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 IFFCO Phulpur Unit manufactures Ammonia and

Urea and commissioned its first unit in the year
1980 with a production capacity of 900 MTPD of
Ammonia & 1500 MTPD of Urea. Over the years,
Phulpur plant has adopted new & more energy
efficient technologies to increase production
capacity while reducing the energy consumption.
Today IFFCO Phulpur plants has two Units with a
combined production capacity of 2955 MTPD of
Ammonia & 5145 MTPD of Urea.

Production Capacity Production Capacity
Products Technology
(Metric Ton Per Day) (Lakh Metric Ton Per Annum)


Ammonia 1215 4.0 M/s M.W Kellogg, USA

Urea 2115 6.98 M/s Snamprogetti, Italy


Ammonia 1740 5.74 M/s HTAS, Denmark

Urea 3030 10.0 M/s Snamprogetti, Italy

 Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO)

 Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO)

Post Box No. 12
Kandla- 370210

 Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO)

P.O. Ghiyanagar
Allahabad- 212404
Uttar Pradesh

 Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO)

P.O. IFFCO Township
Dist. Bareilly- 243403
Uttar Pradesh 4
 Block diagram of AMMONIA & UREA Process
 Measurement of Process Parameters: Pressure, Temperature,
Level and Flow
 Distributed Control System
 Emergency Shutdown System
 Gas Turbine Control
 Heat Recovery Unit
 Syn. & Ref. Compressors Control System
 Analysers
 Vibration monitoring system
 Other PLCs
 UPS System

Pressure Measurement
 Pressure is defined as force per unit area that a fluid exerts on its
surroundings. We can measure this force by detecting the amount of
deflection on a diaphragm positioned inline with the fluid.
 Most liquid and all gaseous materials in the process industries are
contained within closed vessels.  For the safety of the Plant Personnel
and Protection of the Vessel, Pressure in the vessels is to be
 Pressure is also controlled because it influences key process operations
like vapor-liquid equilibrium, chemical reaction rate, and fluid flow. 
Isolator NIU FCS
Box (JB)
Press. Tx (PT)
(4 - 20 mA)
4-20 mA
I/P Junction Box Isolator NIU FCS
Converter (JB)

0.2-1.0 Kg/Cm2

Press. Control Valve (PV)

Temperature Measurement
 Temperature measurement in today’s industrial environment
encompasses a wide variety of needs and applications. To meet
this wide array of needs the process controls industry has
developed a large number of sensors and devices to handle this
 Temperature control is important for separation and reaction
processes, and temperature must be maintained within limits to
ensure safe and reliable operation of process equipment
Isolator NIU FCS
Box (JB)
( mVolts)
4-20 mA
I/P Junction Box Isolator NIU FCS
Converter (JB)

0.2-1.0 Kg/Cm2

Temp. Control Valve (TV)

Different Types of Temperature Sensors
 Thermocouples: K-Type & J-Type: High Range Temperature
 Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD): High Accuracy
 Bimetallic: Local Indicators TG
 Filled Systems: Filled system thermometer simply means that they are
filled with any of the substitute. They generally come in two main
classifications, the mercury type and the organic-liquid type. Since,
mercury is considered an environmental hazard, so there are
regulations governing the shipment of that type of devices that contain
it. Now a day, there are filled system thermometers which employ gas
instead of liquids.
 Optical Pyrometers: Non Contact Type Temperature Measurement

Importance of Flow Measurement
 No Process Variable Measurement is more Important in a
Chemical Plant than the detection of flow rate.

 This is Essential to Determine the Material Balance for

Processing Industries.

 There are two types of Flow Measurement

1) Flow Rate 2) Total Flow

Level Measurement
 Level measurement refers to instrumentation techniques designed
to measure the height of a fluid or solid within a containing vessel.
 Level of liquid in a vessel should be maintained above the exit pipe
because if the vessel level becomes low the exit flow will become
zero, a situation that would upset downstream process and could
damage pumping equipment that requires continuous flow of liquid. 

Isolator NIU FCS
Box (JB)
Level Tx. (LT)
(4 - 20 mA)
4-20 mA
I/P Junction Box Isolator NIU FCS
Converter (JB)

0.2-1.0 Kg/Cm2

Level Control Valve (LV)

Different Types of Level Instruments
 Float Type Level Transmitters
 Differential Pressure Type Level Transmitters
 Radar Type Level Transmitters
 Ultrasonic Type Level Transmitters
 Capacitance Type Level Transmitters
 Radioactive Type Nucleonic Level Transmitters
Nucleonic gauges can be found everywhere where extreme conditions
exist, mean the end for any other measurement technology. That’s
because nucleonic devices measure contactlessly, which makes the
measuring systems wear free and practically maintenance free as well.
However, since this technology uses radioactive radiation, safety is the
top priority.
The nucleonic continuous level measurement operates according to the
physical law of attenuation of gamma radiation, while it is passing
through the matter.

Functions of Safety Integrated System
 SIS Keeps the process from not crossing the safety limits.
While the process is within the range of normal behavior,
the basic Process Control System will meet all
requirements to control the process.

 As the process becomes more unstable and approaches

the high alarm level, the panel operator may or may not be
able to regain control of the process value in time to
prevent an unsafe condition . In that condition SIS takes the
control to take the plant to a safe shutdown.

 The SIL certificate is issued by TUV Rheinland and is
based on PFD
Safety Integrity Average Probability of Risk Reduction
Level (SIL) Failure on Demand Factor(1/PFDAVG)

4 <10-4 >10000
3 ≥10-4 to 10-3 1000 – 10000
2 ≥10-3 to 10-2 100 – 1000
1 ≥10-2 to 10-1 10 – 100
0 No safety requirement

15 15
Gas Turbine
 Gas turbine converts heat energy into mechanical energy.
 Gas turbine is used as driver for other mechanical
equipment like electric generator.
 Gas turbine is comprised of three main sections a
compressor, combustors and a power turbine.
 Gas turbine operate on the principle of Brayton cycle,In
Brayton cycle compressed air is mixed with fuel & burned
under constant pressure condition, resulting hot gases is
allowed to expend through turbine to perform work.

 Model: MS-5261
 MS - Mech. System Drive 5 - Frame Five
 26 - Mega Watt 1 - Single Shaft
 Axial air flow compressor : 17 stages
 Gas turbine : 02 stage
 Combustion chamber : 10
 Flame scanner : 04 (On combustor 3, 4, 7 & 8)
 Spark plug: 02 (On combustor
 Starting means: Steam turbine
 Hot end drive (To drive process air compressor)
 Make: General Electric (U S A)
 Operating speed: 4855 RPM 100%
 Safety trip conditions: 46 conditions

Heat Recovery Unit (HRU)
 HEAT RECOVERY UNIT is a boiler unit installed to recover the
waste heat energy of Gas Turbine exhaust flue gas (500OC )
 & produces super heated high pressure steam.
 OEM: Burmeister Wain Energy (BWE), Denmark
 Steam Pressure: 115 Kg/cm2
 Steam temperature: 525 DegC
 Capacity: 110 T/Hr.
 Supplementary firing system, Four dual firing burners (Gas / Naphtha), Four pilot & igniter
 Load control : Local / Remote (DCS)
 Four UV scanners for four burners
 Load control mode : Manual / Auto
 BMS & Emergency Shutdown System

 24 MW steam turbine for Syn. Gas compressor
 17 MW steam turbine for Ref. Gas compressor
 One Ditronics Control panel for each by
 Based on GE-Fanuc series-90 PLCs in redundant
 Programmable through LM-90 programmer s/w
 Configurable through Hand held communicator
 Note: Main compressors are located together and controlled
from a common compressor control room

Liquid analysers Gas analysers

 Rosemount 1181C
 Panamatrics FGA 300H
(conductivity) Oxygen
 Maihak Germany, UNOR-
 Rosemount 1181pH
615 ( CH4, CO2, CO, NH3 )
 Yokogawa SC400 / DC400  Maihak Germany, UNOR-
(conductivity) 610 ( SOx, NOx )
 Maihak Germany,
THERMOR-615 ( H2 )

 Ammonia-I & Urea-I: Hitachi Hi-Rel 60KVA
 Ammonia-II: Hitachi Hi-Rel 100KVA
 Urea-II: Emerson/Vertive100KVA
 Power Plant-I: Emerson/Vertive 40KVA
 Power Plant-II: Emerson/Vertive 40KVA
 GTG/HRGS: Hitachi Hi-Rel 25KVA

 Energy saving projects
 Capacity enhancement project
 Modifications for LNG feed


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