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She was housewife , she took us to school
all the days she geted up to the 5:40
MOM/PAST And I and my brothers to the 6:00 when
breakfast was served by my mom

The home always i was impeccable when we

arrived the school

she served the lunch when arrived and

helpped with the homework

she took us to the park when we behave

By afternoon atended to my dad when

And already latest gave the blessing for

He was employeed of a company
small on time full
received a salary a little plus the
DAD/PAST minimum

The breakfast the prepared he

The weekends he took us to the park

and we played all the afternoon
type any sport

at night us and A hug ends

I was small and playful and very curious

I loved played to the house, to the kitchen,

the teacher, to the astronaut the Pirates
I/PAST I got up it 6:00 had breakfast and enlisted
for the school

at school taked tha classes and played with

my friends in the break
Arrived to house and had lunch later to wards
my homework and to get out to the park

at night dinereded and my fathers they said

good night to me
she gets up 4:00 o'clock
every morning and tends tha bed
MOM/PRESENT proceeds to list the clothing, bathe And
have breakfast

She leave home to the 6:00 o'clock

and goes up to the trasmilenio

work of 8:25 am to 5:10 pm and have

lunch type 12:00 or 1:00 o'clock

arrives type 7:00 or 8:00 pm

speaks to us the its day when we had


( the weekends we went out to eat or

to meetings family, They also go out with
my dad to bars or to see the world)
he gets up around 3:00 am every morning
Prepares the breakfast and lunch for all
in the hause

He takes a shower and has breakfast and

then leaves the house at 6:00 o'clock
work of 8:00 o'clock
to 4:00 pm and have lunch type 12:10
or 1:20 pm

arrives type it is 5:30 or 6:00 o'clock pm

speaks to us the its day when we had

I get up 8:30 every morning i take water

I spend the morning at home cleane and

organized and I have some lunch at 11:10

I/PRESENT At 11:30 I leave home and catch the

for be in the Sena to the 1:00 o'clock

( and study)

arrives type 7:00 or 8:00 pm

I see my series y speaks with my fathers

(the weekends I go out with my pets the

park or my friends or with my fathers or to
meetings family )

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