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Principles Of

Management And Its

Application In KFC
I Would like to express my special thanks of
gratitude to my teacher as well as principle who
gave me the golden opportunity to do this
wonderful project on the topic principles of
management which also helped me in doing a lot
of research and I came to many new things I am
really thankful to them secondly I would also like
to thank my parents and friends who helped me a
lot in finalising this project within the limited time
This is to certify that Ayush Shrivastava
of class 12th has completed his project
under my supervision he has taken
proper care and shown almost sincerly
in the completion of this project I certify
that this project is upto my expectation
and as per the guidelines issuedbyCBSE
teacher’s signature examiner signature
Introduction of KFC
About The Outlet
KFC ( Kentucky Fried Chicken) is an American fast food restaurant chain
headquartered in Louisville Kentucky specialising in fried chicken. It is
the world second largest restaurant chain after McDonald with 22,621
locations in 150 countries as of December 2019. The chain is a
subsidiary of yum! Brands a restaurant company that owns the Pizza
Hut Taco Bell and Wingstreet Chains. KFC was founded by Colonel
Harland sanders an Entreprenuer who began selling fried chicken from
his roadside restaurant in the cabin Kentucky during the great
depression. Sanders identified the potential of the restaurant
franchising concept and the first ‘Kentucky fried chicken’ franchise
opened in Utah in 1952. KFC popularised chicken. In the fast-food
industry diversifying the market by challenging the established
dominance of the hamburger by branding himself as ‘Colonel Sanders’
Harland became a prominent figure in American cultural history and
his image remains widely used in KFC advertising to this day.
Visions And Mission Of KFC
KFC which is short for Kentucky Fried Chicken is the world largest fast-food
fried chicken chain. The company features more than 18,000 restaurants in
118 countries and territories. Overseen by CEO Muktesh pant the company
recently posted revenue of $23billion.
Vision: To be the leading integrated food services group in the ASEAN
region delivering consistent quality products and excellent customer food.
Mission: To maximise profitability improve shareholder value and
deliver sustainable growth after year.
Why KFC?
To achieve this project’s objective , we
needed an organisation where the
business is carried out on a large scale
and various activities are performed.
Therefore KFC was selected because it
is capable of fulfilling the purpose of
the project, It is suited nearby and
visiting it would be easy.
Survey Outlet:
Address: SN G 12 to 14 , 21 to 24,
GF, Glomax mall , p n 17 to 19,
near railway station road sector 2
Kharghar , Navi Mumbai ,
Maharashtra 410210
About Henry Fayol :
lifetime : 1841 to 1945
Birthplace : Born In France
Profession : mining engineer and management
Education: graduation from mining academy at ecole
des mines de saint-etienne in 1980.
position held : founded the mining company
compagnie de commentary fourchambault-
decazeville and became its managing director in
1888. At that time the company was nearly bankrupt.
1) Division Of Work: The separation of a work
process into a number of tasks, with each task
performed by a separate person or group of persons.
Application In KFC: KFC is based On the concept of
division of labour. It has a labour chart according to
which positions are assigned to every employee
according to their capabilities. Those workers who are
good at customer service are assigned as front staff,
and those who are good at making and preparation
are assigned in the kitchen.
Authority And Responsibility:Authority
means power to take decision. Responsibility
means obligation to complete the job assigned on
time. According to this principle there must be
balance or parity between the authority and
Application In KFC : In KFC's , it was observed that
each employee is given adequate authority to
perform his tasks along with the responsibility to
complete it in time. The employees give efficient
performance with the presence of required
authority, but do not have scope for misuse of
3) Discipline:  According to Fayol,
“Discipline means sincerity, obedience,
respect of authority & observance of rules
and regulations of the enterprise”.
Application In KFC: Good discipline is an
essential in all successful organization . on
the basis of my survey , I came to a
realisation that KFC's has clear and fair
agreements regarding working condition
and regulations in the organization .
4) Unity Of Command :  Unity of
command means that all the forces fall under one
responsible commander. It requires a single
commander with the requisite authority to direct all
forces in pursuit of a unified purpose. Simply put, it
means one mission, one boss.
Application In KFC :
An analysis of the organization structure of KFC's
clearly exhibits Unity of command. , being followed
at all the levels of the organization . there is clear
superior at each level of individual subordinate.
5) Unity Of Direction : 'One unit and one
plan' for the group of activities having the same
objective is the essence of this principle. It implies
that there should be one head and one plan for a
group of activities having the same objective.
Application In KFC: KFC is a beverage restaurant that
aims to serve the customer at its best. This principle is
more applicable in big enterprises like unity of command .
The front staff, which takes orders, are directed by one
manager who runs their order and instruction to the team
6) Subordination Of Individual interest into
general interest: Any individual's interest
that conflicts with an organizational
interest must be subordinated to the
interests of the organization.
Application In KFC : Selfishness laziness and
carelessness was always the central issue in KFC. KFC
has given a lot of benefits to their employees like 10%
off on their meals free drinks paid leaves etc., to feel
more associated with the organisations but
employees should have some faith in their
organisational benefit.
7) Remuneration : Provides for the
adequate remuneration to the employees,
motivates the employee to perform better, and
may ensure safety & security, raise standard of
living of the employees.
Application in KFC : KFC provides equal pay
rates to their employees which is standard pay
rates according to IRD and KFC also gives annual
leaves to their employees According to other
medical benefits fair remuneration creates a fair
environment in the organisation among staff.
8) Centralization And
decentralization: The concentration of
decision-making authority is called centralization
whereas its dispersal amongst a group is known as
decentralization. According to Fayol, there is a
need to balance subordinate involvement through
decentralization with managers' retention of final
authority through centralization.
Application in KFC : Centralization
as well as an accurate amount of
Decentralization is followed in KFC.
9) Scalar Chain :Scalar chain is a
chain of all supervisors from the top
management to the person working in
the lowest rank.
Application in KFC : Information in
KFC also follows the scalar chain. The
employees can’t directly talk to head
office. First they have to communicate
with the assistant restaurant manager.
Like this the scalar chain goes on.
10) Order : The principle of the order states that a
place should be fixed for everything and everyone and
everything and everyone should be in its place.
Essentially it means orderliness. If there is a fixed place
for everything and it is present there, then there will be
no hindrance in the activities of business/ factory.
Application in KFC: the principle is mainly used
at KFC before doing all the preparation we need to put
everything sorted in its place to avoid confusion in the
end moment. Every day the workplace gets cleaned and
workers change the plans for all the ingredients used.
11) Equity : Equity means combination of
fairness, kindness & justice. The employees
should be treated with kindness & equity if
devotion is expected of them. It implies that
managers should be fair and impartial while
dealing with the subordinates. They should give
similar treatment to people of similar position.
Application In KFC : KFC treat their employees
equally. No discrimination or racism is followed at
the restaurant. Each employee has given the same
respect and honours that the manager deals with
the grievances and problems very nice and
12) Stability Of Personnel :  The
management should provide the feeling of job
security among the employees because with the
feeling of insecurity they will not contribute
their maximum in the organisation.
Application In KFC: KFC makes sure that the
availability of the person whom the organisation
to organise the interview and training process
13) Initiative:According to Fayol, under this
principle, successful management provides an
opportunity to its employees to suggest new
ideas, experiences, and more convenient methods
of work. Fayol believed that employees should be
encouraged to take the initiative in the work
assigned to them.
Application In KFC : KFC understands the
importance of the employees hence the
employees are equally given a chance to feet free
to give any advice any suggestion or change they
something about the strategy.
14) Espirit De Corps : It is one of the
fourteen principles of management developed by
Fayol. He emphasized on the team work. According
to him, management must develop a feeling of
belongingn belongingness among the employees so
that they can contribute maximum to achieve the
team goal.
Application In KFC : Coordination of kitchen staff
fire station staff and production staff helps front
staff to feed the customers well. Without the good
and sound coordination the best service cannot be
given hence orders get delayed dissatisfaction of
customers and bad image of the organisation.
Checklist :
1) Division Of Work
2) Authority And Responsibility
3) Discipline
4) Unity Of Command
5) Unity Of Direction
6) Subordination
7) Remuneration
8) Centralization
9) Scalar chain
10) Order
11) Equity
12) Stability Of Personnel
13) Initiative
14) Esprit De Crops
The 14 principles of management can be used to
manage organizations and are useful tools for
forecasting planning process management organization
and control.
Although they are obvious many of these matters are
still used based on common sense in current
management practices in the organizational. It remains
a practical list with focus areas that are based on Henri
Fayol’s research which still applies today due to several
logical principles after studying all the principles of
Henri Fayol and it is clear that my organisational
because it ensures the smooth running of an

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