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Build and

Ally analysis

Amazon Inc -Aws
Implementation strategy
• Amazon Inc has since been on the frontrunner on the Ecommerce, Logistics and Cloud
Computing sectors.

• The everything store is also investing its efforts to fortify entertainment, gaming and e-
pharmacy markets into its portfolio.

• The company needs to develop unique strategies to consolidate the markest share in every sector.

• Out of all, the company needs to focus on its cloud business, health care and entertainment
sectors to solidify the revenue and to increase penetration in to wider markets.

• Aws is the leading cloud platform and profit pumping entity of amazon.

• Despite the motive of customer loyalty program, the Prime platform can emerge as a
entertainment giant .

• The long term future seems fruitful for amazon healthcare entity Amazon care with sound
Cloud Computing- Buy build ally analysis
• Amazon web services is the leader of cloud market with its 32% share, 2 million servers, vast infra and customer base and sound financials.

Buy& build:
• Aws relies on salesforce for CRM tool which is symbiotic alliance of aws getting Crm and providing its cloud service ecosystem to the later.
• But salesforce acquisition of slack increased its reputation and market seems promising for it.
• So aws need to build a brand new CRM and also need to buyout other Crm and integrate them
to devlop a brand new popular CRm like Slack to attain the CRM market.

Ally with companies:

• Although aws ranks second in web hosting, it has a potential to make it into niche with stronger partnerships and technological assistance
with other hosting platforms.
• Aws datacentres pledged to be sustainable by 2030 but the target seems quite impossible with the present works.
• Despite of building its own infra of REs, it can partner with RE giants to provide the infra to generate clean energy to them and the surplus is
shared among the partners in a mutually beneficial ratio.
Entertainment- Buy build ally analysis
• Amazon web services is the leader of cloud market with its 32% share, 2 million servers, vast infra and customer base and sound financials.
Buy& build:
• From selling DVDs & CDs, amazon came a long way to present and make its original content through its prime platform.
• Entertainment industry seems exponential growth after the Covid waves and Otts seem to attract more subscribers in next decade.
• Prime needs to build separate ecosystems for producing quality content in popular regional lanuages.
• With already acquired Imdb, Mgm studios prime seems to aquire Amc theatres to reinforce its footprint in entertainment industry.

Ally with companies:

• Although amazon prime delivering promising content, it’s reputation in content making would be elated with partnering with production
houses makes a win - win situation for both the parties.
• Aws allied with 8 ott platforms eros now, discovery+etc to give access to 10000 titles.
• And in coming future prime should be ready to partner with struggling otts and reputed entities inorder to strengthen its portfoloio
Health Care- Buy build ally analysis
• Amazon can emerge as a leader in health sector with its deep pockets, exceptional logistics network, massive data and It technological
assets, motivated work force.
• Buy& build:
• With its brick and mortar store chain Whole Foods acquisition, amazon got a cool space for its innovation.
• Amazon with its technological advancements need to develop manufacturing, developing , r&d facilities for producing durable medical
equipment and supplies.
• Amazon need to develop its devices alexa and echo to ease booking visits of physicians or facilitating inhome virtual video calls.
• With already acquired PillPack, one medical amazon kickstarted a smooth campaign and it needs to be toughened with stronger brand
acquisitions in health care and insurance entities.
Ally with companies:
• Partnership with medical giants by providing its cloud services and investing in those firms will create a
Symbiotic collaboration to lubricate the penetration into health sector.
• Partnering with giant pharmacy managers like express scripts to obtain their pharmaceutical networks.
• 2022 :
• Amazon although seems making profits, the lion share of profit is from Aws. Hence amazon first most priority should be cutting losses from the retail
• Amazon Web Services also seems great with 39% increase to clinch $18.44Bn revenue, the operational costs also increased to 6.52, 57% higher than the
previous quarter. The cloud will shower more revenue if the expenses are cutdown.
• As MGM Studios acquisition gives IP of characters like James Bond and more, Amazon can start making series on these characters to build franchises like
Disney and also reduce the burden of license and royalties.
• Amazon may take a wait and watch approach in health sector up to end of this year as the $3.8Tn involves numerous efforts to win your stake.

• 2023:
• The primary goal for the year should be reducing carbon footprint by deploying 25000 electrical vehicles from Rivian, building or allying to generate at
least 38% renewable energy for reaching the green pledges and commitments.
• The tech giant need to invest more in R&D and constitute the expert committees to lead the 5G and Wifi 6E, industrial revolution 5.0 with its innovation.
• The health care wing also need to be focused on full scale by preparing the businesses to comply with government regulations and also developing the
acquired entities Pillpack, One Medical to offer the services to their full extent.
• Making atleast 25% Wholefoods stores as Amazon Hyper stores and incorporating the store spaces to generate green energy.
• 2024 :
• Amazon need to fulfil its promise of making its 80% of operations powered by end of this year.
• Amazon Web Services needs to build its own CRM tool, and also need to make learning platforms and development tools of AWS more simpler to compete with
• Developing infra to use AI,VR,AR and Machine learning to produce lighter, affordable and unique products and the operational efficiency need to be increased
with automation in necessary areas.

• 2025:
• Primary goal should be to achieve $5Tn market value.
• Focus on International expansions to conquer Europe, and near to large audience in India and China.-
• Acquiring the necessary pharma, insurance, medical wings to strengthen its medical wing and its brain child amazon care to compete with fortune 100

• Amazon should at least launch and operate half of the 3300 satellites of “Project Kuiper” to become leader in satellite Internet network.
• Amazon Prime platform should become the largest subscribed Ott and largest valued entertainment giant.
• Amazon will surpass 15% share in retail market to become largest retailer in US.
• Sustainability should be the most important priority to meet 100% operations from renewable energy and start innovation to become the Net zero carbon entity
by 2040

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