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Teacher: Tô Thị Hương

Ngu Lao Secondary school
1 2 3
the Thai the HMong the Muong

4 6
the Dao the Tay the Cham

7 8 9
the Ede the Nung the Khmer
1. What is Thai’s population?

2. Where do the Thai people live? 

Lesson 5: Skill 1
The Thai have a population of about one and a half million people living in
the provinces of Lai Chau, Son La, Yen Bai, Hoa Binh, Thanh Hoa, and
Nghe An. The Thai language belongs to the Tay- Thai group.

The Thai are experienced farmers. They dig canals to bring water to their
fields. Their main food is rice, especially sticky rice. The Thai also grow
other crops on burnt- out land. They raise cattle and poultry for their own
use. They also make bamboo items, and weave cloth. Thai cloth is well-
known for being unique, colourful and strong.

Recently, Thai men prefer to wear the Kinh’s style of dress, while Thai
women keep their traditional costumes including short blouses, long skirts,
scarves and ornaments. The Thai live in houses on stilts. Their villages
comprise 40 to 50 houses, usually built side by side.

The Thai worship their ancestors. Every year, they hold festivals and
ceremonies with alternating songs between boys and girls, and many
traditional games.
1. What is Thai’s population?
2. Where do the Thai people live? 
The Thai have a population of about one and a half million people living in the provinces of
Lai Chau, Son La, Yen Bai, Hoa Binh, Thanh Hoa, and Nghe An. The Thai language belongs to
the Tay - Thai group.
The Thai are experienced farmers. They dig canals to bring water to their fields. Their main
food is rice, especially sticky rice. The Thai also grow other crops on burnt-out land. They
raise cattle and poultry for their own use. They also make bamboo items, and weave cloth.
Thai cloth is well-known for being unique, colourful and strong. 

Recently, Thai men prefer to wear the Kinh’s style of dress, while Thai women keep their
traditional costumes including short blouses, long skirts, scarves and ornaments. The Thai
live in houses on stilts. Their villages comprise 40 to 50 houses, usually built side by side. 
The Thai worship their ancestors. Every year they hold festivals and ceremonies with
alternating songs between boys and girls, and many traditional games.
2. Read the text again and complete the table

People Regions Productions (5)

(1) (3) activities Festivals
Population Language

The About 1.5 Belong to alternating songs

Thai millions (2) Tay – Thai (4) between boys
Lai Chau, Son La, raise cattle and
Yen Bai, Hoa Binh, group. and girls, and
poultry, make many traditional
Thanh Hoa, and bamboo items, games
Nghe An and weave cloth

1.Do the Thai people have their own language?

2.What is the main food of the Thai people?

3.What is the Thai cloth well-known for?

4.Which still wear their traditional costumes, Thai men or Thai women?

5.Who do the Thai worship?

2. What is the main food of the Thai people?

 Their main food is rice.

1.Do the Thai people have their own language?

 Yes, they do.

5.Who do the Thai worship?

 They worship their ancestors.

3.What is the Thai cloth well-known for?

 It is well-known for being unique, colourful

and strong.
4.Which still wear their traditional costumes, Thai men
or Thai women?

 Thai women do.

4. Read some facts about the Bru-Van Kieu people and the Khmer people

The Khmer people 

The Bru-Van Kieu people  ♦ Population: about 1,260,600 
♦ Population: about 74,500  ♦ Regions: provinces of Mekong Delta 
♦ Regions: Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua ♦ Language: Mon-Khmer group, writing
Thien - Hue  system 
♦ Language: Mon-Khmer group  ♦ Production activities: growing rice, raising
♦ Production activities: growing rice, cattle and poultry, making sugar 
terraced fields, raising cattle and ♦ Festivals: two main holidays: Chaul Chnam
poultry  Thmey (New Year) and Greeting-the-Moon
♦ Festivals: ceremony held before festival
sowing seeds
The Khmer people have a population of about__________
They live in the provinces of________________________
The Khmer language belongs to_________________and
they have their own writing system.
The Khmer grow_________, raise ____________and make
_______________for living.
There are two main holidays: Chaul Chnam Thmey
and Greeting- the- Moon festival.

The Kinh people in Thuy Nguyen district 

♦ Population: about 333.810  
♦ Regions: a rural district of Hai Phong
♦ Language: Vietnamese 
♦ Production activities: growing rice, raising cattle and poultry 
♦ Festivals: Dum singing and Tru singing
Population Festivals

The Thai people

The Bru-Van Kieu people
The Khmer People
The Kinh in Thuy Nguyen district
Regions Language

• Write a passage (60-80 words) about the
Kinh people in Thuy Nguyen district
• Practise reading – Skills 1 – page 32

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