Social Institution

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Understanding Social, Culture, and Politics

Social Institutions

By: Ms. Isidralin Umayam, LPT

Objectives:The students wil be able to
● Define institution
● Characteristics of Institution
● Functions of Institution
● Classification of Institution
Why do you think we need an
is a configuration or combination of
behavioral patterns shared by plurality
and focused upon the satisfaction of some
basic group needs.
Characteristics of Institutions

1.Institutions are purposive

2.Institutions are relatively permanent in their
3.The institution is structured.
4.Each institution is unified structure
5.The institution is necessarily value-laden
Functions of Institutions
1. Institutions simplify social behavior for the individual
2. Institutions therefore provide ready-made forms of social
relations and social roles for the individual.
3. Institutions also act as agencies of coordination and
stability for the total culture.
4. Institutions tend to control behavior. They contain the
systematic expectations of the society.
There are functions of institutions that are certainly
negative in their nature

1.The major negative functions of institutions is the way in which they

sometimes obstruct social progress. They tend to be rigid and discourage
changes since they conserve and stabilize social behavior. This
conservation function is two fold:
a. The institutions sometimes conserve patterns of behavior even when the
values represented by this behavior have become obsolete.
b. They sometimes conserve social values that are quite inconsistent with the
external behavior of the majority of the people.
2. Institutions sometimes serve to frustrate
the social personality of individuals.
3. Another negative function is the
diffusion of social responsibility.
Classification of Institutions

●Major institutions
●Subsidiary Institutions
Major institutions are those in which the largest
number of people participates that are essential to
the society, and that are considered most important
for the individual and for the economic, political,
religious , and recreational institutions
Subsidiary Institutions
●Minor, variable institutions can be
classified under one major institutions .
The Basic Major Institutions are the following:

1. Familial institution
● This is the system that regulates, stabilizes, and standardizes
sexual relations and the reproduction of the children.
● Its most widespread form is the monogamous union of male
and female living together with their children in a household.
The Basic Major Institutions are the following:

1. Familial institution
The sub-institutions of courtship, marriage, child
care, in-law relations, and many others are
contain under this main institution.
2. Educational Institution
● This is the basically the systematized process of
socialization occurring normally in the home and
in the general cultural environment, and the
formally in the complex educational arrangements
of the society.
3. Economic Institution
● This is the configuration of patterned social
behaviors through which material goods and
services are provided for the society.
4. Political Institution
● This functions primarily to satisfy the need for general
administration and public order in society.
● There are many sub-institutions within it such as legal,
police, and military systems; the forms of appointment ;
and the diplomatic relations with foreign countries.
5. Religious Institution
● This is the institution that satisfies man’s basic
social need for relationship with God.
● It includes moral and ethical systems indicating the
rightness or wrongness of bothe external and
conceptual patterns of behavior
● Subsidiary institutions are the lay -clerical
relationships, the systems of prayer, and the
arrangement for divine sacrifices.
● Practices of magic and superstitions are in
some places institutionalized by religious
6. Recreational Institutions
● This fulfills the social need for physical and mental
● Subsidiary institutions such as games, sports, dancing,
and swimming , as well the aesthetic systems of art,
music, painting, and drama.
The Institutional System as a Total Culture

According toe Fichter ( 1977) , “ The major institutions

are conceptualized as a complete and continuous
network in which both the total and all its segments are
a functioning system.” This is called the culture of
The Institutional System as a Total Culture

1. Once the pivotal institution is recognized, the position of the

remaining major institutions can be conceptualized as clustering
around it.
2. The major institutions can be identified by the objectives they are
pursuing , but their relative position of importance in any culture
can be judged by other criteria
The Institutional System as a Total Culture

3. The position and importance of any given institution can be

evaluated according to the degree of the interest and the amount of
time and energy people employ it.
Quiz #1

1.___is a configuration or combination of behavioral

patterns shared by plurality and focused upon the
satisfaction of some basic group needs.
a.system c. culture
b.institution d. agency
2. Which of the following does not show the
characteristics of institution
a. Institutions are not purposive
b. Institutions are relatively permanent in their
c.The institution is structured.
d. none of the above
3. Which of the following is the example of
economic institution?
a.Bank of the Philippine Islands
b.Department of Education
c.Department of Health
d. Supreme Court of the Philippines
4. Which of the following is an example of
religious institution?
a.Fitness First
b.Union Church Manila
c.Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
d.Senate of the Philippines
5. Which of the following is an example of
educational institution?
a.Security Bank
b.Red Cross
c.Sun Valley National High School
d.Paranaque National Police
6. _____are those in which the largest number of people
participates that are essential to the society, and that are
considered most important for the individual and for the
economic, political, religious , and recreational
a.major institution c. subsidiary institution
b.institution d. none of the above
7. Institutions can be biased.
b. False
8. . ____Its most widespread form is the monogamous
union of male and female living together with their children
in a household.
a. economic institution
b.political institution
c. recreational institution
d.familial institution
9. This is the configuration of patterned social
behaviors through which material goods and services
are provided for the society.
a. political institution
c.economic institution
d.religious institution
10.____This functions primarily to satisfy the need for
general administration and public order in society.
a. economic institution
b.recreational institution
c. political institutions
d.religious institution

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