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Performing Safe Navigational


Objective of this module is to train the students to perform a Safe Navigational

watch as required by Section A-VIII/2 & B-VIII/2 of International Convention
STCW 1978.

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Questions -
1) How will you decide the composition of a navigation bridge team?
2) Duties of OOW when keeping a navigational watch.
3) How will you carry out an effective watch handover.
4) What operational checks of equipment will you carry out during a navigational
5) Can you hand over a watch when in the middle of a navigational situation? Explain
your answer.
6) When should you report to the bridge for a navigational watch? Why?
7) What should be done if relieving officer is not fit for duty?
8) What is the difference between Master’s night orders and Master’s standing orders.

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Who can be in charge of a Navigational watch?

The officer in charge of the navigational or deck watch shall be

duly qualified in accordance with the provisions of chapter II, or
chapter VII of STCW Code appropriate to the duties related to
navigational or deck watchkeeping.
Chapter II – Master and Deck department.
Chapter VII – Alternative Certification

Sole Lookout
Bridge Manning – Watch conditions

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Manning the bridge:
When a ship is underway or at anchor bridge is manned by an Officer on watch(OOW) aided usually by
an Able seaman(AB) acting as lookout.

Generally master will be on the bridge and has the con when vessel is approaching or leaving the port,
high traffic density situations when the vessel is underway.

Bridge watch composition can consist of the following: OOW, Lookout, Master, Pilot, Extra lookout, Extra
officer depending on prevailing conditions.
Factors that influence bridge watch manning:
 Traffic density
 Port Arrival/Departure
 Visibility
 Weather conditions
 Security Level requirements.
 Proximity of navigational hazards.
 Emergency Scenarios
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Principles observed in keeping safe navigational watch.
 Master’s representative.
 Responsible for safe navigation of the ship in full compliance with
International Regulations for prevention of Collision at Sea.
 Presence of the master does not relieve the Officer on Watch(OOW)
of his responsibilities.
 Master may take over con by unambiguous advise to OOW.
 Watch should be performed in compliance with SMS, Master’s
standing orders and Master’s night orders as applicable.

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Duties of OOW when maintaining safe navigation watch at sea.
 Compliance with company’s navigational policies and requirements.
Effective watch hand over/take over.
Management of the bridge team.
Maintain a proper lookout.
Familiarity with bridge equipment.
Maintaining situational awareness.
Awareness of the ship.
Execution of the passage plan.
Navigation and control of the vessel.
Collision avoidance in compliance with COLREGS.
GMDSS watchkeeping.
Compliance with environmental requirements.
Monitoring performance of navigational equipment.
Recording bridge activity.
Management of emergency operations.
Security management.
Recording activities/occurrences during the watch.
Never hesitate to use helm/engine order.
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Effective watch handover
 Pertinent Information Exchange as per watch hand-over checklist in
company SMS.
 Relieving OOW should be fit for duty. During hours of darkness
sufficient time to be allowed to adjust for night vision.
 Officer handing over the watch should not hand over if the relieving
officer is not fit for duty.
 Relieving officer should verify ship’s position and status.
 Watch handover should be deferred till any action that is imminent,
or that starts before the watch has been handed over, is completed.
 Officer taking over the watch should not take over till he/she is
satisfied with the information exchange.
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Information exchange during watch handover:
 Ship’s position and proximity of navigational hazards.
 Intended track as per Passage Plan.
 Watch condition.
 Machinery status, defects affecting manoeuvrability.
 Steering mode
 Operational status and Alarm setting of Navigational equipment.
 Compass error.
Traffic Situation
 Reporting – Completed and Due.
 Draft, Heel/List, Trim
 Shallow water effect, Squat
 Work in progress: Crew working on deck, Ballast operations, Tank cleaning operations.
 Engine room status.
 Special Instructions from master.

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Operational checks and tests to be carried out before/during Navigational watch:
Navigational lights on
Verify position as per Position plotting interval, method of position fixing as per passage plan.
Compare Compasses
Compass error
Switch on echo sounder if required. Recorder on if depth less than twice the draft.
Check course recorder.
Radar- Range Scale, Targets acquired, log speed, PM
Steering Gear Test
Compare GPS positions.
Check visual aids – Shades, Binoculars
Check AIS data
Check Passage Plan
Check ECDIS – Confirm largest scale ENC in use
Check status of communication equipment – UHF, VHF, MF/HF
 Aldis lamp check
 Check VDR status
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