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• Institutional structure (division of power between three organs of govt.): The first constraint on American hegemonic power
is the institutional architecture of the US state itself A system of separation of powers between the branches of government
puts implicit brakes upon the unlimited and immoderate use of Americas military power by the executive. The passage of
bill on Iraq by the US Congress in April 2007 to withdraw US troops from Iraq and President Bush’s threat to veto are
examples of institutional architecture in USA that put restrictions on its own hegemony.
• Open Nature of American Society: The second constraint also stems from domesticity and open nature of the US society.
Although the US mass media may, from time to time, impose or promote a specific perspective on domestic public opinion
in the US, there is in any case, a deep sense of skepticism and uncertain attitude of the people regarding the aims and
methods of American government. This attribute, in the long run, acts as a huge constraint on US military adventures,
overseas and other policies.
• NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization): The third and the most important constraint on American hegemony which
could moderate the use of its power in the global politics is the organization called NATO. America obviously has a keen
interest in sustaining the alliance of those democracies which follow market model of economy and, therefore, it is possible
that the NATO allies would pressurize US to be moderate in its use of power.
India’s political relation
• The frequency of high-level visits and exchanges between India and the U.S. has gone up significantly
of late. Prime Minister Modi visited the U.S. on 26-30 September 2014; he held meetings with
President Obama, members of the U.S. Congress and political leaders, including from various States
and cities in the U.S., and interacted with members of President Obama’s Cabinet.

• He also reached out to the captains of the U.S. commerce and industry, the American civil society and
think tanks, and the Indian-American community. A Vision Statement and a Joint Statement were
issued during the visit.
• The visit was followed by President Obama’s visit to India on 25-27 January 2015 as the Chief
Guest at India’s Republic Day. During the visit, the two sides issued a Delhi Declaration of
Friendship and adopted a Joint Strategic Vision for Asia- Pacific and the Indian Ocean Region.

• Both sides elevated the Strategic Dialogue between their Foreign Ministers to Strategic
and Commercial Dialogue of Foreign and Commerce Ministers. Prime Minister Modi again
visited the U.S. on 23-28 September 2015, during which he held a bilateral meeting with
President Obama, interacted with leaders of business, media, academia,
the provincial leaders and the Indian community, including
during his travel to the Silicon Valley.
The premiers of both the nations believe that the cordial India US Trade Relations will
have a long lasting and positive influence on the future international system, promoting
stability, democracy, prosperity and peace across the world. The significant features of
the India US Trade Relations are as follows:
• The Next Steps in Strategic Partnership provides a more transparent U.S. licensing
arrangements for Indian imports of sensitive items and technology. This in turn have
lead to an enhancement in the high-tech trade between the two countries.
• The visits of US Commerce Secretary Gutierrez and USTR Susan Schwab in this year
has been a great impetus for the India US Trade Relations highlighting the multilateral
issues including those on the Doha Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
• The India US Trade Relations was further boosted with the conclusion of an Open
Skies Agreement between the two nations in the year 2005. This agreement is
supposed to increase the air connectivity between the two countries, thereby
improving the commercial and trade relations.
• The US-India Agricultural Alliance agreed upon on 2005, between the two countries concentrates on
promoting teaching, research, service and commercial linkages. In the following year under the bilateral
Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture there was an agreement to link universities, technical institutions and
businesses to support agriculture education, joint research and capacity building projects specially in
biotechnology. Outsourcing of knowledge work to India by the US based companies is a significant feature
of the India US Trade Relations as producing goods and services in India makes them cheaper in the US.

• The India US Trade Relations is also characterized by the inter-dependence in terms of financial markets
as US institutional investors are increasingly investing in India and on the other hand Indian multinational
corporations are going on buying companies in the US and establishing operations in the US.

• Areas like infrastructure, IT, Telecom sector, energy and other knowledge industries such as
pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, are the favorite areas for economic cooperation between India and
the US. Some of the major multi national corporations of USA doing a profitable business in India are-
General Electric, Whirlpool Ford (India), 3M, Tecumseh Products (India) Limited, Pepsi, Proctor and
Gamble (India), Microsoft, Intel, and IBM Corporation.
• The U.S. Congress on October 1, 2008, gave final approval to an agreement facilitating nuclear cooperation
between the United States and India. The deal is seen as a watershed in U.S.-India relations and introduces a
new aspect to international non-proliferation efforts.
• First introduced in the joint statement released by President Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh on July 18, 2005, the deal lifts a three-decade U.S. moratorium on nuclear trade with India. It provides
U.S. assistance to India’s civilian nuclear energy program, and expands U.S.-India cooperation in energy and
satellite technology.
How trumps administration has caused the erosion of US

• Facing many military, political and economic challenges worldwide, the United States has begun to
lose its global hegemony, with U.S. President Donald Trump’s election further contributing to the
trend. As a right-wing populist and ultra-nationalist, Trump declared ‘America First’ as his main
political discourse. However, his unilateralist foreign policy moves have led the U.S. down a self-
destructive path.

• Though the U.S. maintains its destructive power, it has lost its constructive influence. To be a
hegemon, it needs consent from and to be recognized by other states; but the U.S. has not pursued an
acceptable policy according to other global and regional actors. Under Trump’s leadership, the U.S.
has adopted unilateral policies on a global scale, while alienating all rival and partner states alike.

• Furthermore, the U.S. is hesitant and/or unable to provide global public goods anymore. It does not
contribute to the multilateral initiatives of global institutions

• Here are some of the foreign policy developments of the Trump administration that contributed to the
isolation of the U.S. and the increase of competition and tension between the global powers. Trump is
unilateralist and in principle rejects all multilateral international platforms. As an ultra-nationalist and
populist politician, he opposes universal norms, principles, rules and agreements.

• As soon as Trump came to power, he withdrew the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement and refused to
take measures concerning environmental protection. Subsequently, Trump unilaterally abandoned the Trans-
Pacific Partnership (TPP), an agreement targeting economic cooperation between East Asian countries and
the U.S. Another unilateral move of the Trump administration in economy was the increased metal tariffs,
which caused another crisis in the global economic system.

• Similarly, he unilaterally withdrew the U.S. from the Iranian nuclear deal signed by Iran and the five
permanent members of the U.N. Security Council; namely Britain, China, France, Russia and the U.S. plus
Germany. By doing so he disrespected the previous administration.

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