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Town and Country Planning Organisation (TCPO) formulated the Model Town
and Country Planning Law in the year 1960. 

1960 1985

This model Act was revised by TCPO in year 1985 as “Model Regional and
Town Planning and Development Law” to enact a comprehensive urban and
regional planning legislation in all the States and UT’s. 
Constitution of State Regional and Town Planning Board by the State Government for the purpose of advising on the delineation of
the region for the planned development, 

Directing the preparation of metropolitan, regional and area plans by the metropolitan, regional and area planning and development

Setting up of metropolitan, regional and area planning and development authorities for different urban and rural areas within the State
to undertake preparation of development plans and to enforce and implement them, 

Co-ordinating the planning and implementation of physical development programmes Model Law provided 3 steps for the
administration of this law: 

a) Preparation of existing land use map, 

b) Preparation of an outline development plan and comprehensive development plan and their enforcement, and 

c) Preparation of detailed schemes of development or redevelopment as envisaged in the plans and their implementation. 

Based on the Model Regional and Town Planning and Development Law, 1985, many states enacted their Town and Country Acts.

However, states like Haryana, Rajasthan and UT of Chandigarh do not have comprehensive Town and Country Planning Acts. 

It empowers the Area/Urban Development Authority to prepare DP/TPS for its area of
jurisdiction & control the development of city as well as fringe area.
It is a comprehensive legislative act which responds to local challenges of growth.
The Act empowers the Area/Urban Development Authority to prepare DP/TPS for its area of
jurisdiction & Control the development of city as well as fringe area. It is meant to
consolidate and amend the law relating to the making of DP & TPS.
It was enacted according to powers conferred in Gujarat State Legislature Act,1976.
The Act has 8 chapters including the introductory chapter of short title and the end chapter
of miscellaneous provisions of RTIs, public notices and FAQs.
The coined provisions of the Act
pertaining to urban development
• In the purview of the background, the GTPUD act, 1976 entails some basic provisions which are
focused towards a balanced urban development within the framework of overall national vision.
These provisions are:

Development area and constitution of Area Development Authorities

• This section in the Act details out the basics of development area. With explicit powers and
functions of area development authority, this part of the act defines a precise manner of
preparation of draft development plan. This section has acquisition of land and the of revision of
development plan as a unique feature of the GTPUD Act, 1976.
Declaration of urban development areas and constitution of urban development
Declaration and constitution of urban development authority, explicit powers and functions of
urban development authority, entrustment of powers and functions to Government Company,
expenses of urban development authority are central. Further, provisions of Act applicable to
urban development authority are also detailed out here.

Control of development and use of land included in Development Plans

• The specific provisions which help us understand the underlying basis of guided urban
development through development plans are:

Constitution of Area Development Authority

Preparation & submission of Draft Development Plan
• Contents of Draft Development Plan
• Acquisition of land put under reservation and lapsing of designation.
• Revision of Development Plan
• Constitution of Urban Development authorities
• Powers & functions of state govt. and urban development authorities
• Development on behalf of govt. & authority
• Levy, assessment and recovery of development charges
Town Planning Schemes
The specific provisions which help us understand the underlying
basis of guided urban development through town planning
schemes are:
Making and contents of T P Scheme and consultation with Chief
Town Planner
Contents of draft scheme
Disputed ownership
Duties of Town Planning Officer in preparation of Preliminary and
Final Scheme
Contents of Preliminary Scheme and Final Scheme
Power of Govt. to sanction Draft and Preliminary and Final
Withdrawal of Scheme and power to vary scheme on ground of
error, informality
Costs of Scheme and Fund of the appropriate authority
All the important costs relating to urban development through the DP/TPS are looked in the
act. These include basic costs of scheme, calculation of increment, transfer of right from
original to final plot, fund of the appropriate authority, power of authority to borrow money,
compensation of property, budget of authority, accounts and audit, annual reports, offences
and penalties, etc.

Levy, assessment and recovery of development charges​

Levy of development charges, rates of development charges, assessment and recovery of
development charges, constitution of Tribunals, appeal and revision are explicitly discussed in the act
in this section to make it accountable, responsive and sensitive towards urban development.​

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