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Organization and Management
◦The exchange of information of information
and understanding.
◦Applies to all management functions and
its general purpose for the organization to
bring positive changes that influence
activities leading to the firms’ welfare.
Types of communication:
◦Verbal communication
refers to oral and written communication.

◦Non-Verbal communication
refers to the communication through body
movements, gustures, facial expression, eye
contact, or body contact.
Can also classified as:
◦ Formal Communication
If communication takes place within prescribed, routine
organizational work arrangements.
Ex. When the manager gives an assignment to a subordinate.

If communication is not fine by the organization’s heirarchical structure.
Ex. When employees talk to their frinds in the office about a weekend
party or a vacation which they plan to take.
Direction and Flow of Communication
◦ Vertical communication
Involves communication Flow between people belonging
to different organization levels.

◦ Upward communication
Is the flow of information from an employee who belongs
to higher hierarchical level.
◦ Downward communication
Is the flow of communication from the manager, who
belongs to lower hierarchical levels.

◦ Horizontal/Lateral communication
Takes place among employees belonging to the same
heirarchical level.

◦ Diagonal communication
Entails communicating with someone or others who
belong to different department/unit and hierarchical level.
Communication Network in Organization
◦ Chain Network
Where communication flows according to the usual formal chain
of command, downward and upward.

◦ Wheel Network
Where communication flows between a leader and other
members of their group/team.

◦ All-channel network
Where communication flows freely among members of the team.
Barriers to Communication
◦ Filtering
The shaping of information communicated in order to
make it look good or advantageous to the receiver.
◦ Emotions
The interpretation of communication which may be
influenced by extreme emotions felt by the receiver.
◦ Information overload
Another barrier to good communication since there are too
many pieces of information received by an individual may
have a negative effect on a person’s processing capacity.
◦ Defensiveness
The act of self-protection when people are
threatened by something/someone.
◦ Language
Could also hamper good communication because
words used may have different meanings to different
people belonging to different age, educational
background, or culture group.
◦ National culture
Just like language, the prevailing National culture may
also cause problems in communication among members
of an organization, especially if it is multinational
Overcoming Communication Barriers
◦ Using feedback
This is usually done by asking a question about a memo
sent to subordinates or by asking them to give their
comments or suggestions.
◦ Using simple language
This is done by avoiding uncommon terms and
flowery words that may cause misenterpretation.
◦ Active listening
This means listening well in order to grasp the full
meaning of the Communication.

◦ Controling emotions
◦ This is another method of overcoming communication
◦ Observing body language
This is also influences how communication is

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