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Rationale Governance

RA 9155

Structure for Shared

Feedback Mechanism

SGC shall be an avenue SG shall be a feedback link

where the democratic between the school
process of consultation with
improving learning stakeholders and school
the school’s internal and management on school
external stakeholders in outcomes performance and service
decision making shall be Respecting, quality
observed protecting, fulfilling ,
and promoting the
rights of children and
learners in the basic
education context
a. provides the implementing guidelines on the establishment of SGC as
well as the structure, composition, membership, roles, and
responsibilities of SGC members, among others

b. shall be implemented nationwide in all public elementary and

secondary schools and shall include all school organizations such as the
School Planning Team ( SPT ), Parent-Teachers Association( PTA ),
Supreme Pupil Government(SPG)/Supreme Student Government (SSG),
DepEd-recognized teacher organizations, National Employees Union at
the school level, Alumni Associations, and other school
committees/associations/organizations in so far as their membership in
the SGC is concerned
Policy Statement

a. shall serve as overarching consultative and coordinating bodies for

all committees associations and organizations in their respective
b. shall form part of the school structure as an embodiment of the
principle of shared governance , mandated under RA 9155
c. aim to guide the schools in establishing functional SGCs that shall
synergize the work and effort of all
committees/associations/organizations through the harmonization of
programs, projects , and activities relevant to the achievement of
priority improvement areas and continuous improvement of school
operations toward school effectiveness
General Purpose

a. shall function as a structure for shared governance and a feedback

mechanism at the school level
b. shall not manage the school and shall not have a separate and
distinct juridical personality apart from the school
c. shall not replace the PTA, SPG/SSG, SPT, Alumni Association , CPC,
and other existing school committees/association/organizations
d. shall strengthen the school by synergizing the work of PTA, SPG/SSG,
SPT and AA, CPC with the efforts of other
committees/associations/organizations in the school through shared
governance , shared commitment, and shared accountability
General Purpose

e. shall be an avenue where the democratic process of consultation with

the school’s internal and external stakeholders in the decision-making
will be observed
f. shall be a feedback link between the school stakeholders and school
management on school performance and service quality
Functions of the SGC as a Structure for Shared

over-all coordinating
collective and body- synergize
serves as a platform
consultative body harmonize and out
to cultivate the
for school plans, together the work of
spirit of bayanihan
programs, and the different school
among stakeholders
strategic directions committees
Functions of the SGC as a Feedback Mechanism

assist the school in recommend ways of

ensuring improving the
improve and sustain transparency in its quality of basic
its feedback system operations and education services
performance and school
Specific Functions of the SGC
Specific Functions of the SGC
Specific Functions of the SGC
Specific Functions of the SGC
SGC Structure
Roles and Responsibilities of SGC Officers
Roles and Responsibilities of SGC Officers
Roles and Responsibilities of SGC Officers
Roles and Responsibilities of SGC Officers
Roles and Responsibilities of SGC Officers
Roles and Responsibilities of SGC Officers
Roles and Responsibilities of SGC Officers
Roles and Responsibilities of SGC Officers
Roles and Responsibilities of SGC Officers
Roles and Responsibilities of SGC Officers
Roles and Responsibilities of SGC Officers

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