TLE 7 Evaluate and Control Hazards and Risks

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Evaluate and Control Hazards and Risks


Once you recognize a hazard in the workplace, then you can proceed with risk assessment, that
is focusing on the risks that really matter in the workplace. Evaluating hazards and risks is the
process of determining the level of risk created by the hazard and the likelihood of injury or
illness occurring. Most of the time, simple measures can be done, with no trouble, to control
risks. An example of this is making sure that cabinet drawers are kept closed so that people do
not trip.
Needless to say, the concern for control increases as the recognized level of risk increases.
A person identifying the risk of harm or injury from a hazard in a nursing home or day care
should consider these questions:
 how likely it is that a hazard will cause harm;
 how serious that harm is likely to be;
 how often (and how many) workers are exposed.
It is a must that you have a record of every risk assessment done. If a certain accident or damage
happens again, it might be that you will trace back the original records to check if the assessment
overlooked a potential hazard. Assessing or evaluating the hazards and risks is crucial in making a
decision on the mode of control to be used.
It is possible that workplace hazards can be controlled by a variety of methods. Of course, the
very reason why hazards should be controlled is to prevent workers from being exposed to
occupational hazards. Hazard control comes in different processes. But one method may be
more effective than the others.

When we speak of controlling hazards and risks, it means settling on the measure that will solve
the trouble most successfully. There are five major categories of control measures: elimination,
substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls and personal protective equipment.
1. Eliminating a hazard means removing it completely.
2. Substitution is replacing or substituting a hazardous agent or work process with a less
dangerous one.An engineering control may mean changing a piece of machinery (for example,
using proper machine guards) or a work process to reduce exposure to a hazard.
4. An administrative control may mean working a limited number of hours in a hazardous area is
an example of an administrative control (for example, job rotation)
5. Personal Protective Equipment includes ear and eye protection, respirators and protective

Obviously, the best method of controlling hazards and risks is through elimination. That is to take
away or to get rid of the hazard. However, more often than not, this is not possible. So,
employers make use of any of the remaining control measures. The general rule is that the use
of personal protective equipment (PPE) should be the last alternative in controlling hazards and
risks in a workplace. Although it is said that the best method of control measure is through
elimination of hazards, a very good technique for a safe and healthy environment is through the
utilization of a combination of methods.
A Closer Look at Electricity
 As common sense dictates, you have to ensure that all electrical equipment you use is in
good condition.
 Check electrical cords and make sure they are not frayed.
 Your hands should be dry before attempting to use any electrical equipment.
 Do not attempt to change fuses unless you know what you are doing.
 Do not turn on all appliances at the same time just because you want to save time.
Use of Personal Protective Equipment
Caregivers should religiously abide by the following to prevent biological hazards from
Wear gown that is long enough to cover your clothing. Because the outside of the gown is
considered contaminated, this should not be touched when it is removed. A gown that is wet is,
of course, considered contaminated also. A caregiver should wear a clean gown every client care.
In case the gown is not available, apron should be worn to mask clothing during client contact.
Masks should fit comfortably over the nose and mouth. The same with a gown or apron, a wet
mask is considered contaminated. The front of the mask is also contaminated.
Masks should not be worn around the neck. For each client contact, a clean mask should be
Gloves should be used when issue on contamination is present. Also, when a caregiver has
open wound on the hands, it is a must that he/she use gloves. The outside of the gloves should
not be touched when removed as this is considered contaminated.
Disposal of Health Care Wastes
In order to reduce the burden of disease, health care wastes should be managed appropriately.
Whether a caregiver is working in a hospital, a day care, or even at home, proper discarding of
medical wastes should be of great consideration.

Human waste products. Obviously, these wastes should be flushed down the toilet without delay
and should not be discarded in the street or in any public places.
Blood and bloody fluids. These must be removed right away. It is best if they can be directly
flushed down the toilet. If clothes are contaminated, they should be washed separately using hot
water and should be dried. Dressings with blood need to be double-bagged in plastic and
disposed of based on existing community or local rules.
Needles (sharps). Sharps should be kept in a container which is not easy to pierce like metal
(coffee can). Some items may be kept while some should be discarded right away. It is advisable
to discuss with the supervisor for the best disposal method.
Medical equipment. If the equipment is contaminated, it should be thrown away. It is ideal that
the equipment be double-bagged and disposed of based on the existing regulations in the
community. Also, this should be discussed with the immediate supervisor as to whether or not
the said equipment can be kept or should be disposed of already.
Proper Handwashing
As you touch people, tables, chairs, books, sinks, handrails, and other objects and surfaces, there
is a possibility that you contaminate your hands. The germs that have accumulated when
touching things may be the means for you to get sick and spread illness to others. The
importance of hand washing comes in. It is by far the best and simplest way to prevent germs
from spreading and to keep the people around you from getting sick. Though it is said that hand
washing is the first line of defense against the spread of illnesses, you should be aware of the
proper way of doing it. Otherwise, you may just be wasting your time doing it because you do
not really wipe out what should be eliminated.
Put a Stop to Ergonomic Hazard
Efficient control measures are now being utilized by employers to avoid ergonomic hazards
among health care workers. Manual handling of patients, for example, has become less stressful
due to some paraphernalia being used that facilitate the task. Adjustable height work stations,
improved tool design, and adjusted work pace are now part of a worker’s life.
Unfortunately, ergonomic hazard effects continue to happen. Why? At times, the workers
themselves invite these hazards due to the wrong way they do their tasks.
In a nutshell…
A caregiver has to have a sense of duty for her own health and safety at work. His/her has the
responsibility, therefore, to follow safety instructions in the workplace. In addition, he/she has to
use tools, equipment and paraphernalia with care. When hazards or injuries happen, the
caregiver must report the same to the person in charge or directly to the immediate supervisor.
Although a health worker’s concern primarily focuses on his/her safety, he/she has to take all
reasonable care not to put other people at risk. After all, a caregiver gives care not only to the
client but also to co-workers, supervisors, and the people within the working environment.
In a nutshell…
Nursing home and day care institution services are of great value to everyone. As such, owners
of these establishments are highly reliant on their staff, particularly the caregivers, for the
delivery of safe, efficient and responsive service. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the
management to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. Every caregiver, on the other
hand, should also take part in determining the hazards and risks in the workplace in the
attainment of a conducive organizational climate within the nursing home or day care he/she is
working for.
Directions: Match the word in Column A with that of the description in Column B. Write the
letter of your choice in the space provided in each item.

Column A Column B
A. It is anything that may cause harm to an
______ 1. Biological hazard
B. The type of hazard that is usually the easiest
______ 2. Hazard
to spot.
C. It comes from working with infectious
______ 3. Risk
D. The indication of how serious the harm can
______ 4. Occupational health and safety
E. The promotion and maintenance of the well-
______ 5. Physical hazard
being of workers

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