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Training and

• What business are we in?
• On what basis will we compete?
• What traits and skills do our employees need for us to achieve our
strategic goals?

• Train employees based on Job Requirements

• Making sure your employees do know what to do and how to do is
the purpose of orientation and training.
• The Orientation process
• The Employee Handbook
• Informal Orientation eg Infosys (Mysore) TCS
• Orientation Technology (IBM)
Training Process

• Training means giving new or existing employees the skills they

need to perform their jobs.
• High potential employees doesn’t provide guarantee.
• Many Indian firms have put in place a detailed orientation and
training schemes for new entrants.. Eg PSUs (NTPC,IOC, etc.)
private sector (GET), Software companies (intensive class room
based technical training)
Four steps in training

• Need Analysis
• Instructional Design
• Implement Program
• Evaluation
Task Analysis Record
Competency Model for human resource

A bird’s eye
view of the
job’s required
Assessing current employees’ training needs

• Performance analysis is the process of verifying that there is a

performance deficiency and determining whether the employer
should correct such deficiencies through training or some other
means like transferring the employee.
• Observation
• Interview
• Test of (k.s.a)
• Attitude surveys
• Saba software (analytical software)


On the job process
Types of Training

1. Coaching/ Understudy method

Acquiring skills by observing the supervisor or the trainee’s
supervisor trains the employee.
2.Job Rotation
moves from job to job at planned intervals
3. Apprenticeship training
4. Informal learning
5.Job Instruction Training
step by step training
6. Lectures
for a large group of (trainees)
7.Programmed Learning
Whether the medium is a textbook , PC, Internet PL is a step by
step self learning method.
8. Audio Visual Based Training
9.Vestibule Training
Trainee learn on the actual or simulated equipment they will
use on the job
10. Tele training and videoconferencing
11.Computer Based Training
12. Simulated Learning
Different things to different people
13. Internet Based Training
Performance Appraisal systems
and Reward Management
• ‘Appraisal systems measure employee performance against previously-
agreed goals, set future objectives and give staff guidance on their
developmental and training needs. They help managers identify both
achievements and shortfalls in performance, and give a framework to guide
future improvements

• Reward system refers to all the monetary, non-monetary and psychological

payments that an organization provides for its employees in exchange for the
work they perform.’

• Rewards schemes may include extrinsic and intrinsic rewards.

Types of reward scheme

• Base pay Base pay, or basic pay, is the minimum amount that an employee
receives for working for an organization.
• Performance-related pay Performance-related pay is a generic term for
reward systems where payments are made based on the performance,
either of the individual (individual performance-related pay) or a team of
employees (group performance-related schemes
•  Piecework schemes
• Under Piecework schemes, a price is paid for each unit of output. Piecework
schemes are the oldest form of performance pay, and were used for example
in the textile industries in Great Britain during the industrial revolution.
• Individual performance-related pay schemes
• Individual performance-related pay schemes are where the employee receives
either a bonus, or an increase in base pay on meeting previously agreed
objectives or based on assessment by their manager, or both. They are typically
used for middle managers in private sector organizations and for professional
•  Group-related performance-related pay schemes
• Group-related performance-related schemes are similar to individual, in that
rewards are paid based on the achievement of targets. However the targets are
set for a group of employees, such as a particular department, or branch of a
company, rather than for an individual.
•  Knowledge contingent pay
• Knowledge contingent pay is where an employee will receive a pay
rise or a bonus, or both, for work-related learning.
•  Commissions
• Commissions are a form of remuneration normally used for sales
staff. The staff may receive a low basic pay, but will then receive
commission, based on a percentage of the amount of their sales.
• The advantages of commission are that they should motivate sales
staff to achieve higher sales, as their rewards depend on it,
• Profit-related pay
• Profit-related pay is a type of group performance-related pay scheme where a
part of the employee’s remuneration is linked to the profits of the organization.
If the company’s profits hit a pre-determined threshold, a bonus will be paid to
all members of the scheme. Typically the bonus will be a percentage of the
basic pay.
• Stock option plans
• Stock option plans have become very popular since the 1990s, when greater
emphasis started to be given to shareholder value. Under stock option plans,
staff receive the right to buy shares in their company at a certain date in the
future, at a price agreed today.
• Pension schemes
• Defined benefit pension schemes used to be a popular form of reward.
Under such schemes, the employee pays a pension to former employees
based on their final salary, and the number of years that the employee
worked for the organization.
• Benefits in kind
• Benefits in kind (or indirect pay) are paid to employees in addition to their
base salary and performance-related pay. Benefits in kind include items
such as health insurance and meal vouchers. They are usually provided to
more junior staff in order to provide additional incentives at a lower cost. 

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