Audio-Lingual Method: BY MEENAL FATIMA (BSF1901256)

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Audio-lingual method


● The general goal of ALM is that
student can communicate in target

Q1 ●
language actively and automatically
In this approach the goal is to use

What are the goals dialogues to enable students to

respond quickly and accurately in
spoken language.
of teaching ● Drills are used to teach structural

through audio ● Set phrases are memorised with a

focus on intonation.

lingual method?
● Vocabulary is taught in context
● Focus is on pronunciation.
● Correct responses are positively
reinforced immediately
What are the role of teacher and what are the role of student in this method?

1. The teacher is like an orchestra leader, directing and controlling the

language behavior of her students. She is also responsible for providing her
students with a good model for imitation. She play a role of director.
2. The students know they will be expected to eventually memorize the dialog
the teacher is introducing.
Q3 What are the some of characteristics of teaching learning
process of this method?

Characteristics of ALM:
(1) Instructions are given in the target language (4) New vocabulary and structural patterns
are presented through dialogues.
(2) Language forms occur within a context
(5) The dialogues are learned through imitation
(3) Students’ native language interferes as little and repetition.
as possible with the students’ attempts to
acquire the target language (6) Student’s reading and written work is based
upon the oral work they did earlier.
Main Characteristics

Able student to talk in target Positive reinforcement helps The students develop an ability Audio-lingual could help to
language accurately and the student to develop correct to recognize word meaning in improve students’ listening
effectively. habits the context of target language. comprehension
What is the nature of student-student
interaction and what is the nature of
student-teacher interaction during this
Student to student student-to-student interaction in
chain drills or when student

interaction in take different roles in dialogs.

Most of the interaction is between
teacher and student and is initiated by
the teacher the teacher has an active role
Teacher to student as he is the sole authority to control and
direct the whole learning programme. He

interaction in ALM monitors and corrects the students'

performance. He is also responsible for
providing the students with a good model
for imitation


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