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This presentation, including examples, images, and

references are provided for informational purposes

Credits shall be given to the images taken from open

sources & will not be used for promotional activities
of Emilio Aguinaldo College.
Learning Objectives
• Recognize the uniqueness of Earth, being the only planet in the solar
system with properties necessary to support life.

• Explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose

boundaries matter and energy flow.
Earth System
Earth: A Unique
Scientists have
calculated that
Earth is 4.54
billion years old.
(Redd, 2019)
Earth was formed
from dust particles
that combined
through accretion.
Motions of Earth

Earth’s motion is evidenced by the daily

rotation and the yearly revolution. The
motion of the earth, the other planets, and
the sun, happen simultaneously.

Earth’s rotation is the amount of time that

takes around once on its axis.
Earth’s axis of
rotation is titled at
an angle of 23.5
degrees relative to
our orbital plane.
(Conners, 2019)
This caused
seasons on Earth.
Two Different
Kinds of Rotation

Sidereal Day is the amount it takes for

Earth to turn on its axis. (23 hours 56
minutes and 4.1 seconds)

Solar Day is the amount of time it takes for

the sun to return to the same spot.(24
Earth is a closed
Closed System

The amount of matter within a closed

system is fixed.

Does not allow the transfer of matter but

allows the transfer of energy.
Earth’s distance
from the sun is a
habitable zone.
Currently, Earth is the
only known planet to
have consistent,
stable bodies of liquid
water on its surface.
(NOAA, 2020)
Theories on the Origin
of the Earth’s Water

Earth’s water was released through

Earth’s water originated from comets
and asteroids which bombarded the
early earth.
Earth is still the only
known planet to
support life.
(Moskowitz, 2008)

Skeleton of the planet

Includes all the rocks, minerals, and

landforms on earth
Layers of the Earth

The totality of Earth’s water,

including the permanently frozen
parts called cryosphere
The cryosphere includes the polar ice
caps, glaciers, and permafrost.

Approximately 71 percent of Earth’s

surface is covered with water.
(National Geographic, 2020)
Only three percent of water on the
earth’s surface is fresh water, the
remaining 97 percent is salt water.

Layers of gases surrounding our


Earth’s security blanket

Composition of Air
78% Nitrogen

21% Oxygen

0.93% Argon

0.04% Carbon dioxide

Trace amounts of neon, helium, methane,

krypton, hydrogen, and water vapor
Layers of the Atmosphere
The biosphere
includes all the life
forms on earth.
These four subsystems are open
Matter and energy can freely
transfer among them.
Changes with one subsystem
eventually causes changes in others.
The Rusty
World of Mars
The second
smallest planet in
the solar system
is Mars. (Cain,
The atmosphere
of Mars is about
100 times thinner
than Earth’s, and
it is 95% carbon
dioxide. (Sharp,
Mars is very cold.
The average
temperature on
Mars is minus 80
degrees Fahrenheit,
way below freezing
point. (NASA, 2020)
Water still exist
today in Mars, but
mostly as polar ice
Elon Musk, founder and CEO
of SpaceX, is building a
massive vehicle called
Starship in part to send
humans to Mars. (Greshko,

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