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• Published in 1945, George Orwell’s Animal Farm tells the story of a

group of farm animals who stage a revolution and take over their
• The revolution begins with principled idealism, but its pig leaders
become increasingly corrupt
• They soon turn to manipulation and propaganda in order to maintain
power and control, and the farm becomes a totalitarian regime.
• With this narrative, Orwell creates a searing political allegory about
the failures of the Russian Revolution.

• Political allegories are stories that use imaginary

characters and situations to satirize real-life political
• Animal farm is a political allegory on Russian revolution.
• The farm is considered to be Russia.
• Old Major’s philosophy is called animalism, it represents
the ideas of socialism/communalism.

• Napoleon is a large pig who lives on Manor Farm.

• He is an early leader of animal revolution
• He becomes more cutthroat as he acquires more
• Becomes a totalitarian leader.

• Snowball is a pig who lives on Manor Farm.

• Original driving force behind revolution
• Chief architect of animalism
• Snowball is a Intelligent, thoughtful pig who wants to
turn the farm into paradise.
• Represents combination of Leon Trotsky and Vladimir
• Powerfully built workhorse
• Kind and determined, not very bright.
• Commit to animalism and works hard.
• Believes leadership of pigs is always right
• Orwell draws parallels between boxer’s experience and
experiences of workers in the early soviet union
• Squealer is a pig who emerges as Napoleon’s chief
enforcer and propagandist.
• An eloquent speaker who ignores the truth
• Considered a stand in for Vyacheslav Molotov
• Represents the disinformation and propaganda efforts
of stalins government.
• Moses is the pet raven owned by Mr. Jones
• He is a wonderful speaker and story-teller.
• Moses initially flees the farm with Mr. Jones, but he later
• Moses represents thepotential of organized religion to
maintain the status quo by stupefying citizenry with
promises of future rewards.
Old Major
• Old Major is the prize-winning boar who initially
inspires the revolution.
• He representsa combination of Karl Marx and
Vladimir Lenin.
• When Old Major dies, his skull is preserved and put
on display
Mr. Jones
• Mr. Jones is the farmer in charge of Manor Farm at the start
of the novel
• He is a cruel, incompetent, and often drunk leader.
• His neglectof the animals is what first inspires the animals'
violent revolt.
• Mr. Jones represents Tsar Nicholas II, the incompetent
ruler of Imperial Russia who abdicated in 1917 and was
killed along with his entirely family.

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