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Digital Technology, Data, and Devices

Module 2
Connecting and
The Internet,
Website, and Media
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Objectives Overview (1 of 2)

• Discuss the evolution of the Internet

• Briefly describe various broadband Internet
• Describe the purpose of an IP address and its
relationship to a domain name
• Describe features of browsers and identify the
components of a web address
• Describe ways to compose effective search text

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Objectives Overview (2 of 2)

• Explain benefits and risks of using online social

• Describe uses of various types of websites
• Explain how the web uses graphics, animation,
audio, video, and virtual reality
• Explain how email, email lists, Internet messaging,
chat rooms, online discussions, VoIP, and FTP
• Identify the rules of netiquette(etika di jaringan
dunia maya)

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The Internet (1 of 3)
• The Internet is a worldwide collection of networks
that connects millions of businesses, government
agencies, educational institutions, and individuals

Figure 2-1 People around the world use the internet in daily activities, such as accessing
information, exchanging messages, and conversing with others from their computers and mobile

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The Internet (2 of 3)

• The Internet originated as ARPANET in September

1969 and had two main goals:
– Allow scientists at different physical locations to share
information and work together
– Function even if part of the network were disabled or
destroyed by a disaster

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The Internet (3 of 3)

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Connecting to the Internet (1 of 10)

• With wired connections, a computer or device

physically attaches via a cable or wire to a
communications device
• Computers without a communications device can
use a wireless modem or other communications
device that enables wireless connectivity

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Connecting to the Internet (2 of 10)

Figure 2-2 Using a modem is one way to connect computers and mobile devices to the Internet.

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Connecting to the Internet (3 of 10)

• Wired
– Cable Internet service
– DSL (digital subscriber line)
– Fiber to the Premises (FTTP)
• Wireless
– Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity)
– Mobile broadband
– Fixed wireless
– Satellite Internet Service

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Connecting to the Internet (4 of 10)
• A hot spot is a wireless network that provides
Internet connections to mobile computers and

Figure 2-3 You can create a mobile hot spot using a communications device
or by tethering a smartphone.

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Connecting to the Internet (5 of 10)

• An Internet service provider (ISP) is a business

that provides individuals and organizations
access to the Internet free or for a fee
• Bandwidth is a measure of the capability of a
network to send and receive data
– Megabyte (MB)
– Gigabyte (GB)

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Connecting to the Internet (6 of 10)

Figure 2-4 This figure shows how a home user’s request for eBay’s webpage
might travel the internet using cable Internet service.

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Connecting to the Internet (7 of 10)

• An IP ADDRESS is a sequence of numbers that

uniquely identifies the location of each computer or
device connected to the Internet or any other
• A DOMAIN NAME is a text-based name that
corresponds(sepadan dengan) to the IP address of
a server
• A DNS SERVER translates the domain name into
its associated IP address

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Connecting to the Internet (8 of 10)

Figure 2-5 The IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, along with the domain name for
Google's website.

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Connecting to the Internet (9 of 10)
Table 2-3 Popular TLDs
TLD Intended Purpose
.biz Businesses
.com Commercial organizations, businesses, and companies
.edu Educational institutions
.gov Government agencies
.mil Military organizations
.museum Museums and individual museum professionals
.name Individuals
.net Network providers or commercial companies
.org Nonprofit organizations
.pro Licensed professionals
.technology Technology information
.travel Entities whose primary area of activity is in the travel industry

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Connecting to the Internet (10 of 10)

Figure 2-6 This figure show how a user’s entered domain name (
uses a DNS server to display a webpage (Google, in this case).

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How a Network Operates
• A network is a system of two of
more devices linked by wires,
cables, or a telecommunications
o Requires a combination of
hardware and software
• Some networks provide
connections to the Internet, which
requires the services of an
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
o Enables the network to
communicate with other networks
that are also connected to the
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Elements of a Connected Network
• Hub: transfers all data to all
• Switch: transfers data only to the
intended recipient(penerima)
• Router: device that connects two
or more networks
• Modem: communications device
that connects a communications
channel to a device
o Connects the network to the
Internet through an ISP
• Two main network types: home
and business
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Devices Necessary to Create a Network

• Requires two or more devices that need to

communicate, a way to communicate, and the
infrastructure to facilitate the communication
– A network interface card (NIC) is required for a
computer to connect to a network
– Cable modem/DSL modem

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Physical Connections Between Networks (1
of 3)
Table 10-1: Network Topologies
Topology Details

Bus network Wires on which All devices attach to a central cable, called a bus, which carries the data. If the bus fails,
data travels to and from the the devices on the network will no longer be able to communicate.
Ring network Data travels from one device to the next in a sequential fashion. If one device on the
network fails, communication on the network could cease to function. Ring networks are
no longer common.
Star network Each device on the network is attached to a central device such as a server or switch. If
the central device fails, the other devices will be unable to communicate. If a connected
device fails, all other devices will still be able to communicate. Two or more star
networks may be joined together using a bus to form a tree topology. Tree topologies
often are used in schools and businesses.

Mesh network All devices interconnect with each other. If a single device on the network fails, the rest
of the network will continue to function by communicating via an alternate route. Two
types of mesh topologies are a full mesh topology (each device on the network is
connected to every other device on the network) and a partial mesh technology (each
device may or may not be connected to all other devices on the network).

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Physical Connections Between Networks (2
of 3)
Network Architecture
• Determines the logical
design of all devices on a
o Client/server network
o Peer-to-peer (P2P)
o Cloud computing

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Physical Connections Between
Networks (3 of 3)
Geographic Reach
• Local area network (LAN) connects computers and
devices in a limited area
• Wide area network (WAN) connects devices in a
large geographic region
• Metropolitan area network (MAN) is operated by a
city or county
• Personal area network (PAN) connects personal
digital devices within 30 feet via Bluetooth
• Body area network (BAN) small, lightweight
biosensors implanted in the body
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Differences Between Various Types of
Table 10-2: Additional Network Types
Network type Description
Wired network Sends signals and data through cables, which may have to travel through floors
and walls to connect to other network devices. Wired networks tend to be more
secure and transmit data faster than wireless networks.

Wireless network A type of printer or Sends signals through airwaves, and usually do not require cables. Wireless
other device that is connected to networks tend to be more convenient and easier to set up than wired networks, but
either a wired or wireless network to can be less secure. Wireless networks make it possible to connect devices in
which you have access. locations where physical wiring is not possible or is difficult.

Intranet An internal network site A private network for use by authorized individuals. Organizations use intranets to
used by a group of people who communicate internally and can allow users to use a web browser to access data
work together. posted on webpages. Intranets are preferable when data being transferred should
not necessarily reach the Internet.

Extranet Allows outsiders (such as customers, vendors, and suppliers) to access an

organization’s intranet. For example, an extranet might be used if a supplier needs
to check a customer’s inventory levels before deciding whether to ship additional
Virtual private network (VPN) A private, secure path across a public network that allows authorized users secure
access to a company or other network. A VPN can allow an individual to access an
organization’s network by using encryption and other technologies to secure the
data transmitted along the path.

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Discuss Issues of Equity and Safety in a
Connected World
• Identify the risks and benefits associated with
using a connected network
• Explain how unauthorized network use threatens
communication technology
• Explain how to secure a network
• Secure data stored on a network
• Explain how to encrypt a network
• Explain the pros and cons of net neutrality

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Risks and Benefits with Using a Connected
• Benefits: sharing resources without regard to
geographic location; easier communication
• Risks
o Malware can install itself without permission
and damage or steal data from a computer or
o Hackers can gain access to personal data
o Phishing
o Social engineering
o Denial of service (DoS) attack
▪ Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack
▪ Zombie

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How Unauthorized Network Use Threatens
• When hackers can connect to the same network
as the computer they wish to target, it is easier
to obtain information
• Data also might be exposed by connecting to a
fraudulent(penipuan) network
– When connecting to a public Wi-Fi network, one
should not enter confidential information on websites
or send personal data in email
– Evil twin

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How to Secure a Network
• Authentication
o User name and a strong
o Biometrics
• Firewall
o Hardware firewalls
o Software firewalls
• Encryption

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How to Encrypt a Network

• Encryption is the process of converting data so that

it is unrecognizable when it is transmitted on a
network or stored on a storage device, except to
users who enter the correct password
• Ensure that wireless networks support encryption so
that data cannot be intercepted easily by others
– Encrypted wireless networks often use a wireless network
key to encrypt data sent between devices
– One common type of encryption on home routers is WPA2

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Following Network Standards and
Protocols (1 of 3)
Table 10-4: Network Standards

Network standard Common use

Ethernet Most wired networks
Power over Ethernet (PoE) Devices requiring network
connectivity and power to be
supplied by the network
Phoneline/HomePNA and Networks using telephone lines to
Powerline connect computers and devices
Wi-Fi Home and small business networks
L TE Voice and data transmission on
cellular networks

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Following Network Standards and Protocols
(2 of 3)

• Computers communicating with each other on a

network must follow a common set of rules for
exchanging information, or protocols
– TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
• Cellular Networks: millions of people use their
mobile phones to access the Internet
– Cellular networks can provide Internet services in most
locations where cellular service is offered
– 4G and 5G networks provide higher speed data

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Following Network Standards and
Protocols (3 of 3)
Table 10-5: Close-Distance Network Protocols

Network protocol Common use

Bluetooth Devices communicating with each other
over a short range (usually less than 30
feet/9 meters)
RFID (radio frequency Radio signals transmitted through
identification) antennas, often found in tollbooth
transponders or embedded chips in
NFC (near field Used in credit cards, smartphones, and
communication) tickets to facilitate close-range
IrDA Remote controls or other data
transmission within close proximity

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The World Wide Web (1 of 5)
• The World Wide Web (WWW), or web, consists of
a worldwide collection of electronic documents
• A website is a collection of related webpages and
associated items
• A web server is a computer that delivers requested
webpages to your computer or mobile device
• HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a set of
symbols that developers use to specify the
headings, paragraphs, images, links, and other
content elements that a webpage contains
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The World Wide Web (2 of 5)

• A browser is an application that enables users with

an Internet connection to access and view
webpages on a computer or mobile device
– Internet-capable mobile devices such as smartphones
use a special type of browser, called a mobile browser
• A home page is the first page that a website
• Current browsers typically support tabbed

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The World Wide Web (3 of 5)

Figure 2-7 Many websites, such as the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention shown here, provide a mobile version that is designed specifically
for display on a mobile browser.

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The World Wide Web (4 of 5)
• A webpage has a unique address, called a web
address or URL

Figure 2-8 After entering

in the address bar and then pressing the ENTER key or clicking the
Search, Go, or similar button in a browser, the U.S. Department of the
Interior National Park Service home page shown here is displayed.
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Apply Information Literacy to Web Searches

• Define information literacy

• Explain how search engines work
• Use search tools and strategies
• Refine(perhalusi) web searches

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Conduct Online Research
• Use specialty search engines
• Evaluate online information
Gather content from online sources(follow ethical guidelie)
• Apply information literacy standards(citation)

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Use Specialty Search Engines
Specialty Search Engines
• Let one search information sources that general search
engines do not always access
Search tool What it does
Wolfram Answers factual questions directly, without listing
Alpha webpages that might contain the answer
RhythmOne Finds videos or other multimedia; uses speech
recognition to match the audio part of a video with
your search term
Ask a Connects you to librarians at the Library of Congress
Librarian and other libraries; allows you to engage in an online
chat or submit your question in an online form
TinEye Does a reverse search for submitted images, rather
than keywords, to locate the original image and
match it with other indexed images
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Evaluate Online Information

The CARS Checklist

• Credibility: identify the author and
check credentials
• Accuracy: verify facts and claims,
check for bias
• Reasonableness: examine whether the
claims are fair and sensible
• Support: look for reputable sources and

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Gather Content from Online Sources
Follow Ethical Guidelines
• Copying photos might violate intellectual
property rights
• A copyright gives authors and artists the legal
right to sell, publish, or distribute an original work
• Some online resources are protected by digital
rights management (DRM), which limit access
to propriety rights
• Some material is in the public domain and can
be used without permission
• The fair use doctrine allows one to use a
sentence or paragraph of text without permission
with citation to the original source
• Creative Commons (CC): a nonprofit
organization that helps content creators keep
copyright to their materials while allowing others
to use, copy, or distribute their work
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Apply Information Literacy Standards
Citing Sources
• A citation is a formal reference to a source
• Each type of information source uses a different citation
• Failure to cite sources, even if some of the words are
changed or paraphrased, is plagiarism

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The World Wide Web (5 of 5)
• A web app is an application stored on a web server that
you access through a browser
– Web apps usually store users’ data and information on their
hosts’ servers

Figure 2-9 Web and mobile apps often work together, enabling you to
access your content from a variety of computers and devices.

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Types of Websites (1 of 8)

• A web search engine is software that finds

websites, webpages, images, videos, news, maps,
and other information related to a specific topic
• A subject directory classifies webpages in an
organized set of categories, such as sports or
shopping, and related subcategories

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Identify Types of Websites
Banking and Entertainment Portals
Blogs Government or Retail and
organization auctions
Bookmarking Health and fitness Science
Business Information and Search sites
Careers and Mapping Travel and
employment tourism
Content Media sharing Website
aggregation creation and
E-commerce News, weather, Web apps
sports, and other and software
mass media as a service
educational Online social Wikis and
networks collaboration
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Types of Websites (8 of 8)
• Web publishing is the creation and maintenance
of websites

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Explain the Pros and Cons of Web Apps

Pros Cons
Access web apps from any You must be online to use web
device with a browser and apps.
Internet connection.
Collaborate with others no Your files are more
matter their location. vulnerable(terdedah) to security
and privacy violations.
Store your work on the app’s If the web app provider has
website so you can access it technical problems, you might
anytime and anywhere. not be able to access your
Save storage space on your If the web app provider goes out
device of business, you can lose your
Access the latest version of the Web apps often offer fewer
app without installing updates. features and may run more
slowly than installed apps.
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Identify Secure and Insecure Websites
Secure Websites
• Use encryption to safeguard
transmitted information
• Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Secure (HTTPS)
• Use digital certificates to
vouch for authenticity of the
• Lock icon
• Requires sign-in with
username/password before
entering sensitive information

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Use E-Commerce
• Explain the role of e-commerce in daily life
• Use e-commerce in business transactions
• Use e-commerce in personal transactions
• Explain how to find e-commerce deals

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Explain the Role of E-Commerce in
Daily Life (1 of 2)
Types of e-commerce
Type of E- Description Example
Business-to- Involves the sale of Shopping websites
consumer (B2C) goods and services
to the general public
Consumer-to- Occurs when one Online auctions
consumer (C2C) consumer sells
directly to another
Business-to- Consists of business Market research
business (B2B) providing goods and websites
services to other

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Explain the Role of E-Commerce
in Daily Life (2 of 2)
Pros and cons of e-commerce for consumers
• Pros
– Variety
– Convenience
– Budget
• Cons
– Security
– Fraud(penipuan)
– Indirect experience

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Use E-Commerce in Business Transactions
B2B E-Commerce
• Transferring goods, services, or information between
• Pricing can vary based upon the level of service provided,
negotiated terms, and other factors
• A team of people often review and make a purchasing decision

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Use E-Commerce in Personal Transactions
• Electronic storefront
• Tracks your selected items
using cookies
• Make secure e-commerce
o 3D Secure
o Transport Layer Security (TL
o Online payment services

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Explain How to Find E-Commerce Deals
Find Online Deals
• Comparison shopping
• Using digital deals
o Gift certificates
o Gift cards
o Coupons

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Digital Media on the Web (1 of 7)
• Multimedia refers to any application that combines
text with media
– Graphics
– Animation
– Audio
– Video
– Virtual Reality

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Define Digital Graphics
• Digital graphic: an image you
can see, store, and manipulate
on a computer or digital device
o Bitmap graphics: assign colors
to pixels
o Vector graphics: shapes,
curves, lines, and text created
by mathematical formulas
• Properties that affect quality
o Resolution
o Compression
▪ Lossy compression
▪ Lossless compression
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Digital Media File Formats (1 of 5)
Table 7-1: Common Graphics File Formats
Graphic file File extension Best use / Notes
GIF .gif (Graphics Simple web graphics and short web animations
Interchange Format) Format is limited to 256 colors; supports transparency; small file size makes it
good for websites
J P EG .jpeg or .jpg (Joint Photos on the web
Photographic Experts Images have rich colors, but discard some data to reduce file size, which can
Group) affect quality
PN G .png (Portable Network Logos, icons, and illustrations
Graphics) Images have good quality even when highly compressed; supports 16 million
colors; better quality and smaller file size than GIF
TI F .tif or .tiff (Tagged Image High-quality photos and printed graphics
File Format) Large file size is better suited for print than web use
EP S .eps (Encapsulated Logos and other illustrations that are frequently resized
PostScript) A standard format for exporting vector graphics without data loss
SV G .svg (Scalable Vector Illustrations on the web
Graphics) Developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C); allows interactivity and

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Digital Media File Formats (2 of 5)
Table 7-2: Common Audio File Formats
File format File Compression Notes
AAC and M4P .aac Lossy Apple uses these formats for
and .m4p iTunes downloads
AIFF (Audio .aiff or .aif None Files are large; good to excellent
Interchange File sound quality
MP3 .mp3 Lossy Common format for music and
audio books; most digital audio
devices can play MP3 files

WAVE or WAV .wav None Files are large; good to excellent

(Waveform Audio) sound quality
WMA (Windows .wma Lossless Played using Windows Media
Media Audio) Player; also copy-protected

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Digital Media File Formats (3 of 5)
Table 7-3: Common Video Codecs
Name Compatible with Best use / Notes
DivX AVI video container Commercial video production
Provides the highest video quality at
the expense of file size
H.264 MP4 video container Playing on playback devices or
streaming services
Common, efficient codec; preferred for
YouTube videos
H.265 MP4 video container Very high resolution videos
New video codec; also called HEVC
MPEG-2 MP4 and Quicktime DVDs, Blu-ray discs, professional-
containers grade cameras
Not used for streaming services
MPEG-4 Wide range of Online streaming services
compatibility Common codec providing good quality

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Digital Media File Formats (4 of 5)
Table 7-4: Common Graphics File Formats
Name File size and quality Best use / Notes
AVI (.avi) Files are often larger than Videos to store on a
others computer
One of the oldest and
most accepted formats
MP4 (.mp4) Relatively small files and Nearly universal
high quality Websites such as
YouTube and Vimeo prefer
MP4 files
Quicktime (.mov) Large files with high Playback on Apple devices
quality Developed by Apple

Windows Media (.wmv) Small file size with Sharing with others and
reduced quality posting on the web
Developed by Microsoft

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Digital Media File Formats (5 of 5)

Video File Resolutions

• Standard Definition (SD): 640 × 360 and 720 ×
• High Definition (HD): 1280 × 720 (720p) and
1920 × 1080 (1080p or Full HD)
• Ultra High Definition (UHD): 3840 × 2160
(2160p), 4K standard; 7840 × 4320 (4320p), 8K
• In most cases, Full HD balance high-quality
playback with smaller file sizes that download
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Digital Media on the Web (3 of 8)

Figure 2-22 Many webpages use colorful graphics to convey messages. For
example, the variety of colors, images, shapes, and thumbnails on the San
Diego Zoo webpage visually separate and draw attention to areas of the
webpage, making the webpage more dynamic and enticing.

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Digital Media on the Web (4 of 8)
• An infographic is a visual representation of data
and information, designed to communicate
quickly, simplify complex concepts, or present
patterns or trends

Figure 2-23 An infographic presents complex concepts at a glance.

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Compare 2-D and 3-D Animation
• 2-D animation displays 2-D images
in rapid sequence to create the
illusion of lifelike motion
o In-betweening
• 3-D animation displays 3-D objects
or models in rapid sequence to
create the illusion of natural motion
o Have volume and can rotate 360
o Rendering: apply highlights and
shadows to a wireframe drawing
o Keyframe
o Stop motion animation

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Digital Media on the Web (9 of 11)

• Video consists of images displayed in motion

• Virtual reality (VR) is the use of computers to
simulate a real or imagined environment that
appears as a three-dimensional (3-D) space

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Digital Media on the Web (10 of 11)

Figure 2-25 Users can explore a VR world using a touch screen or their input
device. For example, users can explore the inside of the Gemini 7 space
capsule, located at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington,
D.C., from their computer or mobile device.

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Digital Media on the Web (11 of 11)

• A plug-in, or add-on, is a program that extends the

capability of a browser

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Using Varied Sources of Digital Media
• Use gaming systems
• Use animations across
digital media platforms
• Use graphics across
digital media platforms
• Use computer-aided
technology across digital
media platforms
• Stream digital media

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Use Gaming Systems (1 of 2)
Set Up a Gaming System
• Most games are played
on game consoles
o VR gaming system: run
on desktops and include
a headset, controllers,
and sensors to track
▪ Mixed reality
▪ Holograms
• Motion-sensing game

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Use Gaming Systems (2 of 2)
Mobile Gaming
• Self-contained portable devices that fit in one hand
• The first to popularize augmented(ditambah) reality
• (AR) gaming

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Use Animations Across Digital Media
• Simulations:
computer animations that
are useful for training and
• PowerPoint transitions: a
simple use for animation
• Animations on the Web
o Animated GIF
o HTML 5: does not require
plug-in software (Flash)
• Animations in Entertainment
o Real-time animation
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Use Graphics Across Digital Media
• Use graphics to add
dramatic or informative
• Logos on business
documents and websites
increase brand awareness
• Online stock photo
galleries provide graphics
that can be downloaded,
using for a fee
• Search engines provide a
license filter to find
images that can be used
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Computer-Aided Technology Across
Digital Media Platforms
• Uses computers to help design, analyze and manufacture
• Computer-aided design (CAD) software creates highly
detailed and technically accurate drawings
o 3-D CAD software creates wireframe drawings
o Uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help automate design tasks
▪ Machine learning: a branch of AI that trains machines to learn
from data, identify patterns, and make decisions to progressively
improve performance

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Streaming Digital Media
• Receiving audio or video content on
your computer from a server
o On-demand content
o Live video streaming
• Smart TVs and streaming devices
o Smart TVs: connect to a wi-fi network
to view Internet content
o TV stick/set-top box: allows the
streaming of T V shows and movies
from subscription services
• Stream digital audio
o Live audio feeds

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Record and Edit Digital Media
• Create graphics and
• Record and play sounds
and music
• Develop original videos
• Edit digital media files

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Create Graphics and Animation (1 of 2)
Hardware devices
• Digital camera creates a digital
image of an object, person, or
o Smartphone camera provide
• Use a graphics tablet to create
drawings with a pressure-
sensitive pen
• Scanner converts a printed
document into a bitmap file by
diving the image into a grid of
tiny cells and assigned colors to
each cell
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Create Graphics and Animation (2 of 2)
Graphics Software
• Image-editing software: modify existing
• Drawing programs create simple vector
• Photo-editing software: enhance and
retouch photographs
• Animation software
o Add animation to digital graphics and
o Create animated content from scratch for
cartoons, movies, games
o Create and display animations for
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Record and Play Sounds and Music (1 of 4)
• To record voice-overs and save recordings
for playback on a computer the following is
o An audio input device, such as a microphone
or headset
o Sound recorder software
o Software that can digitize the captured sound
or convert it
• To play music files, the following is required:
o A sound card
o Speakers
o Audio software
o Some files require a stand-alone player
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Record and Play Sounds and Music (2 of 4)
Use Synthesized Music
• Created as a digital file from
the start using electronic
• Musicians play synthesizers to
mimic sounds from acoustic or
electric instruments or to
produce unusual sounds that
other instruments cannot
• MIDI (Musical Instrument
Digital Interface) converts
electric current to digital form

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Record and Play Sounds and Music (3 of 4)
Speech and Voice Recognition Software
• Speech recognition lets a device or software identify the
words one speaks and converts them to a format the device
can read
• Digital assistants combine AI with speech recognition
• Voice recognition determines who is speaker rather than what
is being said; used as a security measure

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Record and Play Sounds and Music (4 of 4)
Use Synthesized Speech
• Text-to-speech software accepts text as input and
generates speech as output
o Creates synthesized speech

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Develop Original Videos (1 of 3)
Capture Video
• One can use a digital video camera, camcorder, or
smartphone to capture full-motion images and store them
in a file on the camera or phone
• Webcams capture video and send it directly to a
• Digital video files are large (1 to 30 GB for each hour of

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Develop Original Videos (2 of 3)

Play Video
• A screen, speakers, and a video card is
required to watch video
• Media player software is required
• Digital video files are large (1 to 30 G B for each
hour of video)

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Develop Original Videos (3 of 3)

Access Video on the Web

• Fast Internet connections have made watching
videos on computers and mobile devices almost
as popular as watching television
• People use websites to share personal videos
• Video conferencing(persidangan) is
increasingly being used in business settings,
as well as by friends and families

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Edit Digital Medias Files
• Video editing software allows
one to enhance and customize
o Most software shows the video
as a timeline with sperate tracks
for video and sound
• Audio capture and editing
software allows one to edit,
copy, and share digital audio
• Music production software
lets one record, compose, mix,
and edit music and sounds

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Other Internet Services (1 of 11)

• Email is the transmission of messages and files via

a computer network
• An email program allows you to create, send,
receive, forward, store, print, and delete email

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Other Internet Services (2 of 11)

Figure 2-26 This figure shows how an email message may travel from a
sender to a receiver.

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Other Internet Services (3 of 11)
• An email list is a group of email addresses used
for mass distribution of a message

Figure 2-27 When you subscribe to a mailing list, you and all others in the list
receive messages from the website. Shown here is a user who receives
newsletters and alerts from FoxNews .com.

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Other Internet Services (4 of 11)

• Internet messaging services, which often occur in

real-time, are communications services that notify
you when one or more of your established contacts
are online and then allows you to exchange
messages or files or join a private chat room with

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Other Internet Services (5 of 11)

Figure 2-28 With Internet messaging services, you and the person(s) with whom
you are conversing are online at the same time. The conversation appears on all
parties' screens at the same time. Shown here is Facebook messenger.

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Other Internet Services (6 of 11)

• A chat is a real-time typed conversation that takes

place on a computer or mobile device with many
other online users
• A chat room is a website or application that
permits users to chat with others who are online at
the same time

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Other Internet Services (7 of 11)

Figure 2-29 As you type, others in the same chat room see what you have typed.

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Other Internet Services (8 of 11)

• An online discussion is an online area in which

users have written discussions about a particular

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Other Internet Services (9 of 11)

Figure 2-30 Users in an line discussion read and reply to other user’s

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Other Internet Services (10 of 11)
VoIP (Voice over IP) Enables Users To Speak To
Other Users Via Their Internet Connection

Source: Microsoft

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Other Internet Services (11 of 11)

• FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an Internet standard

that permits file uploading and downloading to and
from other computers on the Internet
• Many operating systems include FTP capabilities
• An FTP server is a computer that allows users to
upload and/or download files using FTP

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• Netiquette is the code of acceptable Internet
behavior users should follow while on the

Figure 2-31 Some of the rules of netiquette, with respect to online communications.
Source: Microsoft
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Describe Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
of a Digital Citizen (1 of 3)
• How digital technology has
revolutionized society
• Characteristics of digital citizenship
• Describe the legal, ethical, and moral
issues caused by technology
• Describe digital inclusion and the
importance of digital access
• Describe how to create online content
without infringing on copyright

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Describe Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
of a Digital Citizen (2 of 3)
• Digital ethics is the set of legal and
moral guidelines that govern the use of
– A digital citizen is anyone who uses or
interacts with technology at work or in daily
life for productivity or entertainment
• Many laws are being debated, revised,
and passed to deal with how
technology complicates problems
– Distracted driving means driving a vehicle
while focusing on other activities, typically
involving an electronic device such as a
cell phone
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Describe Legal and Ethical
Responsibilities of a Digital Citizen (3 of 3)

Figure 14-2: Tips for avoiding

distracted driving
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How Digital Technology Has Revolutionized
• You are likely to live a digital lifestyle,
using a variety of technologies for work
and play
– Smartphones
– Tablets
– Laptops
– Smart devices

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Characteristics of Digital Citizenship

• Digital literacy: having a current knowledge and

understanding of technology and an ability to use it,
combined with an awareness of commonly used
– Digital citizenship: ethical, legal, and productive use of
• Acceptable use policy (AUP): document that lists
guidelines and repercussions(kesan) of use of the
Internet and other digital company resources,
including network storage, and email servers
– Distributed in part to reduce an organization’s liability and to
clarify what is and isn’t a fire-able offense
– Includes code of conduct
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Describe the Legal, Ethical, and Moral
Issues Caused by Technology
• Technology use can have legal, ethical, and moral

Figure 14-6: There are many

gray areas when determining
how to use technology

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Describe Digital Inclusion and the
Importance of Digital Access
• The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of all
products and equipment that contain processors and
can communicate with one another via the Internet
– IoT-enabled devices can be controlled or programmed by
apps, voice, or motion
• Some people cannot afford IoT technologies, or lack
the necessary access to high-speed, uncensored
Internet connections, putting them at a disadvantage
– The digital divide is the gap between those who have
access to technology and its resources and information and
those who do not

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Describe How to Create Online
Content without Infringing(melanggar)
Area on Copyright Protections
Intellectual property Legal rights protecting those who create works such as photos, art,
rights writing, inventions, and music
Copyright An originator’s exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, or sell
intellectual property
Digital rights A collection of technologies used by software publishers and trade
management groups to fight software piracy and prevent unauthorized copying of
(DRM) digital content; includes authentication, certificates of authenticity,
encryption, and digital watermarks
Public domain An item available to the public without requiring permission to use, and
therefore not subject to copyright
Fair use doctrine A section of U.S. copyright law that permits the limited use of a part of a
work without permission for non-commercial or educational purposes, as
long as you include a citation to the original source; limits on fair use
have to do with the overall impact of reuse on the value of the work, the
nature of the work (for example, song lyrics have different limitations than
research papers), and the amount of the work cited
Creative Commons A non-profit organization that makes it easy for content creators to
license andTable share14-2: their Content
work by supplying easy-to-understand copyright
licenses that allow the creator
protection terms to choose the conditions under which the
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How to be a Responsible Digital Citizen (1 of

• Recognize how to cultivate a polite online presence

• Describe what makes an online source reliable
• Describe how to develop accessible online content
• Identify best practices for avoiding risks related
to digital technology
• Explain how to create a digital wellness plan
• Identify best practices for responsible tech disposal

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How to be a Responsible Digital Citizen (2 of 2)

• Technology changes so quickly that it

often raises issues not covered by
current law
– Responsible digital citizens must
sometimes make their own decisions about
what’s right and what’s wrong
▪ The first step in evaluating a situation
involving digital ethics is to consider
whether an action would be acceptable if it
were done without using technology

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Describe What Makes an Online Source Reliable (1 of 2)

• The Internet makes vast amounts of information

easily available, but a great deal of it is inaccurate
and biased
– Content published by libraries, universities, professional
organizations, and governmental agencies tends to be
– If the responsible organization or author of content is
unknown to you, research the source by name to see if
others view it as a respected authority
– It’s important to be especially careful when using a wiki,
which is a collaborative website that allows users to publish
and modify content on a webpage

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Describe What Makes an Online Source
Reliable (2 of 2)

Figure 14-10: Wikipedia is a collaborative website that allows users to

publish and modify content

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Describe How to Develop Accessible Online
Content (1 of 2)
• The Americans with Disabilities Act requires online
content, including websites, to be accessible to people
with disabilities
o Accessibility refers to content that is adaptable or available
to users who require assistance

Figure 14-11: Good alt text

provides visual descriptions

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Describe How to Develop Accessible
Online Content (2 of 2)

Figure 14-12: Technology raises many ethical and

legal questions
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Identify Best Practices for Avoiding Risks
Related to Digital Technology
• Experts recommend taking occasional
breaks from digital devices
– A digital detox is a period of time during
which an individual refrains(menahan diri)
from using technology
▪ Has behavioral health benefits, including
better sleep, less anxiety, and more
productive thought
▪ Can help alleviate(mengurangkan) physical
problems such as eye strain and repetitive
stress injuries

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Explain How to Create a Digital Wellness
Plan (1 of 2)
• To prevent or reduce the physical
effects of long-term technology use,
follow these practices:
– Take hourly breaks
– Correct your posture
– Don’t text and walk
– Stand up while you work at your desk
– Resist succumbing to a sedentary lifestyle

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Explain How to Create a Digital Wellness
Plan (2 of 2)
• To prevent or reduce the behavioral
health effects of long-term technology
use, follow these practices:
– Take frequent breaks and consider a digital
– Turn off devices at least an hour before
– Use social media moderately
– Restrict use of devices during social
– Safeguard your identity and privacy to
avoid identity theft or invasions of privacy
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Identify Best Practices for Responsible Tech
• Before you dispose of or recycle a
device, store or back up data
– Encrypt the device’s contents and reset the
device to its factory settings
• Three responsible methods for
disposing of devices:
– Take or send it to a recycling facility or
designated drop-off center
– Donate it to a charity, senior organization,
homeless or domestic violence shelter, or
other non-profit
– Bring it to a technology store or firm
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