money ● Passion for Korean positive word-of- features: Vast Variety
● Portrait: Expert in herbal medicine mouth rather than of choices and trendy
hydration focusing ● Portrait: Upper End advertising and sweetness
mainly on of the luxury promotions ● Portrait: Eye-
moisturizing and segment to stand out ● Portrait: Best Asian catching designs with
whitening fro the competition in Botanical Ingredients fancy brand stories
● Marketing Channel: the mid-class and latest technology emphasizing on
Traditional methods segment ● Marketing Channel: product quality
such as print media. ● Marketing Channel: Traditional methods ● Marketing Channel:
Digital marketing Traditional methods such as print media. This relied more on
played secondary such as print media. Digital marketing digital channels
role Digital marketing played secondary because of different
played secondary role consumer segment
4P’s -
Product Price Place Promotion

● Environment friendly ● Basic Strategy - High ● Added a new ● Sales Promotion:

products price product : dimension with the Consumer Promotion
● Product prestige brand emergence of Online , Direct Marketing
differentiation - Na- strategy Retailing & ● Emphasis on the
no Technology ● Compared to the dominations of quality of the
● Various Products - value Competitive players such as promotional
stage of skin care Competing products Amazon materials
product Advantage ● Advertising media: ● Sample: gentrified -
● Brand name - using print ads, tv the sample consist of
the recognition and commercials, social stage and special
expansion by brand media platforms case
● Packaging and Size - ● Gifts: Gift shops only
Experiential buy - future induction
Marketing and ● Individuation: Break
portable, storage, to a unified in store
sample products. display drivers
Political P Economic E Social S Technology T Legal L Environment E

● Govt. ● Improved ● Transforming ● Use of ● Country ● Sustainable

Assistance Market Perception latest Tech specific legal Use of
Share Towards norms related Resources
Healthier ● Track online to advertising
● Changing ● Changing Products activities and ● Environment
requirements Economy promotion Friendly
of global industry had its ● Societal ● Mobile
impact on awareness Tech. ● extremely
● high tax rates the sales Towards subjected to
in specific healthy ● Use of Tech discrimination
cities. alternatives in laws referring
Marketing to staff
● QR Code recruitment,
● Interactive the cultural
UI distinctions
and using
Types of Media used by APHK

Paid Media
Owned Media
● Campaign for APHK of
highly successful TV
● Press release, website
Commercials to promote
to transmit information
their product
about its brand
● Used traditional media
● Online social platform to
especially for luxury
update consumer about
Earned Media its brand
● Use of Facebook to
show relevant brand-ads
● Once they pooled entire
budget to publish a 10-
page ad in Hong-Kong
beauty magazine to
educate consumers
Core competency of APHK -

Customer engagements Brand Aspiration

Team Loyalty Operational Efficiency


Content & buzz
TV commercials, Mainly print ads,
marketing ,
print ads, outdoor online social platforms,
Earned media
billboards press releases

Point of purchase HABIT
marketing, providing Digital media
most direct channels
eg. in-store experience

Different forms of traditional and digital marketing communication tools were used for five
AP brands marketed in Hong kong with respect to different stages of consumer decision
Budget Allocation -

Brands Traditional Digital

LANEIGE 79% 21%

Sulwhasoo 68% 32%



● APHK allot their budget on advertising campaign basis ( each year company run six campaign

● With changing media environment and consumer media consumption , APHK always check
through which channel consumers are getting their information
Recommendation -

● APHK should keep checking the current market trend of consumer media consumption pattern
and accordingly decide on platforms to promote their products
● Company should spend more on Acquisitions or should focus more on Partnering with niche
companies. Also, it will reduce the R&D costs
● Company should focus on the rural areas in terms of establishing brand name loyalty,
awareness, and equity, such can be done by producing a specific brand name allowance
strategy through trade marketing techniques, that draw clear distinction in between
Amorepacific Hong Kong Marketing Korean Beauty Products products and other rival items
● Upscaling the offerings in other classifications such as nutrition & more healthier products.

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