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Task 2: Oral Report

Derived from the Greek word “ethos”,
which means “way of living”,
ETHICS is a branch of philosophy that is
concerned with human conduct, more
specifically the behaviour of individuals in
In Broader Sense
Reflects on human beings and their
interaction with nature and with other
humans, on freedom, on responsibility
and on justice. It can be said that in
general, ethics is concerned with human
independence when it focuses on the
relationship that exists between humans
and the world.
What are
Values and
and ethics
represent what most of us
put into practice through
our actions every day.”
Ethics in the
Business World
Task 2: Oral Report
By: Sitti Mariam Macabuat
A Culture of
Ethics is
important to
Business Wolrd
Ethical behavior includes honesty,
fairness, integrity and understanding.

There are several ways to encourage an ethical

workplace culture, including establishing a
company-wide code of ethics.
Behavior is not limited
to workplace
In a business setting, ethical
behavior applies to any employee,
team lead or supervisor. They should
display behavior that is honest and
fair in their relationships with
coworkers and their clients.
To understand why ethical behavior is important, it
might be helpful to know how unethical behavior
affects a company. Think about a business that hires
only family, or one that gives inappropriate incentives,
for example. While these actions might not be illegal,
they can definitely have negative effects on the morale
and success of a company.
Ethics In Information
As the world is adopting the new
technology the need of ethics arises
to sustain the proper growth and to
minimize the risk of wrong uses.
Someme of the major ethical issues faced by
Information Technology (IT) are:

1. Personal Privacy 5. Copyright

2. Access Right 6. Trade Secrets
3. Harmful Actions 7. Liability
4. Patents 8. Piracy
These are explained
with their
affects as following:
Personal Privacy:
It is an important aspect of ethical issues in
information technology. IT facilitates the users
having their own hardware, operating system
and software tools to access the servers that are
connected to each other and to the users by a
Access Right:
The second aspect of ethical issues in
information technology is access right.
Access right becomes a high priority issue
for the IT and cyberspace with the great
advancement in technology.
Harmful Actions:
Harmful actions in the computer ethics
refers to the damage or negative
consequences to the IT such as loss of
important information, loss of property,
loss of ownership, destruction of property
and undesirable substantial impacts. 
The information security
specialists are to be familiar with
necessary concept of the copyright
Trade Secrets:
Trade secrets is also a significant
ethical issue in information
technology. A trade secret secures
something of value and usefulness.
One should be aware of the liability issue in
making ethical decisions. Software
developer makes promises and assertions to
the user about the nature and quality of the
product that can be restricted as an express

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