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Theories of International Relations

What is it ?
Course Objectives
• International Relations theory attempts to
provide concepts, theories and models upon
which international relations (problems) can be
• For :
– academic (analyze)
– public policy (to formulate foreign policy)
• International Relations is the study of foreign
affairs of and relations among states (IR actors)
within the international system
IR Actors
• States
• inter-governmental organizations (IGOs),
• Non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
• Multinational corporations (MNCs).
• Individu
IR Problems
(Hi Politics – Low Politics)
• Conflict ; War ; Competitions
• Cooperation
• Economic :
– Trade : Export – Import (Quota Import, Tariff),
Economic Embargo
– Valuta
– Investment : How to attract investment
• Foreign Policy : Travel Warning, Property
Right Conflict
• How
• Why
Some Perspectives in IR
• Idealist (Liberalist)
• Realist
• Marxist
• Feminist (Gender)
• Critical
• Constructivism
Perspectives /Paradigms
• Each theory is relying on different sets of
• Holsti : “ international relations theories act
as a pair of colored sunglasses, allowing
the wearer to see only the salient events
relevant to the theory”
• Realism may completely different with
liberalism, Marxism, constructivist,
Feminism etc
IR Perspectives /Paradigms
– Liberalism covers a fairly broad perspective ranging from Wilsonian Idealism through to contemporary neo-liberal theories and the
democratic peace thesis. Here states are but one actor in world politics, and even states can cooperate together through
institutional mechanisms and bargaining that undermine the propensity to base interests simply in military terms. States are
interdependent and other actors such as Transnational Corporations, the IMF and the United Nations play a role.
– Some texts: Relevant chapters in David A. Baldwin (ed), Neorealism and Neoliberalism: The Contemporary Debate, and C. Kegley
(ed) Controversies in International Relations: Realism and the Neoliberal Challenge.
– Critical theory posits that all theories are for someone and for some purpose. Critical theorists seek to demonstrate the connection
between knowledge and practice, fact and value, and make connections between the knower and the known. Recognising
knowledge is not neutral but constitutive of interests the objective is to provide a critique of traditional problem-solving positivism
with a commitment to emancipation and new forms of international community conducive to freedom, cooperation, and peace.
– See the works of Andrew Linklater (e.g., 'The Achievements of Critical Theory', in Steve Smith, Ken Booth, and Marysia Zalewski
(eds), International Theory: Positivism and Beyond).
– One of the main assumptions of a constructivist approach is that identities, norms, and culture play important roles in world politics.
Identities and interests of states are not simply structurally determined, but are rather produced by interactions, institutions, norms,
cultures. It is process, not structure, which determines the manner in which states interact.
– See Alexander Wendt, 'Anarchy is What States Make of It', International Organisation, 46/2, 1992.
– There is a number of feminist approaches to World Politics, but all share the assumption that gender is important and it makes a
difference that men, not women, have written the main theories and been in control of policy-making. Realism, for example, is
seen as a gendered theory, written by men to describe an aggressive world of states controlled by men. Most feminist theories of
world politics share the assumption that the world would be a less competitive and less violent place if women gained dominance
in positions of power (state power and relating to knowledge).
– See A. Tickner, Gender in International Relations, Columbia UP, 1992, and M. Zalewski, 'Feminist Theory and IR', in M. Bowker
and R. Brown (eds), From Cold War to Collapse: Theory and World Politics in the 1980s, CUP, 1993.
Course Description
• Class time will be devoted to lectures,
exercises, and discussions.
• At the conclusion of the course students
will demonstrate their understanding of
various theories of international relations
in analyzing a current problem of their
choosing through the lenses of the
theoretical perspectives discussed in
• Mohtar Mas’oed, Ilmu Hubungan
Internasional : Disiplin dan Metodologi,
• Michael W. Doyle, G. John Ikenberry, 1997,
New Thinking in International Relations
Theory, Westview Press,  Boulder
• Tickner, J. Ann (1992) ,Gender in International
Relations: Feminist Perspectives on Achieving
International Security.
Research Topics in IR
• Bangsa dan Dunia (Int System)
• Proses Transnasional dan Interdependensi
• Perang dan Damai
• Kekuatan dan kelemahan suatu bangsa-pemerintahan dalam politik
• Politik Int dan Masyarakat Int
• Kependudukan, SDA dan Lingkungan
• Kemakmuran dan Kemiskinan
• Kebebasan dan Penindasan
• Persepsi dan Ilusi dari pemimpin negara
• Aktifitas dan Sikap Apatisme
• Revolusi
• Identitas dan Transformasi
Research Questions
• ?
• Bagaimana, Mengapa ……?
– Bagaimana persepsi W Wilson terhadap perdamaian
internasional ?
– Bagaimana pandangan Bush AS terhadap Islam
• Mengapa gerakan separatis Aceh mempunyai
jaringan yang luas ?  Swedia
– Bagaimana jaringan transnasional dari GAM ?
– Mengapa Iran mempertahankan program nuklir
Mengapa …. ?
– Latar Belakang :
• Iran mengembangkan prog nuklir
• Berbagai Negara mengecam program nuklir Iran
– Mengapa Iran mempertahankan program
nuklir ?
Ujian Sisipan
• Apa yang dimaksud dengan TEORI
• Fungsi Teori
– Membantu peneliti dalam mencari jawaban
penelitian yang dimulai dengan pertanyaan
• Bagaimana struktur dasar teori ?
• Apa yang dimaksud dengan Konsep ?
• Apa fungsi KONSEP dalam proses berteori
Mahasiswa mampu merumuskan pokok
pernasalahan penelitian
- Mengapa SPOK
• Mengapa intervensi Amerika di Timur Tengah
tidak terlalu kuat ?
– Kapan ?
• Mengapa Indonesia mengadakan hubungan
bilateral dengan Brazil ?
– Dalam bidang apa ?
– Kapan ?
– Tidak significant ?
• Mengapa Amerika memberikan hibah pesawat F
16 kepada Indonesia pada tahun 2012 ?
• Mengapa (Haliyu) Korean Pop dapat
tersebar dan menjadi trend di Indonesia ?
– Korean Pop  Musik  Kebudayaan
– Korea  Indonesia : Diplomasi


Beda Kejadian – Gejala
• Mengapa terjadi baku tembak antara
pasukan Malaysia dengan Kasultanan
Sulu ?
– Konflik antara Malaysia dengan Sulu
– Sengketa wilayah

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