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Welcome to the Orientation on
Competency-Based Training
What is Competency-Based Training?
It is skill-based. It focuses on skills
development that is why its approach differs
from the traditional education.

The training is also self-paced; the

trainer allows the students to
study the materials & practice the
skill on their own. 
Let us define Skill.
refers to the acquired and practiced
ability to carry out a task or job. It is the
ability to perform an action with
determined results often within a given
amount of time, energy, or both.

Kasanayan – Filipino/Tagalog
Kinalaing - Ilocano
a. the application of knowledge, skills and
attitude required to complete a work activities
to the standard expected in the workplace.

b. the possession and application of knowledge,

skills and attitudes to perform work activities
to the standard expected in the workplace
• Task Skills – undertaking a specific workplace task

• Task Management Skills – managing a number of

different tasks to complete the entire work activity

• Contingency Management Skills – responding to

problems, irregularities and breakdown in routine
when undertaking the work activity

• Job/Role Environment Skills – dealing with the

responsibilities and expectations of the work
environment when undertaking a work activity
Competency Standard 

Industry-determined specification of competencies

required for effective work performance. They are
expressed as outcomes and they focus on work
place activity rather than training or personal
attributes, and capture the ability to apply skills in
new situations and changing work organization

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) 

is the acknowledgement of an individual’s skills,

knowledge and attitudes gained from life and
work experiences outside registered training

Qualification is cluster of units of

competency that meets job roles and is
significant in the workplace. It is also a
certification awarded to a person on
successful completion of a course and/or
in recognition of having demonstrated
competencies relevant to an industry
Components of a Qualification

Basic Competencies
Common Competencies
Core Competencies
BASIC Competencies
skills and knowledge that everyone
needs for work

Participate in Workplace Communication

Work in Team Environment
Practice Career Professionalism
Practice Occupational Health and Safety
COMMON Competencies – skills and
knowledge needed by people working in a
particular industry.
Apply Appropriate Sealant/Adhesive
Move and Position Vehicle
Perform Mensuration and Calculation
Read, Interpret and Apply Specifications and
Use and Apply Lubricant/Coolant
Perform Shop Maintenance
specific skills and knowledge needed in a
particular area of work-industry sector/
occupation/ job role
Carry Out Minor Vehicle Maintenance and

Drive Light Vehicle

Obey and Observe Traffic Rules and

Implement and Coordinate Accident-
Emergency Procedures
CBT includes:

•Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) is the

specification for a course or subject (module)
which describes all the learning experience a
student or learner undergoes. It specifies
outcomes which are consistent with the
requirements of the workplace as agreed through
industry or community consultations.8

•Competency-Based Learning Material (CBLM)

refers to the print and non-print instructional media
used as guide in learning workplace activities.
The CBT Delivery Framework

Review learning
Trainee enters
program NO
View multimedia
• Administer RPL materials
• Orientation Satisfactorily
Trainer Trainer Performed
• Role of trainer/trainee Competency?
observes Rates
Use manuals performance performance

Trainee selects demonstration
Trainee YE
competency Rates own Have completed
practices task all the S
and receive performance competencies?
Practice skills in
• Administer Learning Contract
• Organize learning strategy
• Provide materials
• Introduce CBLM materials
assistance and
• Introduce the Use of advise
Achievement Progress Trainee exits Undergo Nat’l
Report program Assessment
Principles of CBT
Principle One

The training is based on curriculum

developed from the competency

Learning is based on the

Competency-based curriculum
Principle Two
Learning is competency-based or
modular in structure

Unit of Competency

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3

Principle Three

Training delivery is individualized

and self-paced

Learning is done by the

learner at own pace
Principle Four

Training is based on work that must

be performed

Learning is based on the

actual industry practice
Principle Five

Training materials are directly related

to the competency standards and the

CS to CBC to LMs
Principle Six
Assessment of learners is based in the
collection of evidences of work
performance based on industry or
organizational required standards

Traditional CBTVET
Each student is
Students are judged
assessed against
against each other
the evidences
(norm referenced
based on required

Students are not judged against each other

Principle Seven

Training is based both on and off the

job components

Better learning with industry and

school partnership
Principle Eight
The system allows Recognition of
Prior Learning (RPL)

Workers and Students can have prior

skills recognized
Principle Nine

The system allows for learners to enter

and exit programs at different times and
levels and to receive an award for
competencies attained at any point.

There is flexibility for entry

and exit from programs
Principle Ten

Approved training programs are

nationally accredited

Training programs are registered

within UTPRAS

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